Cell Techniques and Applied Stem Cell Biology

Dr. Matthias Zscharnack

Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Biol. Matthias Zscharnack


Address: Deutscher Platz 5, Room 1.202, 04103 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 97- 31 355
Fax: 0341 97- 31 359
E-Mail: matthias.zscharnack@bbz.uni-leipzig.de


Current activity

Post doc

Member of “Cartilage / Bone Group
Member of Research group Dr. Schulz


Current research projects

Curriculum vitae


since 2010

Scientific employee at the Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine Leipzig


Dissertation at the department for Cell Techniques and Applied Stem Cell Biology, University of Leipzig

since 2004:

Scientific employee at the department for Cell Techniques and Applied Stem Cell Biology, University of Leipzig


Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Genetics: Research Assistant


Degree dissertation, Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Genetics; Thesis: "Identification of the genes which encodes the proteins Gpd and Nde of Pichia jadinii"<


Dresden University of Technology, Diplom (British equivalent: First Degree) in Biology


Freiberg-Colleg, Freiberg (Saxony), Abitur


Civilian Service in a geriatric care centre


Bildungs- und Technologiezentrum Dresden,
Apprenticeship as a toolmaker, skilled worker


1980-1990 Polytechnische Oberschule Dresden, Mittlere Reife (British equivalent: GCSE)



"Spatial organization of mesenchymal stem cells in vitro--results from a new individual cell-based model with podia."
Hoffmann M, Kuska JP, Zscharnack M, Loeffler M, Galle J. . PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e21960.

"Matrix-Associated Implantation of Predifferentiated Mesenchymal Stem Cells Versus Articular Chondrocytes"
Marquass B, Schulz R, Hepp P, Zscharnack M, Aigner T, Schmidt S, Stein F, Richter R, Osterhoff G, Aust G, Josten C,
Bader A. : In Vivo Results of Cartilage Repair After 1 Year. Am J Sports Med. 2011 Jul;39(7):1401-12.

"A novel MSC-seeded triphasic construct for the repair of osteochondral defects".
Marquass B, Somerson JS, Hepp P, Aigner T, Schwan S,
Bader A, Josten C, Zscharnack M, Schulz RM.  J Orthop Res. 2010 Dec;28(12):1586-99

“Repair of chronic osteochondral defects using pre-differentiated mesenchymal stem cells in an ovine model”
Zscharnack M., Hepp P., Richter R., Aigner T., Schulz RM, Somerson J., Josten Ch., Bader A., and Marquass B.
Am J Sports Med. 2010 Sep;38(9):1857-69.

“Low oxygen expansion improves subsequent chondrogenesis of ovine bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells in collagen type I hydrogel”
Zscharnack M
, Poesel C, Galle J, Bader A

Cells Tissues Organs
. 2009;190(2):81-93.

“Impact of oxygen environment on mesenchymal stem cell expansion and chondrogenic differentiation” (p 471-484))
A. Krinner, M. Zscharnack, A. Bader, D. Drasdo, J. Galle
Cell Proliferation, 2009,

 “Low oxygen expansion improves subsequent chondrogenesis of ovine bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells in collagen type I hydrogel”
Zscharnack M, Poesel C, Galle J, Bader A

Cells Tissues Organs, 2008 Nov 25.

"Analysis of Stem Cell Lipids by Offline HPTLC-MALDI-TOF MS"
Fuchs B, Schiller J
, Suess R, Zscharnack, M, Bader A, Schuerenberg M., Becker M, Suckau D, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2008 Aug 5. 

“Cartilage tissue engineering by collagen matrix associated bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells”
Schulz RM, Zscharnack M, Hanisch I, Geiling M, Hepp P, Bader A.
Biomed Mater Eng. 2008;18(1 Suppl):S55-70.

Quantum Dots for Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Labeling. A Size-Dependent Autophagy Activation
Seleverstov O, Zabirnyk O, Zscharnack M, Bulavina L, Nowicki M, Heinrich JM, Yezhelyev M, Emmrich F,
O'Regan R, Bader A
Nanoletters, 2006, 6(12): 2826-32

Analysis of Extracellular Matrix Production in Artificial Cartilage Constructs by Histology, Immunocytochemistry, Mass Spectrometry, and NMR Spectroscopy.
R. Schulz,
S. Höhle, G. Zernia, M. Zscharnack, J. Schiller, A. Bader, D. Huster (2006)  
J. Nanosci. Nanotech.. 2006 Aug; 6(8):2368-81

Chondrogenic differentiation of ovine mesenchymal stem cells in a collagen gel for the regeneration of a focal articular cartilage defect in an ovine model
Zscharnack M, Schulz R, Hepp P, Hanisch I, Bader A.
Cytotherapy 2006, Vol 8, Suppl. 2,  ISSN 1465-3249, 2nd International Conference „Strategies in Tissue Engineering“ May 31-June 2, 2006, Würzburg, Germany

Novel bioreactor for simultaneous stimulation and cultivation of 3-dimensional cell constructs.
R. Schulz, M. Zscharnack, M. Haberhauer, A. Deiwick, A. Bader (2005)
Journal of Artificial Organs. Volume 28, No. 4/2005

From diploma thesis:

“Identification of the genes GPD1 and GPD2 of Pichia jadinii.”
Ostermann, K., Richter, M., Zscharnack, M., Rothe, R., Walther, T. and Rödel, G. (2006)
DNA Seq. 2006 Dec;17(6):452-7.



