At Leipzig University, one of our development goals is to strengthen the international dimension in teaching and studies as well as in transfer and research. This process of internationalisation requires the involvement of many different teams and institutions, both at the University and beyond. We at the International Centre see ourselves in an advisory and coordinating role: together with you, we will continue to promote internationalisation at Leipzig University.

enlarge the image: Colour photo: Staff of the International Office sitting or standing together in the foyer of the SSZ at the University of Leipzig.
The International Office team, Photo: Christian Hüller

Our Tasks

The International Centre is responsible for a wide range of tasks. It cultivates the University’s international relations and is the “home” of our foreign students, scholars and alumni. In addition, the International Centre is the point of contact for all German members of the University – students and academics – who are planning a stay abroad or who run and supervise international education projects. Besides promoting mobility, the International Centre staff advise all members of the University who wish to integrate international components into their teaching and are planning integrated study programmes with partners abroad.

In accordance with the university internationalisation audit conducted by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), we set ourselves six interdisciplinary goals for study and teaching in 2015, which have been incorporated into the University Development Plan 2025:

Our Structure

enlarge the image:

Our Team

Dr Svend Poller

Dr Svend Poller

Internationalisation, internal organisation

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 304
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32020
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Office hours
n. V.

Dr Svend Poller

Dr Svend Poller


Goethestraße 3-5, Room 304
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32020
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Ruth Katharina Pingel

Ruth Katharina Pingel

Head of process management and digital communication

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 324
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31997
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Ninon Böhme

Ninon Böhme

Head of team “Arqus European University Alliance”

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 328
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30133
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Dr Annemone Fabricius

Dr Annemone Fabricius

Head of team "International Researchers"

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 326
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32039
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132019

 Lina Hörügel

Lina Hörügel

Head of team „International University Communications“

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 324
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31995
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Stefanie Kölling

Stefanie Kölling

Head of team "International Students"

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 314
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Tabea Mager

Tabea Mager

Head of team „Leipzig University Researchers“

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 329
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32053
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Dr Isabelle Maringer

Dr Isabelle Maringer

Head of team “Leipzig University Students”

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 301
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32030
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Anne Vorpagel

Anne Vorpagel

Head of team „European Funding Programme Erasmus+"

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 302
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32031
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Janette Kujak

Janette Kujak


Goethestraße 3-5, Room 303
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32020
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Carolin Werner

Carolin Werner

Front Office

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 303
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Stefanie Kölling

Stefanie Kölling

Policy issues concerning international students, advising and supervising international doctoral researchers

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 314
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Marvin Bazanava

Marvin Bazanava

Student Mobility (EU Programmes)

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 313
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32051
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Elisabeth Böhme

Elisabeth Böhme

Admission and guidance for Master's students

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 3.16
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Felicitas Hanke-Dallmann

Felicitas Hanke-Dallmann

Advice and support for exchange students

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 313
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32023
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Johanna Degering

Johanna Degering

Guidance for refugees and on preparatory German language courses

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 317
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Juliane Keil

Juliane Keil

Studienkolleg Sachsen and undergraduate students: admission and guidance

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 3.18
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Simon Lintzen

Simon Lintzen

Studienkolleg Sachsen and undergraduate students: admission and guidance

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 3.18
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Helen Matthey

Helen Matthey

Guidance on and admission to preparatory German language courses, admission to international degree programmes

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 317
04109 Leipzig

 Martina Otto

Martina Otto

Supervision of students seeking to graduate

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 315
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32029
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Ulrike Renker

Ulrike Renker

Continuing education for alumni; networking and contacts

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 210
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32024
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Antje Schöne

Antje Schöne

Guidance and coordination for preparatory programmes

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 211
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32036
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Katerina Schlansky

Katerina Schlansky

Beraterin Internationale Studierende

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 212
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32034
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Dr Isabelle Maringer

Dr Isabelle Maringer

Guidance on the recognition of credits earned abroad

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 301
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32030
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Friederike Fuchs

Friederike Fuchs

Advice ( studying, doctorates, internships) and administration (Erasmus Europe: studying and internships) periods abroad

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 311
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32076
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Franziska Hübner

Franziska Hübner

Erasmus+ worldwide: coordination and administration of financial support for periods abroad (studying, doctorates)

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 310
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32040
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Jane Moros

Jane Moros

Guidance on periods abroad (studying, doctorates, internships); coordination of university partnerships

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 312
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32032
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Ines Remer

Ines Remer

Erasmus+ in Europe: administration of periods abroad (studying, doctorates)

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 310
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32022
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Christine Seidemann

Christine Seidemann

PROMOS: administration of periods abroad (studying, internships, specialist and language courses, study visits)

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 327
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32038
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Dr. Stefania Siddu

Dr. Stefania Siddu

Advice (studying, doctorates, internships) and administration (Erasmus+ Europe: studying and internships) periods abroad, coordination of student exchanges Arqus Alliance and Utrecht Network

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31999

Dr Annemone Fabricius

Dr Annemone Fabricius

Guidance and supervision of new international staff and visiting scholars

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 326
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32039
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132019

 Franziska Hübner

Franziska Hübner

administration and guidance of teaching and training periods at Leipzig University

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 310
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32040
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Linda Kaule

Linda Kaule

Guidance and supervision of new international staff and visiting scholars

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 326
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32069
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132019

