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On 26 June 2019, the European Commission announced the first 17 alliances of the European Universities Initiative funded by the Erasmus+ programme. One of them was the Arqus European University Alliance, in which our university is a member together with the universities of Granada, Bergen, Graz, Lyon, Padua and Vilnius.

The European Commission proposed this initiative in 2017, calling for the emergence of at least 20 European universities by 2024 as part of the push towards establishing a European Education Area by 2025.

It is foreseen that there will be a further 24 alliances joining the 17 from the first call, which will make 41 pilot alliances in place. These networks of different European universities will work on enhancing the quality and attractiveness of European higher education and boosting cooperation between institutions, their students and staff.

We are very pleased to be part of this initiative and will continue working on testing different models to implement the new concept of European Universities and its potential to boost higher education.
