@article{mccarthy:1999, author = {John McCarthy}, year = {1999}, title = {Sympathy and Phonological Opacity}, journal = {Phonology}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, pages = {331--399}, } @book{chomsky:1995, author = {Noam Chomsky}, year = {1995}, title = {The Minimalist Program}, address = {Cambridge, Mass.}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, } @incollection{hallemarantz:1993, author = {Morris Halle and Alec Marantz}, title = {{Distributed Morphology} and the Pieces of Inflection}, booktitle = {The View from {Building} 20}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = {1993}, editor = {Kenneth Hale and Samuel J. Keyser}, pages = {111-176}, address = {Cambridge}, } @inproceedings{assmann:2012, author = {Anke Assmann}, year = {2012}, title = {Deriving Parasitic Gaps by Fission and Fusion}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {ConSOLE XIX} (2011 {Groningen})}, editor = {Enrico Boone and Kathrin Linke and Maartje Schulpen}, pages = {49--75}, } @phdthesis{ross:1967, author = {John Robert Ross}, year = {1967}, title = {Constraints on Variables in Syntax}, address = {Cambridge}, school = {MIT}, } @mastersthesis{mustermann:1998, author = {Max Mustermann}, year = {1998}, title = {{Auf der Suche nach der Universalgrammatik}}, address = {Leipzig}, school = {University of Leipzig}, } @techreport{prince-smolensky:1993, author = {Alan Prince and Paul Smolensky}, year = {1993}, title = {{Optimality Theory}: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar}, number = {RuCCS-TR-2}, institution = {Rutgers University Center for Cognitive Science and Computer Science Department, University of Colorado at Boulder}, } @unpublished{mustermann:ta, author = {Max Mustermann}, year = {to appear}, title = {{Heureka: die Entdeckung der Universialgrammatik}}, note = {Ms., University of Leipzig}, } @misc{englisch:2012, author = {Johannes Englisch}, year = {2012}, title = {Syllabification in the Mora Model}, howpublished = {Hausarbeit, Universit\"{a}t Leipzig}, }