Time difference: Inuvik (MDT) - Germany (CEST) 8 hours (Noon in Inuvik is 8pm (20:00) in Germany); Muskoka (EDT) - Germany 6 hours

Participants Inuvik and Tuk

Excel sheet with time line, participants, etc. (xls)

Phone numbers

* Country codes: +49 = GERMANY, +1 = CANADA and USA
The + symbol stands for "00" in Germany, and for "011" in the US and Canada.

List of Hunter and Trapper Committees

    Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee
    P.O. Box 133
    Aklavik, NT X0E 0A0
    Phone: (867) 978-2723
    Fax: (867) 978-2815
    Email: ahtc (at) airware.ca

    Inuvik Hunters and Trappers Committee
    P.O. Box 1720
    Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
    Phone: (867) 777-3671
    Fax: (867) 777-2478
    Email: inuvikhtc (at) hotmail.com

    Olokhaktomiut Hunters and Trappers Committee
    P.O. Box 161
    Ulukhaktok, NT X0E 0S0
    Phone: (867) 396-4808
    Fax: (867) 396-3025
    Email: ohtc2010 (at) hotmail.com

    Paulatuk Hunters and Trappers Committee
    P.O. Box 39
    Paulatuk, NT
    X0E 1N0
    Phone: (867) 580-3004
    Fax: (867) 580-3404
    Email: phtc (at) live.ca

    Sachs Harbour Hunters and Trappers Committee
    P.O. Box 79
    Sachs Harbour, NT X0E 0Z0
    Phone: (867) 690-3028
    Fax: (867) 690-3616
    Email: sachshunters (at) yahoo.ca

    Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee
    P.O. Box 286
    Tuktoyaktuk, NT X0E 1C0
    Phone: (867) 977-2457
    Fax: (867) 977-2433
    Email: tuk.htc (at) gmail.com