Cognitive Functioning of Meningeoma Patients prior to and following Neurosurgery

M. Preier, O. Tucha, C. Smely & K.W. Lange

Institute of Psychology, University of Regensburg and Department of Neurosurgery, Mannheim General Hospital, University of Heidelberg
Universitätsstraße 31, 93040 Regensburg

No specific information is yet available concerning the nature and course of cognitive deficits caused by intracranial meningeomas. In a prospective study we examined the cognitive functioning of patients with meningeomas of the frontal lobes.
Fifty-four patients with frontal lobe meningeomas were examined neuropsychologically prior to and following neurosurgery. The test battery consisted of standardised tests including the assessment of memory, attention, visuoconstructive abilities and executive functions. According to the side of the lesion, the sample was subdivided into a left frontal, right frontal and bifrontal group. The time-period between pre- and postoperative assessment was between three and ten months.
Comparisons of pre- and postoperative assesssment of cognition revealed no differences regarding memory, visuoconstructive abilities and executive functions. A postoperative improvement of attentional functions was observed.
The results of the present study suggest that surgical removal of frontal lobe meningeomas does not impair cognitive functioning. Improvements of attentional functions may occur in these patients.

Poster in der Gruppe Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit I, Montag, 29. März 1999, 17:00-19:00, Foyer 2. Stock

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