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Do you need to contact an expert as part of your research? Would you like the opinion of a renowned scientist, a short statement or even an entire interview? A number of experts at Leipzig University will be happy to help you.

Your selection:
    Prof. Dr. Anne Bartsch

    Prof. Dr. Anne Bartsch

    Research Fields

    • Communication and media studies


    • Media entertainment

    • Entertainment and politics

    • Fact and fiction in entertainment media

    • Media and destigmatization

    • Emotional…

    Prof. Dr. Patrick Donges

    Prof. Dr. Patrick Donges

    Research Fields

    • Communication and media studies


    • Political Communication

    • Media systems and media policy

    • Organizational communication

    • Theories and models of communication

    Prof. Dr. Alexander Godulla

    Prof. Dr. Alexander Godulla

    Research Fields

    • Communication and media studies
    Prof. Dr. Christian Pieter Hoffmann

    Prof. Dr. Christian Pieter Hoffmann

    Research Fields

    • Communication and media studies
    • Digital transformation



    Prof. Dr. Marcel Machill

    Prof. Dr. Marcel Machill

    Research Fields

    • Communication and media studies


    Internet, Neue Medien, Journalismus, Journalistenausbildung, Suchmaschinen, Medienpolitik, Wissenschaftsjournalismus,…

     Anja Neubert

    Anja Neubert

    Research Fields

    • Digital transformation
    • Education, educational sciences
    • Pedagogy
    • History
    • Historical science
    • Communication and media studies



    Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold

    Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold

    Research Fields

    • Communication and media studies


    Online-Kooperation; Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation; Medien und Zeit; Medien und Erinnerung; Öffentliche Diskurse;…

    Prof. Dr. Sven Stollfuß

    Prof. Dr. Sven Stollfuß

    Research Fields

    • Communication and media studies
    • Digital transformation



    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Niklas Venema

    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Niklas Venema

    Research Fields

    • Communication and media studies


    Communication and media change in a long-term and historical comparative perspective

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    Ph.D. Elizabeth Ward

    Research Fields

    • Eastern Germany
    • Communication and media studies
    • History
    • Cultural studies


    • Film in the GDR / DEFA

    • 20th and 21st-century German film

    • Film and the Cold War

    • Film festivals

    • East German culture and…

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