

Our university would like to help prospective and current students affected by the war in Ukraine to start or continue their studies. There is a lot of interest. Of those who have fled Ukraine, so far...

Zu sehen ist die Flagge der Ukraine


… would like to start studying at Leipzig University.

Zu sehen ist die Flagge der Ukraine


… would like to continue their studies at Leipzig University.

Zu sehen ist die Flagge der Ukraine


… would like to take a German language course.


In ukrainischer Sprache Hinweis auf die Seite zum Studium für aus der Ukraine geflüchtete. Diese Seite existiert in deutscher und englischer Sprache.

FAQs about studying

The International Centre has compiled key information for prospective and current students and doctoral researchers at our university. Find out about studying, finding your feet in Leipzig and special support services.

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Gebäudeansicht des Campus Augustusplatz mit Blick auf das Neue Augusteum und Paulinum der Universität Leipzig

Research Funding

We present funding opportunities for Ukrainian researchers and list the requirements of various funding bodies related to existing and future partnerships with Russia and Belarus.

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Eine Frau steht im Labor und kontrolliert mit einem Messgerät biometrische Daten von Pflanzen.

FAQs for academics

The International Centre has compiled information for academics affected by the war in Ukraine and its repercussions. This information is intended to provide an initial impression of Leipzig as a centre of science.

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Help and Resources

Many members of the University community and civil society are helping Ukrainians in all sorts of ways. The German version of this page contains more information, including details of a fundraising campaign and various events.


International Centre

Goethestraße 3-5
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-32020
Fax: +49 341 97 311 32020

Stabsstelle Universitätskommunikation

Goethestraße 6
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-35025
Fax: +49 341 97-35039