zur Vergrößerungsansicht des Bildes: Zu sehen ist eine Frau, die auf einer Konferenz einen Vortrag hält.
Foto: Colourbox.de

Internationale Konferenzen





Measuring cultural education and cultural participation in population surveys – past experiences and new directions in Europe. Internationaler Expertenworkshop, JGU Mainz




Konferenz der International Society for Research and Promotion of Wind Music

Vortrag: Amateur wind orchestras ('Musikvereine') as musical, cultural and educational isntitutions in rural areas of Germany. A reconstruction of the participants' perspectives and orientations



28th European Association for Music in Schools

First results of a documentary study on amateur wind orchestras in rural areas of Germany: What meanings and dimensions do social aspects have for members of German amateur wind orchestras ("Musikvereine")



12th International Research in Music Education Conference, London (England)

Vortrag: "Musikvereine" and their relations to other music education institutions. A documentary study on amateur wind orchestras in rural areas of Germany



ISMP 21, Pula (Kroatien)

Vortrag: How do the members of German amateur wind orchestras ('Musikvereine') view their work in the ensemble of musical educational institutions? A documentary study on amateur wind orchestras in rural areas of Germany



12th International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, Hamar (Norwegen)

First results of a documentary study on amateur wind orchestras (“Musikvereine”) in rural areas of German: Musical or social aspects - „What attracts us more to the orchestra?”



Networks 2021: A Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference

Vortrag: Social capital and Covid-19: A decline of cultural education cooperation in rural areas?



21st International Conference on Cultural Economics, Lille (Frankreich) Vortrag: "Theatre and Social Media. An analysis of the social media strategies of theatres in Germany, Austria and Switzerland" 06.-09.07.2021 ThOff
Tagung EARLI: „Education and Citizenship: learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures” Präsentation: Cultural Education: A panacea for civic and political engagement in rural areas? 18.-20.08.2021 MetaKLuB

15th Conference of the European Sociological Association

Vortrag: Video Gaming: Do Aesthetics Matter?

31.08.- 03.09.2021


15th Conference of the European Sociological Association

Vortrag: Social cleavages in the dramatic arts. Measuring legitimacy and visiting intentions of theater performances with a factorial survey

31.08.- 03.09.2021


Tagung EHCR “Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliation” Vortrag und Paper: Opportunities and Challenges of Cultural Education and Arts Education in Rural Areas 16.09.2021 MetaKLuB

Vienna Anthropology Days

Diskussion: Sorgerelationen in einer posthumanen Perspektive, die das Projekt „Wasteland?“ im Rahmen seiner Forschungsrichtung des New Materialism entwickelt hat



Tagung "Arts and Cultural Education / Rolle und Bedeutung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen", Stiftung Genshagen

Diskussionsleitung: Bedeutungswandel der Bibliothek vor dem Hintergrund der Transformation ländlicher Räume einerseits und der digital-kulturellen Entwicklung andererseits



Tagung "Arts and Cultural Education / Rolle und Bedeutung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen", Stiftung Genshagen

Vortrag: Arts and Cultural Education count. Rolle und Bedeutung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen 2021



Tagung "Arts and Cultural Education / Rolle und Bedeutung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen", Stiftung Genshagen Vortrag: Diversity of Regionale Specific Stuctures and Processes of Art and Cultural Education in Rural Areas 19.11.2021 SKUBIL
Tagung "Arts and Cultural Education / Rolle und Bedeutung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen", Stiftung Genshagen Vortrag: The Importance of Cultural and Musical Offerings for the Development of Schools in Rural Areas 19.11.2021 PReTuS
Tagung "Arts and Cultural Education / Rolle und Bedeutung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen", Stiftung Genshagen Vortrag: Tracing Affects in Rural Areas 19.11.2021 WasteLand
Tagung "Arts and Cultural Education / Rolle und Bedeutung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen", Stiftung Genshagen Vortrag: Changing Meaning of the Library; Against the Background of the Transformation of Rural Areas and Digital-Cultural Development 19.11.2021 BiDiPeri
Tagung "Arts and Cultural Education / Rolle und Bedeutung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen", Stiftung Genshagen Vortrag: Defining New Goals for Artistic Residences in Rural Areas 19.11.2021 DO_KiL
Tagung "Arts and Cultural Education / Rolle und Bedeutung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen", Stiftung Genshagen Vortrag: Recalling Nations of Home: Questions on Transfer and Perspectives - Amateur Theatre in Peripheral Regions 19.11.2021 HeimatWeltBühne
18. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Beitrag: "Place-Based and Yet in Motion? Tensions and (Im)Possibilities of Cultural Education in Rural Areas." 18.-22.05.2022 MetaKLuB

Internatinal Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Arts

Organisation eines internationalen Panels und Moderation: Nationale und regionale Identitäten und Rohstoffe
