Disabilities or chronic illnesses should not be considered a disadvantage. We offer information on the recognition of a severe disability or equal status, support with psychological stress at work and services for increased accessibility.

Individual consultation

Whether you are working with a (severe) disability or chronic illness, seeking help with applying for preventive measures or contacts for creating an accessible workplace, you will find an overview of the contacts offering individual consultation and advice here.


The representative of people with disabilities promotes the actual integration of employees with (severe) disabilities in the workplace. Their counselling services and responsibilities include:

  • supporting people with (severe) disabilities, in particular also with regard to preventive measures and applying for them from the relevant bodies, for example the employer, the Integration Office or Job Centre (Arbeitsamt),
  • taking receipt of suggestions and complaints from people with (severe) disabilities. The representative for people with disabilities then negotiates with the employer on measures to be implemented and informs those affected about the status and outcome of the negotiations,
  • monitoring compliance with applicable laws for people with (severe) disabilities. Therefore, all laws, ordinances, collective agreements, works or service agreements and administrative orders, in particular also the employer’s obligations under Sections 154, 155 and 164 to 167 of the Ninth Book of the Social Code (SGB IX).

Representative of people with disabilities in higher education

The representative of people with disabilities in higher education offers a counselling service. You will find the most recent information under Commissioners and Representatives.


The representative of people with disabilities promotes the actual integration of employees with (severe) disabilities in the workplace. Their counselling services and responsibilities include:

  • supporting people with (severe) disabilities, in particular also with regard to preventive measures and applying for them from the relevant bodies, for example the employer, the Integration Office or Job Centre (Arbeitsamt),
  • taking receipt of suggestions and complaints from people with (severe) disabilities. The representative for people with disabilities then negotiates with the employer on measures to be implemented and informs those affected about the status and outcome of the negotiations,
  • monitoring compliance with applicable laws for people with (severe) disabilities. Therefore, all laws, ordinances, collective agreements, works or service agreements and administrative orders, in particular also the employer’s obligations under Sections 154, 155 and 164 to 167 of the Ninth Book of the Social Code (SGB IX).

Representative of people with disabilities in the Medizinische Fakultät (Faculty of Medicine)

You will find the most recent information on the representative of people with disabilities in the Medizinische Fakultät (Faculty of Medicine) under Commissioners and Representatives.

Guideline for Diversity in Studying and Teaching

Nowadays, institutions of higher education are characte-rised by a high degree of diversity: not only students, but also people who form part of the higher education system all come from different backgrounds. And this means that they also have different needs. At the same time, there are structures that can create barriers and impede paths to learning and education.

These Guidelines are intended to provide you, as educators, with suggestions on how to take these different needs into account and to develop teaching and learning activities that are responsive to diversity.

Diversity in Studying and Teaching

Hilfe bei psychischen Problemen

Unsere universitären Anlaufstellen bieten kostenfreie und vertrauliche Hilfe bei psychischen Problemen im Arbeitsumfeld. Darüber hinaus finden Sie Informationen zur Kontaktvermittlung zu niedergelassenen Nervenärzten und Psychotherapeuten und Hilfe in Krisensituationen.

The psychosocial counselling service offers employees of Leipzig University support when faced with challenging life or work situations. This includes, for example:

  • mental strain or stress,
  • family-related problems,
  • disagreements or conflicts with colleagues or superiors,
  • depression, anxiety or worries
  • sexualised discrimination or violence,
  • problems with alcohol, drugs or other addictions, or
  • difficulties caused by mental illness.


Christiane Bach
Goethestraße 6 | Raum 743
04109 Leipzig

Nora Schuhmann
Goethestraße 6 | Raum 743
04109 Leipzig


Flexible working hours and location

Employees can specify their working hours and place of work flexibly and in accordance with their individual needs. Click here for an overview of the requirements.

Flexitime arrangement

In order to provide employees working in the administrative facilities with flexible working hours and to facilitate a family-friendly organisation of their working life, Leipzig University's non-academic staff are entitled to a flexitime employment agreement. This allows employees to work within a general time frame of Monday to Friday from 6am to 10pm. This facilitates family-friendly scheduling, for example with regard to committee work and networking.

Mobile working

Employees have the option to work flexibly outside Leipzig University at a location of their choice. This is to make it easier to combine caring for children and relatives, disabilities or chronic illnesses, and reintegration into the workplace with employees’ responsibilities at the university. Prerequisites include suitable work assignments, a mobile workplace, application and approval by the head of the department. You will find all the necessary information, contacts and application forms on the intranet.

Recognition of a severe disability and equal status

A disabled person's ID card or equal disabled status can be useful to obtain support and assistance in everyday and professional life. There are many regulations or benefits and compensations for disadvantages - whether at work, when travelling by bus and train or with regard to taxes. Click here for an overview of the benefits and the application requirements.

