Featural Affixes:
The Morphology of Phonological Features

A research project funded by the DFG
Department of Linguistics, Leipzig University

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Conference presentations

  • One is ok but two is too much: Avoidance of multiple reduplication (Slides)
    Eva Zimmermann
    invited talk at the workshop `Markedness: Perspectives in Morphology and Phonology', Frankfurt, July 14, 2017.

  • Gradient symbols and gradient markedness: A case study from Mixtec tones (Slides)
    Eva Zimmermann
    mfm 25, Manchester, May 17, 2017.

  • Avoiding an intruder: Tone association in Zacatepec Chatino (Slides)
    Eva Zimmermann
    WSCLA 22, Vancouver, April 22, 2017.

  • Tones in Zacatepec Chatino: The default vs. the underspecified (Poster)
    Eva Zimmermann
    GLOW 40, Leiden, March 16, 2017.

  • The default vs. the underspecified: Floating tones in Zacatepec Chatino (Slides)
    Eva Zimmermann
    OCP 14, Düsseldorf, February 22, 2017.

  • Reduplication as fission: the argument from multiple reduplication (Poster, printer-friendly version with Appendix)
    Eva Zimmermann
    NELS 47, UMass, Amherst, 15th October, 2016.

  • Multiple reduplication as non-segmental affixation: a case study from Lushootseed (Slides, printer-friendly version)
    Eva Zimmermann
    Workshop Replicative processes in language, Leipzig, July 8, 2016.

  • Exceptional and derived environments in Assamese vowel harmony, with Sören Worbs (Slides, printer-friendly version)
    Eva Zimmermann
    mfm 24, Manchester, 28th May 2016.

  • Tone features and underspecification: Morphological H-tones in Macuiltianguis Zapotec (Slides, printer-friendly version)
    Eva Zimmermann
    CLS 52, Chicago, 21th April 2016.

  • H-tone is not always H-tone A register tone account of Macuiltianguis Zapotec (Slides, printer-friendly version)
    Eva Zimmermann
    OCP 13, Budapest, 14th January 2016.

  • Anticyclic Mutation (Poster, printer-friendly version with Appendix)
    Eva Zimmermann and Jochen Trommer
    NELS 46, Concordia University, Montréal, 17th October, 2015.

  • Tonal suppletion as multi-modal featural affiffixation (Poster, printer-friendly version with Appendix)
    Eva Zimmermann
    AMP 2015, Vancouver, 11th October, 2015.

  • Allomorphy between tone and segments: an autosegmental account (Poster, printer-friendly version)
    Eva Zimmermann and Jochen Trommer
    NELS 45, MIT, 1th November 2014.

  • Exocentric mutation as argument for Genealized Nonlinear Affixation (Slides, printer-friendly version)
    Eva Zimmermann and Jochen Trommer
    OCP 12, Barcelona, 28th January 2015.

  • Allomorphy between tone and segments in Yucunany Mixtepec (Slides, printer-friendly version)
    Eva Zimmermann
    10. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, 10th October 2014.

  • Segmental and Subsegmental Allomorphy in the German Noun Plural
    Jochen Trommer
    invited talk, Conference on Allomorphy: its Logic and Limitations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 8th July 2014.

  • The power of a single representation: Morphological tone and allomorphy (Handout)
    Eva Zimmermann
    invited talk, Conference on Allomorphy: its Logic and Limitations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 8th July 2014.

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