The Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs is committed to promoting equal opportunities, diversity and family-friendliness at our university by means of support programmes, international conferences, special event weeks, film series and other activities. Learn more about our services, the background to our work, committees, certificates and network.

Our mission - equal opportunities, diversity and family

Excellence in teaching and research requires that everyone is able to develop their potential without limitations. The more social diversity there is, the more creative and diverse the solutions will be. Our services, events and support programmes aim to ensure equal opportunities for women and men, compatibility with family life, social diversity free from discrimination, and accessible working and studying conditions at our university.
Our services, events and support programmes focus on four main topic areas:

Our support programmes, events and activities promote gender equality at our university.  Our t.e.a.m. support programme aids young female researchers at every stage of their career. It provides female students, doctoral candidates, postdocs, postdoctoral researchers and junior professors with coordinated workshops, mentoring and networking opportunities. Participants acquire the professional skills and knowledge they need to meet the challenges at every stage of an academic career – from work placements and internships to leadership skills and publication strategies. Our activities are based on the Integrated Equality Concept 2025, which firmly establishes gender equality as an interdisciplinary topic across all levels of the academic community. In parallel, we support the implementation of Leipzig University’s Plan for the Advancement of Women 2021-2024.

t.e.a.m.-Programmlinien im Überblick

  • Science in the city
    The offices and departments of the Administration of the City of Leipzig can offer a wide range of career prospects and opportunities. Female students from all academic backgrounds can become acquainted with Leipzig’s city administration as a potential employer.

  • t.e.a.m. ability
    Female students with disabilities are provided with expertise in a safe space to help them complete their studies successfully and transition to professional life.

  • t.e.a.m. for female doctoral candidates
    Young female researchers studying for a doctorate are invited to participate in mentoring, further training and a dialogue with experts and experienced female researchers.

  • t.e.a.m. for female postdocs
    Female postdocs, assistant and junior professors are assigned a professor from Halle-Wittenberg or Jena as a mentor. Among other things, workshops are offered in the fields of science, leadership and personal skills

    t.e.a.m. basecamp supports female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers working in coordinated DFG-funded joint projects by providing them with personal and professional motivation and empowerment. The participants benefit from the training, expertise, alliances, and mentoring t.e.a.m. modules as well as from networking across various associations.

  • t.e.a.m. expats
    The t.e.a.m. expats programme track provides female postdoctoral researchers from non-university research institutions with an insight into life at Leipzig University as well as support in achieving their career goals.

We promote social diversity at our university with the aim of further improving equal opportunities for all members of the university community. Our events and services are designed to empower, thereby eradicating discrimination based on racial attributions, ethnic origin, gender, sexual identity, age, disability or chronic illness, religion or belief, or family or university status. Our response is based on the comprehensive discrimination survey, which investigated the experiences of our students and employees. The survey was carried out as part of the diversity audit performed by Stifterverband. Our university successfully completed the diversity audit in 2017 and was awarded the “Vielfalt Gestalten!” (shaping diversity) certificate. To underline its efforts, our university has signed the Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter).

To ensure inclusive accessibility for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses to all the services offered by our university, we implement measures in accordance with Leipzig University's Inclusion Action Plan. To this end, we offer university members and staff a wheelchair-accessible vehicle and accessible technology and provide information on compensation for disadvantages or applying for a disabled person’s identity card. 

We have set up services and events to make it easier to combine family responsibilities with the challenges of university life. These range from family breakfasts for students with children, childcare during the holidays, information on breastfeeding and nappy-changing facilities to the free advisory service “Eldercare - Vereinbarkeit von Pflege und Beruf” (combining nursing care with work). The ongoing development of the services is based on our university’s compatibility concept. Leipzig University signed the Charta Familie in der Hochschule (Family in Higher Education Charter) in 2014 and is a member of the network of the same name.


Team of the Office for Equality, Diversity and Family

Michael Ecker

Research Assistant

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs
Nikolaistraße 10
04109 Leipzig

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Nancy Nilgen

Project coordinator

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs
Nikolaistraße 10
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30098

 Philipp Klemm

Philipp Klemm

Project Consultant

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 3.43
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30097
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31130090

 Johanna Ludwig

Johanna Ludwig

Project Team Member

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 3.38
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30094
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31130090

 Marvin Loye

Marvin Loye

Research Assistant

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 3.38
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30094

 Christine Mokros

Christine Mokros


Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 3.53
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30125
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31130090

 Manuela Neue

Manuela Neue

Project Team Member

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 3.51
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30093
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31130090

 Lisa Roland

Lisa Roland

Project Consultant

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 3.51
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30137

 Jan Tschatschula

Jan Tschatschula

Project Team Member

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 3.38
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30095
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31130090

Equality commissioners and committees

Equality is a task shared by all departments at our university. No disadvantages should be experienced by students and members of our university. Addressing and resolving issues is the responsibility of the elected commissioners for equal opportunities. The equal opportunities commissioners sit on numerous committees to share ideas and assert the rights of disadvantaged persons.

The Central Commissioner for Equal Opportunities works towards achieving equal opportunities for women and men across the entire university. She/he can speak out on all equality issues, especially with regard to appointments and the hiring of academic and artistic staff. For this purpose, she/he can inspect job applications. In addition, she/he advises members of the university on equality-related issues.

The Central Commissioner for Equal Opportunities is elected by the members of the Equal Opportunities Council. Her/his legal mandate is laid down in Section 55 of Saxon Freedom of Higher Education Act (SächsHSFG). In addition, the Central Commissioner for Equal Opportunities and her/his deputy shall assume the role of the Women’s Commissioner and her/his deputy in accordance with Section 18 of the Saxon Advancement of Women Act (SächsFFG).

The office of the Central Commissioner for Equal Opportunities has been held by Georg Teichert since 2010. A summary of the developments and activities undertaken by the Central Commissioner for Equal Opportunities towards greater equal opportunities at our university from 2010 to 2020, and an outlook on the challenges that lie ahead, is provided in the progress report.


Advisory topics

The Central Commissioner for Equal Opportunities provides information, advice and support on the following topics:

  • Enforcing real equality between men and women,
  • Opportunities and programmes for funding specifically for women at federal, state and university level,
  • Expert initiatives and projects on equality, diversity and inclusion,
  • Combining family responsibilities with studying and professional life, e.g. childcare or caring for relatives,
  • Discrimination and sexualised violence.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions concerning any of our topics.


The Central Commissioner for Equal Opportunities is a member of the Senate of our university in an advisory capacity. He submits his own proposals and those of the Equal Opportunities Committee. The proposals contain specific suggestions on how current gender equality issues can be taken into account in matters concerning the basic running of teaching and studies.

Equal Opportunities Board

The Equal Opportunities Board is where the Commissioners for Equal Opportunities of the 14 faculties and central institutions meet to discuss current issues of relevance to equal opportunities. It is chaired by the Commissioner for Equal Opportunities.

The Commissioners for Equal Opportunities in the Faculties and Central Institutions work towards achieving equal opportunities for women and men. They can speak out on all equality issues, especially with regard to appointments and the hiring of academic and artistic staff. They can inspect application documents and attend meetings of the appointment committees with the right to speak and propose motions. In addition, they advise members of the university on equality-related issues.

The non-central Commissioners for Equal Opportunities are elected by the members and associates of the respective faculties. They legal mandate is laid down in Section 55 of Saxon Freedom of Higher Education Act (SächsHSFG).


The representative of people with disabilities promotes the actual integration of employees with (severe) disabilities in the workplace. Their counselling services and responsibilities include:

  • supporting people with (severe) disabilities, in particular also with regard to preventive measures and applying for them from the relevant bodies, for example the employer, the Integration Office or Job Centre (Arbeitsamt),
  • taking receipt of suggestions and complaints from people with (severe) disabilities. The representative for people with disabilities then negotiates with the employer on measures to be implemented and informs those affected about the status and outcome of the negotiations,
  • monitoring compliance with applicable laws for people with (severe) disabilities. Therefore, all laws, ordinances, collective agreements, works or service agreements and administrative orders, in particular also the employer’s obligations under Sections 154, 155 and 164 to 167 of the Ninth Book of the Social Code (SGB IX).

Representative of people with disabilities in higher education

The representative of people with disabilities in higher education offers a counselling service. You will find the most recent information under Commissioners and Representatives.

Representative of people with disabilities in the Medizinische Fakultät (Faculty of Medicine)

You will find the most recent information on the representative of people with disabilities in the Medizinische Fakultät (Faculty of Medicine) under Commissioners and Representatives.

The Senate representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses promotes equal opportunities of students when studying and taking examinations. To this end, he/she supports the implementation of Leipzig University’s Inclusion Action Plan, the establishment of accessible study programmes, the provision of further training and opportunities for networking among stakeholders. When it comes to granting compensation for disadvantages, he/she supports students involved in conflict cases and advises the relevant institutions. Advice and support in applying for compensation for disadvantages is provided by the respective Studienbüro (study office).

­­Antiracism Unit

The Antiracism Unit works to confront racist, antisemitic, right-wing extremist and nationalist movements and actions on campus, especially against the backdrop of general political and social trends. Besides this, our main focus is on the empowerment, support and the organisation of solidarity for the groups concerned.

Foreign Students Unit

The Foreign Students Unit offers free advice for all students already or planning to study at Leipzig University. The Unit’s work aims primarily to promote tolerance and intercultural exchange.

Equality and Lifestyle Policy Unit

The Equality and Lifestyle Policy Unit (RGL) actively promotes equal rights for all genders and diverse lifestyles at the university and in Leipzig. Equality stands for equal opportunities, equal rights and equal participation of all in life (at the university), irrespective of gender and sexual identity. Lifestyle policy means engaging with awareness that concepts such as identity, sexuality, origin, relationships and body shape us and exert an influence on social roles that can have a restrictive effect and are frequently the source of (structural and individual) discrimination.

Inclusion Unit

The Inclusion Unit is responsible not only for raising awareness of people with disabilities at the university, but also for supporting and advocating for the interests of students with disabilities and for networking and exchanging information with initiatives and organisations with similar goals.

Social Affairs Unit

The Social Affairs Unit is responsible for issues relating to social policy in higher education, such as funding for students (especially BAföG), labour law (academic assistants, working students), studying with children, studying with mental health problems or chronic illnesses.

Certificates, funding programmes, and audits

Our university has signed several charters committing itself to certain standards in terms of equal opportunities, diversity, and family friendliness.

Through the Inclusion Action Plan, our university implements the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). The action plan contains seven fields of action to improve the universities’ accessibility of work and study. Every field of action contains specific objects and measures that are realized by different actors in our university. The execution is coordinated by the inclusion consultants of the Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs who are happy to answer questions with special expertise.

IInclusion Actionplan
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Our university signed the Charter for “Family in Higher Education” in 2014. Within the German-speaking higher education area, the charter aims to anchor the compatibility of studies, career, and science with family responsibilities and to further develop it in the extended network of higher education institutions.

Statement of Leipzig University

The improvement of the compatibility of family and work is an essential part of Leipzig University’s strategic university planning. Together with regional partners, the university will expand existing services and, in addition to childcare, will especially focus on the needs of employees and students with care responsibilities. According to the Charter “Family in Higher Education,” Leipzig University pursues the following objectives:

  • Expansion of children facilities as well as the establishment of a research nursery
  • Sensibilization of executives to the needs of employees with family responsibilities
  • Improvement of family-friendly infrastructure
  • Participation in the Dual Career Network Germany

Charta Familie in der Hochschule

Unsere Universität hat 2016 die „Charta der Vielfalt“ unterzeichnet. Die Charta der Vielfalt ist eine Arbeitgeberinitiative, die Vielfalt in Unternehmen und Institutionen fördert. Sie wurde Unternehmen ins Leben gerufen und wird von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration, Staatsministerin Annette Widmann-Mauz, unterstützt.

Charta für Vielfalt in der Arbeitswelt

Ziel der Initiative ist es, die Anerkennung, Wertschätzung und Einbeziehung von Vielfalt in der Arbeitswelt in Deutschland voranzubringen. Organisationen sollen ein Arbeitsumfeld schaffen, das frei von Vorurteilen ist. Alle Mitarbeiter:innen sollen Wertschätzung erfahren – unabhängig von Geschlecht und geschlechtlicher Identität, Nationalität, ethnischer Herkunft, Religion oder Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter, sexueller Orientierung und Identität. Die Charta der Vielfalt im wörtlichen Sinn und eine Selbstverpflichtung der Unterzeichnenden, Vielfalt und Wertschätzung in der Arbeitswelt zu fördern. Über 3.400 Unternehmen und Institutionen mit insgesamt 13,3 Millionen Beschäftigten haben die Charta der Vielfalt bereits unterzeichnet und kontinuierlich kommen neue Unterzeichner:innen hinzu.

Charta der Vielfalt

Diversity Audit

The heterogeneity of students is steadily growing. Thus, the universities’ challenges are increasing. Our university therefore participated in the Diversity Audit of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft from 2015 to 2017.

Experts have accompanied the university administration and staff in order to jointly develop a diversity strategy aimed at improving equal opportunities in working and studying conditions for all members of our university. Dr. Daniela De Ridder, MdB of our university, assisted as auditor. The University was successfully re-audited in 2022.

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Im Rahmen des Diversity Audits wurden in einer umfassenden Diskriminierungsstudie die Erfahrungen der Studierenden und Beschäftigten unserer Universität untersucht. Kann es Diskriminierung an einer weltoffenen und vielfältigen Universität überhaupt geben? Und wenn ja: wer wird diskriminiert, durch wen und weswegen? Die aus nahezu 1.000 Fallschilderungen generierten Erkenntnisse prägen die universitäre Gleichstellungspolitik in den kommenden Jahren maßgeblich. Die Ergebnisse wurden als Auftakt der Reihe „IMPULSE. Leipziger Hochschulbeiträge zu Diversität und Chancengleichheit“ im Leipziger Universitätsverlag veröffentlicht.

Zertifikat „Vielfalt Gestalten!“

Unsere Universität erhielt 2017 das Zertifikat „Vielfalt Gestalten!“ vom Stifterverbandes für die Deutsche Wissenschaft für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Diversity Audit. Es stellt die Basis zur Weiterentwicklung einer Gesamtstrategie im Bereich Diversität, mit dem Ziel, die Chancengerechtigkeit der Arbeits- und Studienbedingungen für alle Angehörigen unserer Hochschule zu verbessern.

Das Professorinnenprogramm des Bundes und der Länder soll die Gleichstellung von Männern und Frauen im Wissenschaftssystem voranbringen und zu mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit beitragen. Hochschulen, die eine Wissenschaftlerin erstmalig in ihrer Karriere unbefristet auf eine W2- oder W3-Professur berufen, erhalten eine Anschubfinanzierung bis zu 150.000 Euro jährlich über fünf Jahre. An einer Hochschule werden zeitgleich bis zu drei Stellen gefördert. Voraussetzung ist ein Gleichstellungskonzepts, das durch ein externes Gremium positiv beurteilt werden muss. Die Mittel, die die Hochschule sonst für die Finanzierung der Stellen ausgegeben hätte, müssen in Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen fließen. Die Finanzierung erfolgt je zur Hälfte durch den Bund sowie das Land. Initiator und Projektleiter an unserer Universität ist der Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Georg Teichert.

Professorinnen-Programm III

Bereits beim Professorinnen-Programm II wurde das Gleichstellungskonzept der Universität positiv begutachtet. Damit erhielt die Universität im Zeitraum von 2015–2019 bereits Mittel für zwei Regelprofessuren. Das weiterentwickelte integrierte Gleichstellungskonzept 2025 unserer Universität konnte auch in der dritten Phase des Professorinnen-Programms überzeugen. Im Zeitraum von 2020 bis 2024 erhält die Universität Mittel für zwei Regelprofessuren in den Fächern Politische Bildung und Organische Chemie. Die damit im Haushalt frei werdenden Mittel ermöglichen zusätzliche gleichstellungsfördernde Maßnahmen. So wird der Frauenanteil unter den Professor:innen gezielt erhöht und gleichzeitig die Gleichstellungsarbeit nachhaltig unterstützt. Das aktuelle Gleichstellungskonzept umfasst die Themen Struktur, strategisches Personalmanagement und Kultur. Bisherige Einzelmaßnahmen und strukturelle Veränderungsprozesse werden erstmalig in die Hochschulstrategie eingebunden und verschränkt.

Gleichstellungskonzept 2025

Networks & Cooperations

Kollegialer Austausch zu Ideen und Best-Practices ist in der Gleichstellungsarbeit von entscheidender Bedeutung für den Erfolg. Darum ist unsere Universität über die Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit, Diversität und Familie breit vernetzt.

Studentenwerk Leipzig is a service provider with a social mission. Its advisory and support services help to ensure your studies are a success. Its services range from dining halls and cafeterias to student halls of residence, advice at the Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (office for financial study assistance), mobility and student life.

Studentenwerk supports students with children, international students and students with disabilities. One joint initiative consists of the family breakfast for students with children.

Department for Gender Equality

The Department for Gender Equality of the City of Leipzig organises programmes and projects to achieve gender equality in Leipzig. It advises and supports associations, initiatives and projects advocating equal opportunities. LGBTIQ people may contact the department directly for advice and support in the event of discrimination. In addition, the department supports initiatives and projects advocating for the equal treatment of LGBTIQ* people. A joint initiative is WISSENSCHAFT findet STADT (Science in the City).

Children and Family Advisory Board

The Children's and Family Advisory Board represents the interests of a child- and family-friendly City of Leipzig. It advises the city council and the city administration on how to improve the situation of families and their children. Leipzig University delegates a representative to the Advisory Board.

One joint project, for example, involved the postcard and poster series "Leipziger Familienbilder" (Leipzig Family Portraits).


The Coordination Unit for Equal Opportunities in Saxony defines itself as a state-wide institution that actively supports stakeholders in higher education who advocate for gender equality and the inclusion of people with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Joint projects include, most notably, the exhibitions "Depromotionen – Hier sollte Ihr Titel stehen!” (Withdrawal of doctorate – this is where your title should be) and "L(i)eben im Verborgenen – Zwischen Stonewall und der Ehe für Alle” (Living and loving in the shadows – between Stonewall and marriage equality).

The Netzwerk Diversity an Hochschulen (Diversity at University network) is a nationwide, peer-based network of staff members responsible for implementing diversity and anti-discrimination measures at German universities at both operational and strategic level. The members of the network strive to promote cultural change at universities. To this end, they identify the challenges of a diversity-friendly higher education environment and work together to strengthen diversity and anti-discrimination activities at institutions of higher education, as well as to institutionalise diversity strategies and structures at institutions of higher education. The network usually meets twice a year. The location of the network meetings rotates between the participating universities.

The members of the Familie in der Hochschule e.V. define themselves as social development pioneers striving to achieve a more family-friendly approach and appreciation of diversity. Compatibility is integrated with the ongoing development of  university profiles and other members and is regarded as a management and cross-sectional task that needs to meet high standards. All members have signed the Charta Familie in der Hochschule (Family Life and Academia Charter). Close collaboration and a dialogue on an equal footing are established through various forms of cooperation.



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