Lecture: Intermolecular and Surface Forces

SS 06

Important Info: German and International Lecture will be held in conjunction!

Time: Monday 9.15 h, Room SR 229, Linnestr.


01 --- April 6th 2006 (3.9 MB)

02 --- April 10th 2006 (200 kB)

03 --- April 24th 2006 (2.7 MB kB)

04 --- May 8th 2006 (3.5 MB)

05 --- May 15th 2006 (1.2 MB)

Literature:  Israelachvili: Intermolecular and Surface Forces

                 Jones, Chapman: Micelles, Monolayers and Biomembranes

                 Cantor, Schimmel: Biophysical Chemistry

                 Butt, Graf, Kappl: Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces

                 Russell, Savill, Schowater: Colloidal Dispersions

                 Nelson: Biological Physics