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Dr. Agustina Carrizo de Reimann


Global and European Studies Institute
Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1
04105 Leipzig


Besides methodological aspects of interdisciplinary work, my research and teaching interests are directed toward narratives of conflict, the multiple layers of cultural and political modernisation in Latin Americas, and the role played by mobility in this process.

Professional career

  • since 10/2018
    Research assistant at the chair Vergleichende Geschichtswissenschaft/Ibero-Amerikanische Geschichte, Historischer Seminar. Realization of the DFG project "Was geschah, als die Polizei in Lateinamerika schreiben lernte?".
  • 04/2016 - 12/2017
    Assistant lecturer at the chair Vergleichende Geschichtswissenschaft/Ibero-Amerikanische Geschichte, Historisches Seminar
  • 10/2012 - 12/2015
    Research assistant at the chair Vergleichende Geschichtswissenschaft/Ibero-Amerikanische Geschichte. Realization of the DFG project “Bedeutungen der politischen Gewalt in Lateinamerika in 19 Jahrhundert” (Dissertation).
  • 02/2010 - 08/2012
    Student assistant at Linguistic Department of the Max Plank InstitutTasks: data collection, analysis of linguistic data with the software Toolbox, translation (Bora – Spanish); secretarial work; assistance by conferences.
  • 04/2008 - 12/2011
    Voluntary work at the student and graduate society Forum Tsiganologische Forschung E.V.Task: Managing board, organization of the annual networking workshop “Netzwerken” for young researchers of Romani culture.
  • 03/2007 - 12/2009
    Student assistant at the chair Vergleichende Geschichtswissenschaft/Ibero-Amerikanische Geschichte.Tasks: literature research, secretarial work.
  • since 04/2019
    Lecturer of the interdisciplinary “Study Group: Latin America”2020-21: Markets of Violence in Latin America.2020: History, present, and future of Migration in Latin America.2019-20: Populism in Latin America2019: The Invention of Latin America


  • 10/2012 - 09/2016
    Interdisciplinary teaching program for PhD. students at the Graduate School Global and Area Studies (GSGAS) of Leipzig University.
  • 04/2006 - 09/2012
    Magister Artium in Ethnology and Slavonic Studies, Universität Leipzig.Focus: Latin America and literary studies.
  • 04/2003 - 12/2005
    Journalism at the institute for higher education TEA & DeporTEAPrint media, TV and radio.Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The question of the interplay between order, disorder, and the “extra-ordinary” guides my critical analysis of Latin American history. When looking at the historical formation of Latin America, it is noticeable that it has had an ambiguous peripheral status in the Western world. From a European and American perspective, the subcontinent is perceived as backward rather than radically different. The image of ongoing political and economic crisis and violence coexists with ideas and experiences of cultural cohesion and historical, geopolitical continuity. How can the entanglements and divergences between political and cultural orders and disorder be theorized beyond the opposition? What arises between and outside of dis/order? How do actors commit the zones of indeterminacy? How do they interpret exceptions, paradoxes, and the entanglement of different things?

In my current project, “What happened when the police learned to write in Latin America?” I address these questions by looking at Mexican and Argentinian police writing culture at the end of the nineteenth century. With a praxeological approach, I aim to show how policemen mediated between the unrest and the rationality of modernization in Buenos Aires and Mexico City and, by this means, reinterpreted the institution and the state.

As a teacher, I attempt to encourage students to develop their questions to initiate a dialogue with one another and with me. Sustainable, critical transfer of knowledge and skills requires overcoming restrictive learning towards expansive learning. Accordingly, I see the main task of good teaching as promoting self-determined learning based on self-interest and context-related experiences with the purpose of expanding one's abilities. In my experience, the courses' straightforward design, intensive support, and constructive feedback are essential requirements for supporting this process.

  • B. A. Seminar "Theory and methods in history" (SoSe 2017)

    Seit den letzten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts ist die Methode Ethnografie zu einer der erfolgreichsten „travelling theories” in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften geworden. Worin besteht die Anziehungskraft dieser Methode? Wo liegen ihre Grenzen ? Wie kann sie in der Geschichtswissenschaft produktiv eingesetzt werden? Ziel der Arbeitsgruppe ist, zentralen Aspekte dieser Methode sowie die Perspektiven der interdisziplinären Verschränkung mit der Geschichtswissenschaft aufzuzeigen.

  • M.A. Seminar "Latin America. The history of an idea" (WS 2017-2018)

    Was steckt hinter einen Namen? Im Mittelpunkt des MA-Blockseminar werden die Geschichte und Bedeutung der Bezeichnungen „Neuen Welt“, América Latina und Latinidad stehen. Um die Konvergenz von Begriff, Geschichte und Macht zu untersuchen, werden diskurkritische Herangehensweise vorgestellt und problematisiert werden.

  • M. A. Seminar "History of migration in Latin America (SoSe2017)

    Das Seminar widmet sich den Migrationsbewegungen nach und aus Lateinamerika. Nach einer Einführung in grundlegende Konzepte der Migrationsforschung erfolgt eine Behandlung des Themas anhand verschiedener Fallbeispiele. Ein Hauptaugenmerk liegt in methodischer Hinsicht auf dem Vergleich.

  • B.A. Seminar "Current approaches in Latin American history" (SoSe 2016)

    Das Seminar befasst sich mit Ansätzen, die seit Ende des 20. Jahrhundert zu der Pluralisierung und Dezentrierung der lateinamerikanischen Geschichte beigetragen haben. Im Mittelpunkt werden Fallstudien stehen, die die Rolle von oft vernachlässigten Akteuren aus einer neuen Perspektive beleuchten, wie zum Beispiel die Untersuchungen zu Frauen, afro-latinos und die verschiedene Bewohner der frontiers. Das Seminar soll in diese Debatten, Theorien und Methoden einführen.

  • Study Group „Latin America“ - M.A. Studiengang Vertiefungsmodul (since 2019)

    During winter and summer terms, the CEL-LE organizes monthly meetings to discuss undergoing research, as well key literature on Latin America. It is an open space welcoming students and researchers of different disciplines like history, sociology, anthropology, political science, cultural studies and global studies (just to name a few) to present their works or propose topics of discussion relevant to the region. During our first meeting, we will set the agenda of for the semester.