The committees and working groups formed within the Staff Council can work on or prepare specific topics quickly and specifically.
On this page you will find the committees and working groups formed by the Staff Council of the University Sector as well as their members.
As part of the preparation of staff council meetings, applications from the department on individual staff matters – such as recruitment, redeployment, continued employment, increases in working hours, but also enquiries from employees (except for grouping) – are considered intensively here.
- Chair: Thomas Biermann
- Stefan Bernhardt
- Imre Bösze
- Sabine Kriegsmann
- Matthias Rabe
These members are available to advise our employees on all aspects of grouping, whether it be job description, classification, recognition of previous periods, upgrading or transferring to more senior roles. They also deal intensively with such requests from the department in preparation for staff council meetings.
- Chair: Thomas Biermann
- Martina Braun
- Mike Erkau
- Daniela Gloger
- Dr. Henry Ottilie
These members are the contact persons when it comes to the occupational health and safety of our employees. They represent the staff council ("Hochschulbereich") in the university committees „Occupational Re-integration Management (BEM)", " Conflict Management" and "Inclusion". They take part in workplace inspections and deal with accident reports.
- Thomas Biermann (Chair)
- Michael Siebert
- Sabine Kriegsmann (also representative in the occupational health and safety committee and in the BEM team)
- Ralf Moros (Representative in the Employee Health Steering Committee and in the BEM Team, Conflict Officer)
- Dr. Silke Graf-von Sonntag (Conflict Officer)
- Imre Bösze (future Conflict Officer)
- Gernot Decker (Representative on the Inclusion Advisory Board)