Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Fuchs

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Fuchs

Junior Professor

Germanistische Linguistik - Pragmatik (JP)
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room 1404
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37362

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Fuchs

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Fuchs

Dean of Studies

Faculty of Philology
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room 1404
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37362



Professional career

  • since 06/2022
    Assistant professor for German linguistics - pragmatics at Leipzig University
  • since 10/2021
    Associated member of the laboratory "Savoirs, Textes, Langages" (STL) of the University of Lille (France) (CNRS - UMR 8163)
  • 08/2021 - 06/2022
    Advisor at Technical University of Darmstadt
  • 09/2018 - 07/2021
    Postdoc scholarship in the research training group "Simply complex!" dealing with the empirical investigation of Easy Language, University of Mainz
  • 04/2016 - 08/2017
    PhD scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
  • 10/2014 - 11/2014
    Erasmus visiting lecturer at the University of St Andrews (Scotland)
  • 09/2013 - 09/2018
    Member of the academic staff at the Institute of German Philology, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Department of German lingusitics) at the University of Bonn
  • 10/2012 - 08/2013
    Lecturer at the Institute of German Philology, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Department of German lingusitics) at the University of Bonn
  • since 08/2022
    Member of the Leipzig Research Center for Early Child Development and foundation of the Resarch Group Acquisition of Pragmatics


  • 08/2018
    PhD (Dr. phil.) at the University of Marburg in linguistics on the "Acquisition of information structural competencies. Production and comprehension of (in)definite articles by German-speaking children" (supervisors: Prof. Dr. Christina Kauschke; Prof. Dr. Ulrike Domahs)
  • 10/2010 - 09/2012
    German-French studies (Master of Arts); University of Bonn and University Paris-Sorbonne (scholarship from the "Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds")
  • 02/2008 - 04/2008
    Research internship at the Laboratory "ATILF" (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française) in Nancy (CNRS) (scholarship from the German-French Youth Foundation)
  • 02/2007 - 09/2010
    German-French studies (Bachelor of Arts); University of Bonn and University Paris-Sorbonne (scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service)


In her teaching, Julia Fuchs covers pragmatics in its entire breadth, integrating aspects of her own research into her teaching. In her courses, she connects pragmatic theory, (experimental) methodology and aspects of language acquisition and processing. She holds the NRW certificate "Professional Teaching Competence for Higher Education" and continues her training in higher education didactics.

  • Seminar „Aquisition of Pragmatics” (Summer Term 2022)

    Have you ever thought about when and how children acquire pragmatic skills? How does the acquisition of the ability to produce different speech acts or to understand ironic utterances develop? As part of this seminar, we deal with the acquisition of central pragmatic skills in childhood and adolescence, the respective cognitive and linguistic requirements as well as with relevant experimental methods that are used to investigate the acquisition of pragmatics.

  • Practical Course „Easy Language” (Summer Term 2022)

    Reading and understanding standard language texts plays an important role in our everyday lives. However, not all people are able to do this. Easy Language was developed for people with such special communicative needs. As part of the seminar, we deal with Easy Language from a linguistic perspective, get to know several simplification strategies and critically reflect their scientific foundation and functionality; we also look at Easy Language in pedagogical contexts.


Spracherwerb (besonders Ironie) Leichte Sprache

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97-37362