
It is a known fact that the Argentinian author Jorge Luis Borges dealt with numerous very diverse philosophical issues, and that his reflections on mathematical, logical and physical questions, such as the theory of relativity, the paradox, the play, as well as the problems of  chance and perception, find expression in many of his works, eg in Discusión, Historia Universal de la Infamia, Historia de la eternidad, Ficciones, El Aleph, Otras inquisiciones, El libro de arena, etc.
The transdisciplinary, international colloquium is intended to discuss the question of how Borges reads philosophical and scientific texts, and how he rewrites them in a literary way. Does Borges try to interpret them, or does he rather adopt the issues they raise in order to find his own answers? Does he practise philosophical and scientific reading as a literary play? Are we dealing with a mimesis of a “scientific imagination”, or does Borges merely “simulate” mimesis?
The historical perspective of the colloquium is directed towards the past, that is, it focuses on Borges´s reception of various philosophers and natural scientists, and of their theorems. Moreover, it investigates the effects Borges´s thought has on philosophy and natural sciences in the 20th century, as well as the relation between these disciplines and the questions raised by Borges.
The collaboration of numerous philosophers and natural scientists dealing with Borges will ensure the objective of the colloquium to examine Jorge Luis Borges within a transdisciplinary context which goes beyond that of literary studies, and to take into consideration the complexity and soundness of his works.

(Alfonso de Toro)
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