 Stefanie Kölling

Stefanie Kölling

Application guidance, enrolment and administrative support for international doctoral researchers

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 314
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Default Avatar

Lisa Pacholleck

University partnerships: administration of teaching, research and training periods at Leipzig University

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 211
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32035
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Ulrike Renker

Ulrike Renker

Leipzig Alumni International (LAI)

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 210
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32024
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Antje Schöne

Antje Schöne

Guidance and coordination for preparatory programmes

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 211
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32036
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Tabea Mager

Tabea Mager

Support in initiation and further development of international study programmes, in particular contract management and funding acquisition

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 329
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32053
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Franziska Hübner

Franziska Hübner

Erasmus+ worldwide: project coordination, administration and guidance on teaching and training stays

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 310
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32040
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Dr Isabelle Maringer

Dr Isabelle Maringer

Guidance on educational cooperation; Erasmus+ in Europe; guidance on recognition, mobility windows and the internationalisation of teacher training degrees

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 301
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32030
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Dr. Marie Plinke

Dr. Marie Plinke

Coordination of bilateral university partnerships and contract management, coordination of international visits to SI, project management for partnerships with Eastern Europe (DAAD)

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 327
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32025
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Christine Seidemann

Christine Seidemann

Support for academics during stays within bilateral university agreements, coordination of PROMOS (DAAD) and SI statistics

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 327
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32038
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Saskia Lina Steszewski

Saskia Lina Steszewski

Coordination DAAD European University Networks (EUN)

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 329
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32096
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Anne Vorpagel

Anne Vorpagel

Erasmus+ Europe: administration, Erasmus+ Institutional Coordination, project and agreement management, guidance on departmental coordination and EU project funding for partnerships, guidance on international staff mobility

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 302
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32031

 Anne Vorpagel

Anne Vorpagel

Erasmus+ Institutional Coordination and project management, guidance on and conclusion of Erasmus+ agreements, guidance on departmental coordination and EU project funding for partnerships

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 302
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32031

 Marvin Bazanava

Marvin Bazanava

Guidance, support and admission of Erasmus+ exchange students from European partner universities, within the Arqus Alliance and Utrecht Network

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 313
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32051

 Friederike Fuchs

Friederike Fuchs

Guidance on Erasmus+ stays abroad (study, doctorate, internship) and administration of Erasmus+ funding

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 311
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32076

 Felicitas Hanke-Dallmann

Felicitas Hanke-Dallmann

Guidance, support and admission of Erasmus+ exchange students from non-European partner universities and in networks as well as financial administration

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 313
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32023

 Franziska Hübner

Franziska Hübner

Coordination of the Erasmus+ international academic mobility project, guidance on Erasmus+ teaching, training and study visits worldwide, financial administration

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 310
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32040

Dr. Isabelle Maringer

Dr. Isabelle Maringer

Guidance on Erasmus+ departmental coordination, recognition procedures and mobility windows, advice on blended teaching and learning formats

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 301
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32030

 Jane Moros

Jane Moros

Guidance on stays abroad (studying, doctorates, internships), coordination of university partnerships

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 312
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32032

Dr. Svend Poller

Dr. Svend Poller

Deputy Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 304
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32020
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Office hours
n. V.

 Ines Remer

Ines Remer

Administration and guidance on teaching and training stays in Europe, administration of Erasmus+ stays abroad (studying, doctorates), financial administration

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 310
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32022

Dr. Stefania Siddu

Dr. Stefania Siddu

Guidance on Erasmus+ stays abroad (studies, doctorate, internship) and administration of Erasmus+ funding, coordination of student exchanges in the Arqus Alliance and Utrecht Network

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31999

 Christian Unger

Christian Unger

Coordination of the Erasmus Without Paper/EWP project – digitalisation, guidance and support for Erasmus+ agreements

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 309
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32067

 Ninon Böhme

Ninon Böhme


Goethestraße 3-5, Room 328
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30133
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Stefanie Kölling

Stefanie Kölling

Inclusion and diversity, with a focus on refuge and asylum

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 314
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Tabea Mager

Tabea Mager

International degree programmes, in particular contract management and funding acquisition

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 329
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32053
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Steven Rupp

Steven Rupp

Public relations

Goethestraße 3-5
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30118

 Saskia Lina Steszewski

Saskia Lina Steszewski

Coordination DAAD European University Networks (EUN)

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 329
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32096
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Lina Hörügel

Lina Hörügel

Public relations; coordination of reports platform; concept and design of communication products; supervision of international guests

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 324
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31995
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Josephine Petzold

Josephine Petzold

Central international websites

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 325
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31994
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Ruth Katharina Pingel

Ruth Katharina Pingel

Process management and digital communication

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 324
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31997
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Steven Rupp

Steven Rupp

Public relations European University Alliance Arqus, Social Media

Goethestraße 3-5
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30118

Dr Annemone Fabricius

Dr Annemone Fabricius

Guidance and supervision of new international staff and visiting scholars

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 326
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32039
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132019

Dr Svend Poller

Dr Svend Poller

Supervision of international guests

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 304
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32020
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

Office hours
n. V.

 Ulrike Renker

Ulrike Renker

Leipzig Alumni International (LAI)

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 210
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32024
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Antje Schöne

Antje Schöne

PANDA programme

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 211
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32036
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

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