Nachricht vom

Im Anschluss an überaus inspirierende Summerschools vergangener Jahre, in denen Jüdinnen und Juden von der Bar Ilan-Universität (Israel) und christliche Theologiestudierende aus Leipzig und Neuendettelsau gemeinsam biblische Texte lesen und diskutieren konnten, laden wir auch dieses Jahr wieder zu einem einwöchigen "Dialogical Bible Reading" in Israel ein. Es soll eine Bibellektüre praktiziert werden, die davon ausgeht, dass biblische Texte reicher werden, je mehr unterschiedliche Perspektiven und Auslegungen sich mit ihnen verbinden. Jede Stimme zählt! Dieses Jahr werden die Erzählungen um Elisa im Fokus stehen.

People of faith who hold the scriptures dear and relevant to their lives are invited to join a unique joint reading experience. Jewish participants from Bar Ilan-University (Israel) and Christian students of theology from Leipzig and Neuendettelsau (Germany) conduct an annual summer workshop in dialogical Bible-reading.

Rather than engaging in an abstract interreligious dialogue, we want to take time together to 'just read'. In our shared readings we encounter a direct understanding of the biblical text and how it deepens through our differing perspectives.

This year, we plan to dive into Elisha’s story. Our reading will be enriched by several lectures that shed light on how the story is reflected in arts and music and which psychological insights into the characters might help us to dig deeper into the narrative. It will also be our starting point for considering further topics for development and study in the future.

Furthermore, we will be able to enjoy several excursions in the Holy Land using Beit Ben-Yehuda as a starting point. This beautiful guesthouse in Jerusalem is also where our summerschool activities will take place.

If you are interested in joining the summerschool, please send a half-page letter of motivation until May 31st to alexander.deeg(at)