Current Position:
Heisenberg Position of the German Research Foundation (DFG), University of Leipzig, Department of Sociology (Project Start: March 2023)
Funded Project in the Heisenberg Programme: "New social norms and moral dilemmas as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic”
Professional career
- 04/2014 - 03/2015
Visting Professorship ("W3-Vertretungsprofessur") in Quantitative Methods, Universität of Halle-Wittenberg, Department of Sociology.
- 02/2016
Habilitation (Venia for Sociology), University of Leipzig "Social Norms and the Explanation and Measurement of Deviance", Referees: Prof. Thomas Voss (University of Leipzig), Prof. Roger Berger (University of Leipzig), Prof. Peter Preisendörfer (University of Mainz) - 06/2010
Dr. rer. pol. in Sociology, magna cum laude, University of Leipzig “Sensitive Questions and Measurement Error: Using the Randomized Response Technique to Reduce Social Desirability Bias in CATI Surveys”, Referees: Prof. Thomas Voss (University of Leipzig), Prof. Karl-Dieter Opp (University of Washington) - 02/2005
M.A. in Public Policy and Management / Diplom-Verwaltungswissenschaftler, with grade 1 (1 is best, 5 worst grade), University of Konstanz, Referees: Prof. Adrian Vatter (University of Bern), Prof. Volker Schneider (University of Konstanz) - 06/1997
Abitur (general university entrance degree), Ellenrieder Gymnasium Konstanz
Panel Memberships
- since 03/2023
Memberships• World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR)• European Survey Research Association (ESRA)• RC 33 Research Committee on Logic and Methodology of the International Sociological Association (ISA)• Models and Simulation Section of the German Sociological Association (DGS)• Section Methods of Empirical Social Research (DGS)• Akademie für Soziologie (AS)
Research Profile:
• Experimental Social Science
• Survey Methodology
• Sociological Action Theory
• Norms, Deviance and Social Desirability
• Choice Experiments, Moral Dilemma Decision
• Medical Sociology and Ethics
- New social norms and moral dilemmas as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemicKrumpal, IvarDuration: 03/2023 – ongoingFunded by: DFG Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Soziologie mit Schwerpunkt Theorie
- Tutic, A.; Krumpal, I.; Haiser, F.Triage in Times of COVID-19: A Moral DilemmaJournal of health and social behavior. 2022. 63 (4). pp. 560–576.
- Krumpal, I.; Raub, W.; Tutic, A. (Eds.)Rationality in Social Science – Foundations, Norms, and Prosociality.Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2021.
- Krumpal, I.; Berger, R. (Eds.)Devianz und Subkulturen: Theorien, Methoden und empirische Befunde.Springer VS. 2020.
- Krumpal, I.; Voss, T.Sensitive Questions and Trust: Explaining Respondents' Behavior in Randomized Response SurveysSage open. 2020. 10 (3).
- Tutic, A.; Krumpal, I.; Haiser, F.Faire Verteilung knapper medizinischer Ressourcen in der COVID-19 Pandemie. Ethische Aspekte und empirische Evidenz zum Problem der TriageIn: Henzler, I.; Hues, H.; Sonnleitner, S.; Wilkens, U. (Eds.)Extended Views. Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftspolitische Perspektiven auf die Covid-19-Pandemie. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage. 2023. pp. 21–31.ISBN: 978-3-412-52918-5