According to Section 2(1) of Book IX of the German Social Code (SGB IX), people with disabilities are defined as those who have physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments that are likely to prevent them from participating in society on an equal basis with others for a period of more than six months. The effects of the impairment are formulated as a degree of disability (Grad der Behinderung, GdB) in degrees of ten from 20 to 100. There are nationwide guidelines to determine the degree of disability, known as the Versorgungsmedizinische Grundsätze (principles of medical care). The decisive factor is an overall assessment of the actual impairment. Multiple GdB values are not aggregated.

Severe disability

People with a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 50 are deemed to be severely disabled. In this case, the person concerned is entitled to a severely disabled person's ID card. This can be applied for from the Versorgungsamt (pensions office) responsible in the City or district of Leipzig, where the individual GdB will be verified. For further information, visit einfach-teilhaben.de.


If the degree of disability (GdB) has been applied for at the Versorgungsamt (pensions office) and is minimum 30 but less than 50, it is possible to have equal status with people with severe disabilities. The Agentur für Arbeit (employment agency) is responsible for this. To apply for this status, the decision of the Versorgungsamt must be submitted to the Agentur für Arbeit at the applicant’s place of residence together with the corresponding application form requesting equal status. For further information, visit einfach-teilhaben.de.

Liability notice

This information is not a substitute for legal advice. Individual advice is provided by the representative of people with disabilities in higher education and the representative of people with disabilities in the Faculty of Medicine. No liability is assumed for the accuracy, completeness and currency of the information. No liability is assumed for the content of external links. The operators of the sites to which links are provided are exclusively responsible for their content (as at: February 2020).

Job interview and notification of severe disability or equal status

When applying for a job, it is generally inadmissible to ask about a severe disability if the disability is irrelevant for the performance of the intended task. In principle, there is also no obligation to disclose a severe disability in an existing employment relationship. Asking about a severe disability or equal status or an application made in this respect may be permissible in an existing employment relationship after six months so that the employer can, for example, comply with their duties of care under the Social Code. Leipzig University may be notified of a severe disability or equal status by the person responsible for the matter.

Employment relationship

Severely disabled employees are entitled to the following from Leipzig University

  • employment in which they can apply and develop their skills and knowledge to the fullest extent possible,
  • preferential consideration in inhouse professional training measures to further their career development,
  • to make it easier to participate in external professional training courses to an extent that can reasonably be expected.

Exemption from overtime

Severely disabled employees and employees of equal status shall be exempted from overtime at their request. Overtime is work that exceeds the normal statutory working time of eight hours per working day.

Retirement pension for the severely disabled

People with severe disabilities may be entitled to receive a retirement pension earlier than normal for up to five years. However, this may be accompanied by substantial deductions.

Additional paid leave

Employees with severe disabilities are entitled to additional paid leave equivalent to one working week. The actual amount of additional leave depends on the employee's regular working hours per week. Employees with a degree of disability (GdB) under 50 and equal status employees are not entitled to additional leave.


Should difficulties arise in the work or employment relationship of employees with severe disabilities or employees with equal status that present a risk to the job in question, public-sector institutions are required to implement a prevention procedure. The purpose of the prevention procedure is to discuss all of the options available to resolve the difficulties together with the employees' representatives and the Integration Office. The objective is to maintain the employment relationship for as long as possible, for example, by providing counselling or support services.

Liability notice

This information is not a substitute for legal advice. Individual advice is provided by the representative of people with disabilities in higher education and the representative of people with disabilities in the Faculty of Medicine. No liability is assumed for the accuracy, completeness and currency of the information. No liability is assumed for the content of external links. The operators of the sites to which links are provided are exclusively responsible for their content (as at: February 2020).

Technical assistive equipment

Technical assistive equipment for people with disabilities can help further existing capabilities, strengthen residual capabilities, while simultaneously protecting them. In certain circumstances, social welfare institutions will cover the costs of procurement.

Technical assistive equipment for people with disabilities can further existing skills, strengthen residual skills, while simultaneously protecting them. They can likewise partially compensate for special skills. The objective of their employment is to enable people with certain disabilities to perform their tasks in the first place or to ease the execution of certain tasks, i.e. to reduce workloads and ensure occupational safety. Technical assistive equipment consists either of personal aids (e.g. orthopaedic safety shoes) or mobile technical aids (e.g. sitting aids, lifting devices, software, screen readers or one-handed keyboards) that compensate for disadvantages caused by disability while performing a task. Employees with a disability or an equal status must apply to the relevant cost unit for reimbursement of the costs of appropriate assistive equipment before it is purchased.


