Leipzig University stands for excellent research and innovative alliances. Our interdisciplinary profile combines various disciplines to investigate socially relevant topics. Close cooperation with non-university and academic partners strengthens our programme.

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Research at Leipzig University is focuses on three strategic research fields. Photo: Christian Hüller

Key research areas at Leipzig University

Our university focuses on inter- and transdisciplinary collaborative structures in order to address complex and socially relevant issues of our time scientifically. Its research profile was defined in a multi-stage process and is bundled into three strategic research fields:

Sustainable Principles for Life and Health

This strategic research field unites research into the foundations of life and health in humans, nature and the environment. Researchers from the life sciences, natural sciences, economics, humanities, social sciences and computer science work in close cooperation to conduct basic and applied research as well as to promote transfer into society.

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Intelligent Methods and Materials

In this strategic research field, researchers investigate the properties of molecules up to complex nanostructures and cell mechanics. They work on topics related to language and communication in the digital age, and deal with questions of physics, earth sciences, chemistry, mineralogy, the life sciences, mathematics, computer science and medicine.

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Changing Orders in a Globalised World

This strategic research field is dedicated to the study of globalisation processes such as global connections and the exchange between world religions and the development of human orders. Scholars from regional, cultural, social and historical sciences conduct research in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) and the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO).

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The Leipzig Way: An integrated programme for research excellence

The Leipzig Way describes the dynamic process of further developing Leipzig University’s research profile and provides the methodological framework for successfully developing our strategic fields of research. Both concepts are closely linked and form the basis of our academic work. They enable us to respond to new challenges in an interdisciplinary and targeted manner and to further strengthen our position.

enlarge the image: Diagram outlining the Leipzig Way in research development as a cycle.
The Leipzig Way in research development. Image: Thomas Häse

In the first phase of the Leipzig Way, new research fields, so-called emerging fields, are identified and funded. In a second stage, these fields are organised into collaborative projects, which develop into interdisciplinary research networks over time in the third stage. At the end of the Leipzig Way, internationally visible and interdisciplinary centres are to be created.

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Interdisciplinary collaboration: synergies and innovations

Leipzig University promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between different faculties and institutes. Our researchers work in diverse teams to develop innovative solutions for the challenges of our time. By integrating the perspectives of different disciplines, we strengthen and improve the scientific excellence of our research.

enlarge the image: In einem Seminarraum sitzen viele Personen an einem U-Förmig aufgestellten Tisch. Sieh hören einer weiteren Person zu, die einen Vortrag hält.
The working groups at LeipzigLab combine different disciplines to create new research networks. Photo: Christian Hüller

The LeipzigLab integrates seamlessly into Leipzig University’s research profile by operationalising the strategic research fields and the Leipzig Way. It creates synergies between different disciplines and enables the University to react flexibly to new scientific challenges. This is what the LeipzigLab stands for with its three working groups Global Health, Children and Nature, and Historical Anthroposphere.

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International networking: the key to global research cooperation

Our university is internationally networked and co-operates with leading research institutions worldwide. These international partnerships enable the exchange of knowledge and resources as well as the realisation of joint research projects. Our researchers are active in global networks and contribute to solving global problems.

enlarge the image: partnerships with higher education institutions all over the world
Our university has partnerships with higher education institutions all over the world. Graphic: Leipzig University

The University actively participates in international research programmes such as Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe of the European Union. These projects promote cooperation with international partners and enable the realisation of large-scale, transdisciplinary research projects.

Vision for the future: Committed to excellence

Leipzig University has set itself the goal of further expanding its status as a University of Excellence by 2030. This is to be achieved by creating the necessary framework conditions for top-level research, education and transfer. Top interdisciplinary research alliances are to be incorporated into the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments.

With this comprehensive approach and its clearly defined goals, Leipzig University is endeavouring to continue to make significant scientific contributions and consolidate its position as one of the leading research universities in Germany and worldwide.

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