With its Leipzig Researcher Development Programme (LRDP), Leipzig University offers tailored support for postdoctoral researchers. The programme is aimed at postdocs directly after completing their doctorate (up to about three years; known as Recognised Researchers or R2) as well as at researchers with extensive experience and a high degree of independence (four to eight years after completing their doctorate; known as Established Researchers or R3).

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Diagram: Academic careers at Leipzig University

The Leipzig Researcher Development Programme:
Promoting Academic Qualification

The LRDP comprises a series of measures to integrate, develop and support postdoctoral researchers, taking into account the special requirements of the two qualification phases R2 and R3 (descriped in the European Framework for Research Careers). The programme also offers services to prepare postdocs for career paths outside of academia – such as self-employment and managerial roles in business, culture and society.

The LRDP combines measures aimed at:

  • developing specialist skills at faculties, in research networks and at institutions
  • interdisciplinary skills development and guidance
  • career guidance
  • internationalisation, networking, interdisciplinarity and equality.

Promoting Interdisciplinary Skills

  • Annual Postdoctoral Competency Days on topics related to the preparation for both academic and non-academic career paths, introduction to new professional fields (e.g., science management), as well as workshops on leadership in science.
  • Workshops on transferable skills at the Graduate Academy Leipzig: leadership, management and much more (for postdocs who are registered as members of the Gradudate Academy Leipzig, for information on how to become a member see the website of the Graduate Academy Leipzig)
  • Monthly lunch lectures featuring short career development insights.
  • Individual support for aspiring entrepreneurs through the SMILE start-up initiative
  • Internal staff development courses at Leipzig University
  • Workshops and other events in the iDiv Postdoc Carrer Support programme, e.g. for communication, carrer development, leading teams (only for Postdocs who a affiliated to the iDiv-consortium of the University Leipzig, for more details about the eligibility requirements see the iDiv-programm website)

Career Guidance

  • Possibility of personal career talks with the Academic Staff Development (individual appointment upon demand)
  • Mentoring
  • Career advice
  • Individual career coaching in the iDiv Postdoc Carrer Support programme (only for Postdocs who a affiliated to the iDiv-consortium of the University Leipzig, for more details about the eligibility requirements see the iDiv-programm website)

Network Building and Partnerships



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