At a glance

  • Field of study

    humanities and linguistics
  • Degree type

  • Degree

    Bachelor of Arts
  • Language of instruction

    German, some foreign language
  • Full/part-time

    full-time, part-time
  • Course start

    winter semester
  • Admission restriction

    without admission restriction
  • Standard period of study

    Six semesters

  • ECTS credits



general higher education entrance qualification, subject-specific higher education entrance qualification

  • Kenntnisse in Englisch auf Niveau B2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens


The programme is intended to prepare students for professional fields and to equip them with the necessary specialist knowledge, skills and methods in such a way that they are able to conduct scholarly work, think for themselves and act responsibly. The curriculum includes the areas:

  • Minority research
  • Sorbian studies
  • Celtic studies
  • Sociology/anthropology
  • Further minority languages

Elective and key qualification modules are intended to provide supplementary and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in other areas, and to qualify students to work independently with regard to strategies of problem solving, communication forms, presentation techniques, creative use of new media, intercultural competence etc. The bachelor’s programme can include an internship. There is an integrated period abroad.

The programme includes four semesters at Leipzig University and two semesters (the fifth and sixth semesters) at the partner university in Szczecin, Poland. The course content is taught in modules: six compulsory and two compulsory elective modules (see below), plus three key qualification modules, three modules from the elective area (free choice) and one module for the bachelor’s thesis.

Modules are a combination of self-contained courses of limited duration with a certain methodological or subject-specific orientation and are worth a certain number of credits depending on their workload. They are concluded with a module examination, which usually consists of a single exam and on the basis of which credits are awarded (usually ten credits). Modules can include courses imported from other institutes or be completely imported. The language of instruction is usually German and/or Sorbian (depending on language level). The language of instruction at the partner university is usually English. Knowledge of Polish is useful and can be acquired during the programme.

Students write their bachelor’s thesis alongside their studies during the third year.

Professional activities in the following areas:

  • Academic, cultural or socio-political institutions,
  • working for institutions, authorities and organisations that deal with or require knowledge of the language, literature, culture, art and history of European minorities (but not only the Sorbian institutions in Lusatia),
  • museums, libraries, galleries,
  • administrative departments and bodies,
  • publishers and media of all kinds in bilingual areas,
  • academic career (linguistics, literary, cultural studies, educational sciences, etc.),
  • language cultivation and teaching outside official education, such as at language schools for adults, language consultation, language planning,
  • translation and interpreting services etc.,
  • high-level service sector and leisure facilities (e.g. in Lusatia and neighbouring regions in Slavic countries, political, economic, scientific, cultural and tourist relations) with the necessary linguistic communication and intercultural skills.

The programme includes a two-semester mandatory period abroad in the fifth and sixth semesters at the partner university in Szczecin, Poland.


Course start: winter semester
Admission restriction (NCU): no
Application period: 2 May–15 September
Application portal: AlmaWeb

International students can find information about application periods and how to apply here.

Options in the winter semester: 3rd semester and 5th semester – each without restrictions on admission
Options in the summer semester: 2nd semester, 4th semester and 6th semester – each without restrictions on admission
Application period: 2 May–15 September for the winter semester; 1 December–15 March for the summer semester
Application portal: AlmaWeb
Special enrolment requirements: credits form (Anrechnungsbescheid)

International students can find information about application periods and how to apply here.


One semester of study at a foreign partner university

Matching masters courses