17.10.2022 | Dr. Marcelo Lozada-Hidalgo Ion transport through atomically thin crystals Exp.-HS (room 029, Johannisallee 29) |
| Prof. Martin Hartmann Hydrogen storage with porous materials: A chemist’s dream or nightmare? Kl. HS (room 015, Johannisallee 29) |
Closed session (1,2,3H members only)
- 12:00 – 12:45 Brown-bag lunch and discussion
Invited speaker and doctoral researchers - 13:00 – 13:40 Progress reports
Two selected doctoral researchers - 13:40 – 14:00 Introduction of the topic
Host (a PI of 1,2,3H) - 14:00 – 14:30 Coffee break
Public session
- 14:30 – 15:30 Focused lecture
Invited speaker
The public session of the 1,2,3H Colloquium will be streamed via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 672 2166 4393 / Passcode: 245588