Prof. Dr. Ruth Martha Stassart

Prof. Dr. Ruth Martha Stassart


Haus G
Liebigstraße 26
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 25701
Fax: +49 341 97 - 15049

Prof. Dr. Ruth Martha Stassart

Prof. Dr. Ruth Martha Stassart


Haus C
Liebigstraße 19
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 25701
Fax: +49 341 97 - 25729

  • The role of the central nervous system in peripheral neuropathies: a critical interaction between microglia and motoneurons?
    Bosch Queralt, Mar
    Duration: 01/2022 – 12/2024
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Abteilung für Neuropathologie; Institut für Anatomie
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  • SFB 1052: Obesity Mechanisms
    Blüher, Matthias
    Duration: 01/2013 – ongoing
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Biochemie/Bioorganische Chemie; Medizinische Fakultät und Universitätsklinikum AöR; SFB 1052: Mechanismen der Adipositas
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  • Klein, D.; Groh, J.; Yuan, X.; Berve, K.; Stassart, R. M.; Fledrich, R.; Martini, R.
    Early targeting of endoneurial macrophages alleviates the neuropathy and affects abnormal Schwann cell differentiation in a mouse model of Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A
    Glia. 2022. 70 (6). pp. 1100–1116.
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  • Dietel, E.; Nestler, U.; Nenning, H.; Eisenlöffel, C.; Stassart, R. M.; Meixensberger, J.
    A late systemic and brain metastasis from subcutaneous leiomyosarcoma of the right forearm: a case report and review of the literature
    Journal of medical case reports. 2021. 15 (1).
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