“Repair of chronic osteochondral defects using predifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells in sheep model“
4th Annual Congress of the German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ), 24.-25.11.2009, Convention Center Hannover

„Chondrogene Differenzierung mesenchymaler Stammzellen (MSC) zur Therapie fokaler Knorpeldefekte“
Center for Biotechnology and Biomedicine (BBZ) Leipzig

“Low oxygen expansion improves subsequent chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells“
26th AGA Congress of German Speaking Association of Arthroscopy, 17.-19.09.2009, Congress Center Leipzig

 „Chondrogene Differenzierung oviner mesenchymaler Stammzellen im Kollagengel zur Regeneration eines fokalen Knorpeldefektes im Großtiermodell“
Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 02.-06.10.2006, ICC Berlin

„Chondrogene Differenzierung mesenchymaler Stammzellen (MSC) zur Therapie fokaler Knorpeldefekte“
09.01.08, BBZ Leipzig



In vitro comparison of collagen based MACTs produced from ovine chondrocytes and bmMSCs. Schulz R, Zscharnack M, Marquass B, Hepp P, Josten C, Bader A. AGA-Kongress 17.09.-19. 09.2009, Leipzig

Regeneration of focal articular cartilage defects using mesenchymal stem cells in sheep model
k M, Marquass B, Schulz R, Hepp P, Richter R, Schmidt S, Stein F, Josten C, Bader A
International Congress on Stem Cells and Tissue Formation, 06.07.-09.07.2008, Dresden

Regeneration of articular cartilage using mesenchymal stem cells to reconstruct irreparable chronic focal cartilage defects in a large animal model
Zscharnack M, Marquass B, Schulz R, Hepp P, Richter R, Schmidt S, Stein F, Poesel C, Josten C, Bader A

Termis EU Meeting, 22.06.-26.06.08, Porto (Portugal)

Low Oxygen During Expansion of MSC Increases the Following Chondrogenic Differentiation in Pellet Culture and Collagen Gel
Zscharnack M, Schnepp C, Marquass B and Bader A
2nd Congress of the German Society for Stem Cell Research October 4 - 6, 2007, Würzburg, Germany 

Increased chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow derived MSCs after expansion in low oxygen tension
Matthias Zscharnack, Claudia Schnepp, Bastian Marquass and Augustinus Bader

3rd World Congress on Regenerative Medicine October 18-20, 2007, Leipzig

“Chondrogenic differentiation of ovine mesenchymal stem cells in a collagen gel for the regeneration of a focal articular cartilage defect in an ovine model”
Zscharnack M, Schulz R, Hepp P, Hanisch I, Bader A
Cytotherapy 2006, Vol 8, Suppl. 2,  ISSN 1465-3249, 2nd International Conference Strategies in Tissue Engineering, May 31-June 2, 2006, Würzburg, Germany

“Effect of initial seeding density of mesenchymal stem cells in collagen gel on contraction, proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation”
Zscharnack M, Schulz R, Hahnisch I, Hepp P, Geiling M, Bader A
5. Biotechnologietag der Universität Leipzig, 18-19th May 2006

“Chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells embedded in collagen gel for generation of matrix associated autologous stem cell grafts for cartilage repair”
Zscharnack M, Schulz R, Hepp P, Hanisch I, Bader A

3rd international meeting on „Medical engineering and therapy“
Nancy, France, 15-16th May 2006

“Chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in three-dimensional collagen gel cultures for the application in tissue engineering.”
M. Zscharnack, R Schulz, I Hanisch, P Hepp, M Geiling, A Bader
4th Leipzig Research Festival for Life Sciences, Leipzig, 16th December 2005 J. Thiery, A. Beck-Sickinger, F. Emmrich (Hrsg.) ISBN 3-9810760-0-1, S. 219

“Bioreactor system for the cultivation of MACT-grafts”
R. Schulz, M. Zscharnack, N. Wüstneck, C. Müller, A. Bader
4th Leipzig Research Festival for Life Sciences, Leipzig, 16th December 2005

”Novel bioreactor for simultaneous stimulation and cultivation of 3-dimensional cell constructs”.
R. Schulz, M. Zscharnack, M. Haberhauer, A. Deiwick, A. Bader
Bioperspectives 2005, Wiesbaden, 10-11th May 2005

“Investigation of the Dynamics of the Macromolecules in Articular and Tissue Engineered Cartilage by NMR Spectroscopy”
G. Zernia, S. Höhle, R. Schulz, M. Zscharnack, A. Bader, J. Schiller, K. Arnold, D. Huster
4th Leipzig Research Festival for Life Sciences, Leipzig, 16th December 2005


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