The right point of contact depends on individual requirements:

  • Employees who depend on special aids and technical devices to perform their jobs because of their disability can apply to the German pension scheme (Deutsche Rentenversicherung) if they have reached the age of 28 and paid contributions to the German pension scheme for more than 180 months (15 years). According to Deutsche Rentenversicherung, it does not cover the costs of ergonomic workplace equipment, such as a height-adjustable desk or office chair.
  • Employees with a disability or at risk of becoming disabled can apply to the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency, rehabilitation team) if they have paid fewer than 180 months of contributions into the German pension insurance scheme.
  • Employees with a disability or those of equal status can apply to the Integrationsamt (integration office) (Hauptfürsorgestelle, Kommunaler Sozialverband Sachsen) if they have a disabled person's ID card and new equipment or replacements are required. As a general rule, funding is provided for a recognised degree of disability of 50 per cent or higher.
  • The statutory accident insurance provider is in charge of accidents at work and on the way to and from work.

Documents required

In order to apply, you will need the following documents:

  • Application form from Deutsche Rentenversicherung, Agentur für Arbeit, Integrationsamt or Unfallversicherung (accident insurance);
  • Doctor's certificate or hospital discharge report; possibly with a recommendation from a doctor regarding the necessary assistive equipment;
  • Cost estimate from a specialist retailer.

Duration of process

Sections 14 and 15 of Book IX of the Social Code (SGB IX) contain provisions on the duration of processes and responsibilities. The following applies where only one rehabilitation provider is responsible for the service:

  • within two weeks of receipt of the completed application, the rehabilitation provider must determine if it is responsible or forward the application to the appropriate provider. The latter may thereafter no longer pass the application on to another provider even if it is not responsible and must reach a decision on the benefits claimed.
  • the rehabilitation provider decides on the specific rehabilitation requirements and the necessary assistance within three weeks of receipt of the application. Should an expert opinion be required, the duration of the process will be extended accordingly.

Deutsche Rentenversicherung

PDF, 781KB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei, Stand 11.03.2019

Anlage (Berufliche Rehabilitation)
PDF, 384KB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei, Stand 08.03.2018

Anlage (Hilfsmittel und technische Arbeitshilfen)
PDF, 568KB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei, Stand 11.10.2018

Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Merkblatt 12 – Förderung der Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben



You will be supported in the application process:

Internal contact points

University Disabled Persons Representative

Disabled Persons Representative, Faculty of Medicine

Occupational Health ManagemenT

Employer’s Representative for Persons with Disabilities

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs

External contact points

  • the specialist integration service,
  • the Integration Office,
  • the rehabilitation team of the Federal Employment Agency,
  • the rehabilitation counselling of the pension or accident insurance,
  • the inclusion counselling of the chambers of industry and commerce
  • and vocational promotion organisations.

Information flyer (only in German)

Beantragung Technischer Arbeitshilfen
PDF 279 KB

Beantragung technischer Arbeitshilfen (barrierefrei)
PDF 134 KB

Wheelchair-accessible minibus

A wheelchair-accessible minibus for up to eight people allows people with disabilities and chronic illnesses to be taken along. An integrated ramp provides barrier-free access for up to two wheelchair users. If two wheelchair users are taken along, a further six seats (including the driver) are available. The minibus can be borrowed by employees of the Leipzig University via the Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs.

Euro WC key for disabled toilets

Members and staff of our university with disabilities or chronic illnesses receive a Euro WC key for barrier-free toilets free of charge. You can borrow the key for the entire duration of your studies or employment. Contact us to arrange an appointment to pick up the key. Please bring your proof of entitlement and 10 euros in cash for the deposit with you to pick up the key.

Proof of eligibility

Proof of eligibility consists of the German disabled person's ID card bearing an aG, B, H, BL, or G mark and 70 per cent upwards.

The following are also eligible:

  • People with severe walking impairments
  • Wheelchair users
  • Ostomy patients
  • People who are blind
  • People suffering from multiple sclerosis
  • People suffering from chronic bladder or bowel disease, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis

If a disability cannot be proven otherwise, a doctor's certificate will be accepted. This applies in particular to people from countries that do not have a comparable ID system. In this case, a European parking permit for the severely disabled is sufficient proof.

Accessibility: Two-senses principle

You can use the input fields below directly on the homepage. Alternatively, you can download the reservation form and fill it out digitally or by hand. Please send the completed form by e-mail or by post to the Office for Equality Diversity and Family Affairs.

RESERVation form
PDF 139 KB
(only in German)

Ausleihe eines Euro WC-Schlüssels zum persönlichen Gebrauch

Angaben zur Person
Angaben zur Ausleihe
Hiermit erkläre ich mich mit der Erfassung meiner Daten zum Zweck der Reservierungsanfrage an der Universität Leipzig einverstanden. Ich willige ein, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten verarbeitet werden, insbesondere die Daten über meine Gesundheit für den Berechtigungsnachweis. Ich kann diese Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen. Im Fall des Widerrufs endet die Ausleihe und der Ausleihvertrag wird nach Rückzahlung der Kautiondatenschutzkonform vernichtet. Die Hinweise zum Datenschutz der Universität Leipzig habe ich gelesen und akzeptiere diese.


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