Welcome to our university! This page lists the most important information to help you stay organised throughout your time at Leipzig – from starting your programme to exmatriculation. We also provide valuable tips to help make your studies a success!

Scholarships for international students: Apply by 13 September 2024!

In cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service we are currently offering scholarships for international students (deadlines extended):

enlarge the image: Students in front of the university library. Their outlines are blurred because they are in motion
Life on campus in Beethovenstraße with the Bibliotheca Albertina and the Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum. Photo: Christian Hüller

Organisation Is Key

Are you about to start studying at our university and wondering what you need to be aware of? The Getting Started page has all the essential information.

There are lots of ways to improve your German language skills while you study. Discover the various services available and get the best language training for your university needs!

You may want to start improving your language skills in the run-up to your studies; go to the Preparing for Your Studies page to find out what options there are.

Studienkolleg Sachsen

At the Studienkolleg Sachsen you can improve your proficiency in German alongside your studies. Please enquire about current courses and the annotated course catalogue. Its courses include:

  • Specialised courses
    for students of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, business communication and German for lawyers
  • German language practice
    for students of all disciplines
  • Conversation classes
    for students of all disciplines (basic and advanced courses)
  • Writing classes
    for students of all disciplines (basic and advanced courses)
  • Language practice with a focus on grammar exercises
    (basic and advanced courses)
  • Language practice with focus on German pronunciation

In order to take part in these courses, you must register and take a placement test beforehand. Please check the Studienkolleg website to find out placement test dates and when to enrol for German language courses alongside your studies.

SQ Modules

If you are enrolled at our university, you can choose from various key qualification modules to improve your German language skills. These courses are listed in the current course catalogue.

Autonomous and Tandem Modules at the Language Center

Regardless of your field of study, our university’s Language Center offers the possibility to complete modules for autonomous foreign language learning as well as a module for language learning in tandem. Besides many other languages, you can choose German as a Foreign Language here. Tandem modules are offered free of charge. This is not language teaching; you improve the language independently under the guidance of the Language Center. If you successfully complete the module, you will receive credits which, depending on your programme, may count towards your degree.

Before the beginning of each new semester, please re-enrol by paying the semester fee. Please make sure that you observe the re-enrolment period and deadline so that you are not exmatriculated.

  • Re-enrolment period for the winter semester:
    1 June–15 August
  • Re-enrolment period for the summer semester:
    1 December–15 February

You can re-enrol for the next semester by direct debit or bank transfer. Please use our AlmaWeb portal to do this.

Re-enrolment via direct debit

  • On the AlmaWeb Portal, click on “Studies” and then “Re-enrolment”. You will first be shown your current balance.
  • To issue a direct debit order, please enter your IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and BIC (Business Identifier Code). After entering your data, a one-off direct debit authorisation will be generated. The mandate reference is then displayed. Then confirm your data using an iTAN.

Re-enrolment via bank transfer

If you are unable to pay by direct debit on the AlmaWeb portal, please pay the semester fee by bank transfer. Please use the following bank details:

Recipient: Universität Leipzig
IBAN: DE91860555921100156760

Enter your enrolment number and your full name as the payment reference.

It is not possible to issue a direct debit order via someone else’s account, such as that of your parents.

If you are studying at our university, you can apply for up to two leave semesters during your studies. Leave semesters do not count as semesters of study.

Leave semester are not generally possible:

  • for the first semester of study
  • for new students enrolling in a higher semester
  • retrospectively for previous semesters, unless there is a case of illness in accordance with Section 21(2) Sentences 3 and 4 of the Enrolment Regulations.

Applying for a Leave Semester

If you would like to apply for a leave semester, please fill in the application for leave of absence for international students and hand it in at the International Centre during the re-enrolment period.

Semester Fee During Leave Semesters

The regular semester fee is still payable during a leave semester. It may be possible to for the Studentenwerk Leipzig to exempt you from the obligation to pay the fee.
Submit your application for exemption from the semester fee to the relevant contact person at the Studentenwerk Leipzig no later than four weeks before the start of the semester. Please note the regulations on the semester fee.

