Prof. Dr. Rustem Valiullin

Prof. Dr. Rustem Valiullin

Wiss. Mitarbeiter (Außerplanmäßiger Professor)

Felix-Bloch-Institut für Festkörperphysik
Linnéstraße 5, Room 508
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32515

Professional career

  • since 03/2018
    Professor, Leipzig University
  • 11/2008 - 11/2013
    Heisenberg Fellow of the German Science Foundation
  • 03/2003 - 05/2005
    A. von Humboldt Research Fellow
  • 04/2000 - 04/2002
    Postdoc, Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm)


  • 09/1991 - 10/1996
    PhD, Kazan State University (Russia)
  • 09/1986 - 09/1991
    Physics, Kazan State University (Russia)
  • Valiullin, R. (Ed.)
    Diffusion NMR of Confined Systems: Fluid Transport in Porous Solids and Heterogeneous Materials
    Cambridge, UK: The Royal Society of Chemistry. 2017.
    show details
  • Kärger, J.; Valiullin, R.
    Mass Transfer In Mesoporous Materials
    Chemical Society Reviews. 2013. p. 4172.
    show details

more publications

  • Experimental Physics I, II, II, IV

    The undergraduate physics courses from Mechanics to Atoms and Molecules.

  • Fundamentals of quantum spin resonance technology

    The introductory spin resonance course for bachelor students covering both theoretical and experimental aspects of nuclear magnetic resonance.

  • Magnetic resonance and imaging in soft-matter

    The advanced physics course on spin resonance phenomena for master students.

  • Physics of Nanoporous Materials

    The saster course on thermodynamics and dynamics of materials in nanoporous solids.