Danuta Rytel-Schwarz (née Rytel-Kuc) has been Professor of Western Slavic Linguistics at the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Leipzig since 1999. She studied Polish and Slavic Philology (specializing in Czech) at the Silesian University of Katowice. After her studies she worked as a research associate at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, where she received her doctorate in 1981 and her habilitation in 1990 in the field of Contrastive Linguistics: Polish - Czech - German. From 1994 to 1999 she was a lecturer and professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Warsaw. She is a former DAAD and Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. Her research interests include the study of the language systems of Polish and Czech in comparison to German, contrastive linguistics in the context of valence grammar and communicative grammar, and bilingual lexicography.
Professional career
- since 10/1999
Professor of Western Slavic Linguistics at the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Leipzig - 11/2005 - 01/2006
Two-month guest professorship at the Charles University in Prague (WS 2005/2006) - 09/1994 - 10/1999
Lecturer, Professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Warsaw - 12/1977 - 08/1994
Research assistant at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw - 04/1994 - 09/1994
Scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Institute for German Language in Mannheim) - 10/1990 - 03/1992
Scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Institute for German Language in Mannheim) - 02/1981 - 12/1990
Habilitation in Slavic Philology; Habilitation thesis: German passivum and man-sentences and their translation in Czech and Polish - 08/1983 - 07/1985
DAAD Scholarship (Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Mannheim) - 12/1977 - 06/1981
PhD in Slavic Linguistics; PhD thesis: Lexical means of expression of epistemic modality in Czech and Polish
- 10/1974 - 02/1979
Master's degree at the Silesian University of Katowice: Slavic philology/ focus on Bohemistics; Master's thesis: Środki wyrażania prawdziwości sądu w języku czeskim i polskim - 10/1971 - 06/1976
Master's degree at the Silesian University of Katowice: Polish Philology; Master's thesis: Polskie konstrukcje z imiesłowami czynnymi nieodmiennymi i ich odpowiedniki w tłumaczeniu czeskim
Danuta Rytel-Schwarz's research interests include:
- Study of the language systems of Polish and Czech in comparison to German
- contrastive linguistics within the framework of valence grammar
- bilingual lexicography
- Western Slavic phraseology
- Rytel-Schwarz, D.Taschenwörterbuch Polnisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-PolnischHildesheim [u.a.]: Olms. 2012.ISBN: 978-3-487-08504-3
- Rytel-Schwarz, D.; Jurasz, A.; Cirko, L.; Engel, U.Die unflektierbaren Wörter. Band 4. Deutsch-polnische kontrastive Grammatik, zweite, neu bearbeitete und ergänzte AuflageHildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms Verlag. 2012.ISBN: 978-3-487-42249-7
- Rytel-Schwarz, D.; Jurasz, A.; Cirko, L.; Engel, U.Der Satz. Band 2. Deutsch-polnische kontrastive Grammatik, zweite, neu bearbeitete und ergänzte AuflageHildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms Verlag. 2018.ISBN: 978-3-487-14783-3
- Andere herausragende Auszeichnungen: Goldmedaille "Für Verdienste für die Schlesische Universität"show detailsRytel-Schwarz, Danuta (Institut für Slavistik)awarded in 2014 by Rektor der Schlesischen Universität Katowice.
- Andere herausragende Auszeichnungen: Polonicum-Preis der Universität Warschau für die Leipziger Westslawistik: „Nagroda Polonicum 2012“ – für herausragende Erfolge bei der Verbreitung der polnischen Sprache und des Wissens über die polnische Geschichte und Kultur“show detailsRytel-Schwarz, Danuta (Institut für Slavistik)awarded in 2012 by Rektor der Universität Warschau.
- Institut für SlavistikBinationaler Studiengang "B.A. Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Translation Tschechisch – Deutsch"Start Date of Collaboration: 06/10/2014External participating organisations: Karlsuniversität Prag (Prag, Czech Republic)Involved persons: Rytel-Schwarz, Danuta
- Institut für SlavistikInternationaler Studiengang Bachelor PLUS "Westslawistik interkulturell"Start Date of Collaboration: 05/10/2009External participating organisations: Karlsuniversität Prag (Prag, Czech Republic); Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Breslau, Poland)Involved persons: Rytel-Schwarz, Danuta
- ÜbersetzungsworkshopDie Suche nach des Pudels Kern / Hledáme jádro pudlaInstitut für SlavistikEvent Organiser: Rytel-Schwarz, Danuta; Heinz, Christof; Michálková, Bela06/11/2019 – 08/11/2019
- KonferenzAchtung, ein großer Autor! Pozor, velikáni! Milan Kundera und Bohumil Hrabal neu betrachtetSlawische Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturstudien (Schwerpunkt Westslawistik)Event Organiser: Artwinska, Anna; Colombi, Matteo; Rytel-Schwarz, Danuta14/02/2019 – 18/02/2019
- KolloquiumStaatsmann, Intellektueller, Visionär: Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk revisitedSlawische Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturstudien (Schwerpunkt Westslawistik)Event Organiser: Artwinska, Anna; Colombi, Matteo; Rytel-Schwarz, Danuta02/11/2018 – 03/11/2018
- Summer SchoolIdentität(en) im mitteleuropäischen DreiländereckInstitut für SlavistikEvent Organiser: Rytel-Schwarz, Danuta; Artwinska, Anna; Ohme, Andreas18/09/2017 – 28/09/2017
- KonferenzIntra- und interlinguale Zugänge zur deutschen Phraseologie und ParömiologieInstitut für SlavistikEvent Organiser: Rytel-Schwarz, Danuta; Jurasz, Alina; Szczek, Joanna; Gondek, Anna16/03/2017 – 18/03/2017
Introduction to Slavic Linguistics
Lecture for B. A. Western Slavic Studies, Eastern Slavic Studies and Teaching Degree in Polish, Russian and Czech
Phonetics and morphological structures of the Polish language
Seminar for B. A. Western Slavic Studies and Teaching Degree in Polish
Phonetics and morphological structures of the Czech language
Seminar for B. A. Western Slavic Studies, Teaching Degree in Czech and B. A. Intercultural Communication and Translation Czech-German
Linguistics/ Project work: Polish, Czech and German phraseology in contrast
Seminar for B. A. Western Slavic Studies
Scientific working techniques
Seminar/ Exercise for B. A. Western Slavic Studies
Translation strategies and procedures for the Polish-German language pair
Seminar for B. A. Western Slavic Studies
Comparison of languages
Colloquium for B. A. West Slavic Studies and B. A. Intercultural Communication and Translation Czech-German
Word formation and lexicology of the Polish language
Seminar for B. A. West Slavic Studies and Teaching Degree in Polish
Word formation and lexicology of the Czech language
Seminar for B. A. West Slavic Studies, Teaching Degree in Czech and B. A. Intercultural Communication and Translation Czech-German
Selected Topics in Contemporary Slavic Languages: Problems of Text and Variety Linguistics
Seminar for M. A. Slavic Studies
Selected aspects of Slavic linguistics: Particle research
Colloquium for M. A. Slavic Studies
West Slavic language history
Exercise for M. A. Slavic Studies and Teaching Degree in Polish and Czech