  • Studentenwerk Leipzig
    Abteilung Rechnungswesen/Controlling · Befreiung/Rückerstattung des Semesterbeitrags
    Contact person: Ms Stieler
    2nd floor, room 215
    Goethestraße 6
    04109 Leipzig
    Phone: +49 341 96-59665
    Send EMail

Would you like to switch to a different degree programme? Ask our staff for advice to find out whether your intended change of course is actually possible. How you change programmes depends on the intended degree course. Please note our information about applying online via AlmaWeb.

Browse our courses to find out whether your desired degree programme is subject to restrictions on admission.

Changing to the First Semester of Study on an Unrestricted Degree Programme

Please apply online via our AlmaWeb portal. Please also submit your application in paper form to your contact person at the International Centre. Note the following deadlines:

  • changing to a bachelor’s programme for the winter semester:
    beginning of May–1 September 
  • changing to a master’s programme for the winter semester:
    beginning of May–15 September
  • changing to a master’s programme for the summer semester:
    1 December–31 December

Changing to the First Semester of Study on a Degree Programme with Restricted Admissions

Please apply online via our AlmaWeb portal. Please also submit your application in paper form to your contact person at the International Centre. Note the following deadlines:

  • changing to a bachelor’s programme for the winter semester:
    beginning of May–15 July
  • changing to a master’s programme for the winter semester:
    beginning of May–31 May
  • changing to a master’s programme for the summer semester:
    1 December–31 December

Changing to a Higher Semester of Study on an Unrestricted Degree Programme

  • Please apply online via our AlmaWeb portal.
  • Please submit your application in paper form to your contact person at the International Centre.
  • Fill in the credits form for international students and have it signed by the responsible examination board. Please submit your credits form to your contact person at the International Centre.

Note the following deadlines:

  • changing to a bachelor’s programme for the winter semester:
    beginning of May–1 September  
  • changing to a master’s programme for the winter semester:
    beginning of May–31 May
  • changing for the summer semester:
    1 December–1 March

Changing to a Higher Semester of Study on a Degree Programme with Restricted Admissions

  • Please apply online via our AlmaWeb portal.
  • Please submit your application in paper form to your contact person at the International Centre.
  • Fill in the credits form for international students and have it signed by the responsible examination board. Please submit your credits form to your contact person at the International Centre.

Note the following deadlines:

  • changing to a bachelor’s programme for the winter semester:
    beginning of May–15 July
  • changing to a bachelor’s programme for the summer semester:
    1 December–15 January
  • changing to a master’s programme for the winter semester:
    beginning of May–15 July
  • changing to a master’s programme for the summer semester:
    1 December–15 January
  • If you would like to apply for a course of study with national (NCZ) restrictions on admission (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine), please contact us personally.
  • If you have a student residence permit, you may change courses only once and usually only up to the third semester. Please speak to our staff if you have any questions.

Are you interested in a period abroad during your studies? Go to Study and Internships Abroad to find out more about the wide range of opportunities.

By exmatriculating, you officially cease to be a member of our university and renounce your student status.

  • After you have passed your final examination or received your diploma, please apply to be removed from the university register by submitting the Application for Exmatriculation for international students to the International Centre. Your confirmation of exmatriculation will be made available electronically under “Documents” in your AlmaWeb account.
  • Pursuant to Section 23 of our Enrolment Regulations, you can apply to be exmatriculated on a certain date. Please use the Application for Exmatriculation to do this.
  • Pursuant to Section 23(6) of our Enrolment Regulations, you will be automatically exmatriculated if you do not re-enrol or fail to do so on time.

