Personnel Representatives

Personnel Representatives

At Leipzig University there is the following representation of interests for employees:

Contact persons

Two people sit at a table in a professional environment and are in conversation

Contact persons

If you have any questions or problems regarding various issues, you can confidently contact us. Please note that consultations in English are only possible to a limited extent.


In accordance with section 5(1) of the Service Agreement on Conflict Resolution in the Workplace - DV Konfliktlösung (Service Agreement between the Saxon State Ministry of Science and Art (SMWK) and the Main Staff Council (HPR)), the Staff Council shall appoint contact persons from among its members to work towards conflict resolution in the workplace within the framework of the tasks of the Staff Council.

The following contact persons have been appointed by the Staff Council (Hochschulbereich):

 Ralf Moros

Ralf Moros

Contact person conflict resolution/bullying

Fakultät für Chemie und Mineralogie / Institut für Technische Chemie

Telephone: +49 341 97-30073

 Imre Bösze

Imre Bösze

Conflict representative (in training)

Telephone: +49 341 97-30371

Dr. Silke Graf-von Sonntag

Dr. Silke Graf-von Sonntag

Conflict representative (soon)

Sportwissenschaftliche Fakultät


The Leipzig University has appointed Mr Jörg Graf (Hochschulbereich) and Dr Thomas M. Goerlich (Faculty of Medicine) as contact persons for addiction issues. They thus act as contact persons in questions of addiction prevention, addiction support, reintegration and aftercare for affected employees and superiors at Leipzig University.

Contact for employees in the Hochschulbereich and the Faculty of Medicine

 Jörg Graf

Jörg Graf

Ansprechpartner Suchtfragen (Hochschulbereich)

Universitätsbibliothek (UB)

Telephone: +49 341 97-39999

Office hours
Termine auf Anfrage

Dr. Thomas Goerlich

Dr. Thomas Goerlich

Ansprechpartner Suchtfragen (Medizinische Fakultät)

Medizinische Fakultät

Telephone: +49 341 97-10746

Office hours
Terminvergaben sind vertraulich und nur persönlich per Telefon oder E-Mail möglich. Weiterhin können Terminvereinbarungen nach Absprache freitags im Büro des Personalrats der Medizinischen Fakultät, Philipp-Rosenthal-Str. 55 (Haus W/ Dachgeschoss/ Raum 3148), 04103 Leipzig vorgenommen werden.


Links to other representations, institutions, legislations

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