Jan Beuerbach

Jan Beuerbach


Institut für Kulturwissenschaften
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig


Jan Beuerbach studied philosophy, sociology, German philology and biochemistry at Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. He had a scholarship by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. From 2008-2012 he worked as student assistent and tutor at the Institute of Philosophy in Frankfurt. In 2014 he received his Magister Artium in philosophy with a thesis on Hegel's philosophy of language. Since fall 2015 he is PhD student and research assistant in the research area Philosophy of Culture (Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg) at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig.

My research topics touch on questions of social philosophy and philosophy of rights, philosophy of language and technology, ethics of science, theory of literature, aesthetics, political theory as well as digital culture and internet policy.

  • Beuerbach, J.
    Pygmalion und die Musik entäußerter Gehirne
    Positionen. Texte zur aktuellen Musik. 2020. pp. 46–55.
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  • Beuerbach, J.
    »Die [Programmierbarkeit] der Welt«. DNA als Notizbuch, molekularer Datenträger und Werkzeug
    In: Schaffers, U.; Ruf, O. (Eds.)
    Kleine Medien. Kulturtheoretische Lektüren. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2019. pp. 233–250.
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  • Beuerbach, J.
    Öffentlichkeit trotz alledem. Polemisches Erscheinen und Archivarbeit postdigitaler Proteste
    In: Mühlhoff, R.; Breljak, A.; Slaby, J. (Eds.)
    Affekt Macht Netz. Auf dem Weg zu einer Sozialtheorie der Digitalen Gesellschaft. Bielefeld: Transcript. 2019. pp. 291–314.
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  • Beuerbach, J.; Gülker, S.; Karstein, U.; Rösener, R. (Eds.)
    Covid-19: Sinn in der Krise. Kulturwissenschaftliche Analysen der Corona-Pandemie
    Berlin: De Gruyter. 2021.
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  • Beuerbach, J.; Sonntag, K.; Stuart, A. (Eds.)
    Der Stand der Dinge: Theorien der Aneignung und des Gebrauchs
    Basel: Schwabe Verlag. 2022.
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more publications

  • Tagung
    Der Stand der Dinge. Theorien der Aneignung und des Gebrauchs
    Event Organiser: Beuerbach, Jan; Sonntag, Kathrin; Stuart, Amelie; Quadflieg, Dirk
    30/09/2020 – 02/10/2020
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more events

  • SoSe 2021: Remembering/Forgetting - Theories of Cultural Memory

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA

  • SoSe 2021: Agamben: The Use of Bodies

    University of Leipzig, Seminar MA

  • WiSe 2020/21: Introduction to Cultural Philosophy (Seminar)

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA

  • WiSe 2019/20: Introduction to Cultural Philosophy (Lecture)

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA

  • WiSe 2019/20: Introduction to Cultural Philosophy (Seminar)

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA

  • WiSe 2019/20: Colloquium for Cultural and Social Philosophy

    Universität of Leipzig, Colloquium MA

  • SoSe 2019: Hannah Arendt – The Human Condition

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA

  • WiSe 2018/19: Introduction to Cultural Philosophy

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA

  • SoSe 2018: The Metaphor. Towards a Theory of Non-Conceptuality

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA

  • WiSe 2017/18: Contemporary Theories of Community

    University of Leipzig, Seminar MA, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg.

    Resulting in a collaborative workshop with Prof. Dr- Stephan Moebius (University of Graz)

  • SoSe 2017: Performance and Performativity

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA

  • WiSe 2016/17: Theories of the Public Sphere

    University of Leipzig, Seminar MA, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg.

    Resulting in a collaborative workshop with Prof. Dr- Stephan Moebius (University of Graz)

  • SoSe 2016: Theories of Property

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA

  • WiSe 2015/16: The linguistic turn. Philosophy of Language as foundation of cultural theory

    University of Leipzig, Seminar BA, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg