
New method developed to isolate HIV particles

Researchers at Leipzig University and Ulm University have developed a new method to isolate HIV from samples more easily, potentially making it easier to detect infection with the virus. They focus on peptide nanofibrils (PNFs) on magnetic microparticles, a promising tool and hybrid material for…


Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize goes to Leipzig climate researcher Sebastian Sippel

This year, four female and six male scientists will receive the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize, Germany’s most important award for researchers in the early stages of their careers. One of them is Sebastian Sippel, Junior Professor for Climate Attribution at the Institute for Meteorology at Leipzig…


New Leibniz ScienceCampus researches wildfires and climate

Over the next four years, a new joint project will investigate the links between wildfires and climate change. The Leibniz ScienceCampus “Smoke and Bioaerosols in Climate Change” brings together expertise on atmospheric and biodiversity research from Leipzig University; on aerosols, clouds and…


Call for Nominations: Arqus Teaching Excellence Award 2022/23

For the third year running, educators from all disciplines can be nominated for the Arqus Teaching Excellence Award for excellent and innovative teaching formats in the 2022/23 academic year. The deadline for submissions is 1 April.


The Arqus Café starts again – register now!

Students and staff from the Arqus universities can now register for the eigth edition of the Arqus Café, which runs from 11th March to 21st June 2024.


Newly discovered receptor influences gut development in fruit flies

Adhesion GPCRs are a group of G protein-coupled receptors associated with many bodily functions and diseases in humans. Scientists at Leipzig University have discovered a new receptor – which they have named “mayo” – and found that it influences the development of the small intestine and heart…