AlmaWeb portal login after exmatriculation

Four weeks after exmatriculation, your university login and password will be deactivated. In order for you to have continued access to the AlmaWeb portal, you can set up a forwarding ("return channel") to an e-mail address of your choice. Please proceed as following:

  • Log in to the IDM portal Identity Management (IDM) Portal of Leipzig Universty with your Uni-Login and your password before the end of the four weeks. Please note: the portal is only partially translated into English.
  • Click on "Anwendung" in the top menu bar and then on the "Meine Daten" button.
  • Enter the e-mail address you would like to use in the future in the "Back channels" section. 

If you want to log-in into your AlmaWeb portal after the four weeks have passed, use the e-mail address that you have chosen in the back channel section and the password assigned as part of your application. If you forgot your password, you can request a new password using the "Forgotten password" function in the AlmaWeb portal. In this way access to the AlmaWeb portal is possible for ten years.

Certification of diplomas/graduation certificates


You finished your studies and need an apostille of your degree certificates or diplomas (for a fee)?
FPlease contact the Landesdirektion Sachsen (Regional Directorate of Saxony) to arrange for an apostille to be issued. Currently, it is only possible to request one by post. The application must include the application form and your certificates in the original or as a pre-certified copy. Send your application to one of the two following postal addresses (you can choose freely to which):

  • Landesdirektion Sachsen, Dienststelle Chemnitz, Altchemnitzer Straße 41, 09120 Chemnitz

  • Landesdirektion Sachsen, Dienststelle Dresden, Stauffenbergallee 2, 01099 Dresden

If you are planning to leave Germany, we recommend that you apply for an apostille before you leave. The apostille can serve as confirmation of your obtained degree for future employers. You can find more information on obtaining an apostille on the website of the Landesdirektion Sachsen and in this information flyer.

Diploma Supplement

Contact your study office/examination office directly for the issuing of a Diploma Supplement. The Diploma Supplement is an important part of the diploma, as it greatly aids the rating and classification of academic degrees for both academic and career purposes. It explains your degree in more detail and also refers to any periods of study abroad. You will receive this in German and English. Please note that no Diploma Supplement can be issued for degree programmes leading to a state examination (Staatsexamen).

After your exmatriculation, we will retain your application documents and all correspondence between you and the University for a period of ten years before passing everything on to the university archives. Should you have any questions regarding your study periods later on, please contact the university archives in writing.

Successful studies

enlarge the image: International students sit on a picnic blanket in the sun at the Beethovenstraße campus
Students on the Beethovenstraße campus, photo: Christian Hüller

We want your studies to be a success. Should you ever experience any doubts, we will be happy to assist you – and remind you of all the things there are to do away from the lecture theatre!

Do you want to meet fellow students away from the lecture theatre? We organise regular meetings for international students. You are also welcome to join our official Facebook group for international students. Besides important information, we regularly share top tips for student life.

An overview of current events organised by the International Centre can be found on our Studying at Leipzig University page.

Are you interested in other activities or would you like to get involved yourself? Why not join one of the many student organisations or associations at Leipzig University:

Second Thoughts About Studying

At the beginning or during the course of your studies, it is quite normal to ask yourself questions like:

  • Is my course still right for me?
  • Have I made the right choice?
  • Why am I not making any progress on my course?
  • How can I get motivated again?
  • What professional area do I want to work in later on?

We are happy to support you with these and other questions!

Sometimes it can be difficult to talk about the doubts you’re having about studying, about feeling dissatisfied or overwhelmed, or even if you’re considering dropping out. If you would like to speak to someone neutral about your plans for the future and potential alternatives, then please do come and see us. Together we can work on solutions based on your individual needs, such as:

  • Language problems
  • Money worries
  • Problems with studying and motivation
  • Not enough credits or failed exams
  • Pressure, stress and feeling overwhelmed whilst studying
  • Problems making contacts on your course
  • Alternatives to studying, developing new plans for the future.

Please do not hesitate to arrange a personal consultation with us. We provide advice to international students at our university by e-mail and during offive hours by phone, as well as in person after booking an appointment via our system.

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