Date/Time: to, 00:00
Type: Umbrella event
Type: Conference/Symposium
Location: Tagungslounge Leipzig / GWZO Leipzig / ReCentGlobe Leipzig / online

In its final symposium, the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) looks back on the results of the joint work in the years 2016 – 2024, presents key products of the cross-institutional cooperation and provides an outlook on future collaboration.

At the beginning of the first funding phase, the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) set itself the goal of establishing a multidisciplinary cluster of excellence in the Leipzig-Halle-Jena region by pooling expertise in the field of Eastern European studies. A very good interim evaluation in 2020 confirmed the quality and achievement of the Campus‘ objectives. Strengthened and more focused, it started the second funding phase in 2020.

Looking back on the two phases, the following conclusions can be drawn: EEGA has established itself as a framework for the coordination and development of academic teaching in Eastern European Studies in Central Germany; it has also established itself as a „brand“ for joint research on Eastern Europe and is perceived as such in the region and internationally, as shown, for example, by the invitation to organise the Regional Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) in Leipzig. The unique network of non-university and university research institutions helped to launch at least five further third-party funding applications and projects in the wider context (e.g. the Research Institute for Social Cohesion or the Collaborative Research Centre 1199 „Spatialisation Processes under Conditions of Globalisation“, various ERC grant applications with postdoctoral fellows).

EEGA awarded a total of 74 scholarships to postdocs and 4 scholarships to doctoral students from a total of over 20 countries; over 125 scientific events (conferences, book presentations, colloquia, thematic workshops) were organised. In addition, more than 15 qualification events (training courses, coaching workshops, mentoring) were organised. Lastly, EEGA’s interdisciplinary research perspective of a globalised or globalising Eastern Europe has gained international recognition, as evidenced by numerous joint international publications and citations or invitations to conferences and guest lectures. More than a dozen publications have emerged from the joint work, which deal with current developments in Eastern Europe, but also rethink historical categorisations. These include topics such as Islamophobia and socio-economic inequality, but also Eastern European emigrants, the internationalisation of music concepts and relations between anti-colonial actors during the Cold War. Over 30 MA theses and three dissertations have been completed during the EEGA’s term to date.

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