This FAQ page provides information about current rules at Leipzig University. The rules are updated periodically to reflect changes to the regulations and laws.

Translation of the German version, which was last amended on 8 February 2023

Does the “3G” rule apply during lectures?

No. The “3G” rule does not apply.

When do I need to wear an FFP2/KN95 mask? When are surgical masks sufficient?

  • Wearing medical face masks or FFP2/KN95 masks without exhalation valves is still recommended inside University buildings. Using higher-quality respirators (KN95, FFP mask) without exhalation valves is recommended, as these offer significantly better protection.
  • Surgical masks are still mandatory in the University’s outpatient clinics.

Procedure for dealing suspected or confirmed cases of infection

What happens in confirmed or suspected cases of infection?

In the event of a positive test result

  • The student decides at their own discretion whether it is necessary to consult their doctor.
  • We ask students not to enter the University for five days after learning of their infection and to wait and see how the infection develops. Assuming you don’t have any symptoms, you can return to the University without hesitation after five days.
  • Just like other members of staff, students who work for the University as student assistants will also need to report their incapacity for work to their superior.

In the event of suspected cases based on clear symptoms?

  • Students with symptoms indicative of COVID-19 are asked to stay at home or to exit Leipzig University’s buildings, rooms and premises, and to consult a doctor in order to prevent the potential infection of other people. One of the following symptoms is sufficient for this:
    • Fever of 38 degrees Celsius and higher
    • Headache and aching limbs
    • Loss of sense of smell or taste
    • Gastrointestinal problems.
  • This does not apply if the symptoms mentioned have other causes, such as chronic diseases or allergies.
  • We ask each and every individual to deal with this situation responsibly.

What about attending in-person exams after coming into contact with people who have tested positive or after a positive test result?

Following a red “elevated risk” alert in the Corona-Warn-App and close contact with people who have tested positive

  • A red alert in the Corona-Warn-App is not a reason to withdraw from an examination. The examination must still be attended.

Positive rapid test result

  • After a positive rapid test result, you decide at your own discretion whether it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • If you decide not to attend an examination, then you must submit a certificate of incapacity to the examination office.

Symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection

  • If you yourself experience symptoms indicative of infection, then you should decide at your own discretion whether it is necessary to consult your doctor.
  • If you decide not to attend an examination, then you must submit a certificate of incapacity to the examination office.
  • We ask each and every individual to deal with this situation responsibly.

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