Would you like to combine studying with spending time abroad? Besides studying abroad, there are various ways to spend time in another country – such as internships, language courses, writing your dissertation, subject-specific courses and study trips. Read more about your options here and find the right scholarship form for you.

enlarge the image: Student Natascha stands on a high mountain in South Africa, photographed from a great distance, with Gebrige in the background.
Student Natascha in South Africa during her veterinary internship. Photo: Natascha Rüping

Discover new job prospects, forge international work contacts and enhance your professional and language skills!
Internships are already part of some degree programmes. You can take a leave semester for a voluntary internship. There is all sorts of funding available for internships abroad: Erasmus+, PROMOS and other scholarships.

It is often possible to organise an internship abroad faster than studying in another country. Nevertheless, make sure you seek advice from the International Centre well in advance!

Erasmus+ traineeship in Europe

  • Erasmus+ funds voluntary and mandatory traineeships abroad.
  • You can receive Erasmus+ funding several times in each study cycle (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctoral studies) and in any degree programme.
  • Participation in the Erasmus+ programme is possible regardless of your nationality.
  • You choose the traineeship period yourself.
  • The Erasmus+ mobility quota for each student comprises 12 funding months per study cycle (bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral studies), in state examination and diploma programmes it's a maximum of 24 months of funding. In your mobility quota multiple study stays abroad can be funded.
  • Traineeship stays abroad can also be funded within 12 months of completing your studies.
  • You are enrolled at our university for a degree or doctorate.
  • You have successfully organised a traineeship at an organisation in one of the 27 EU states or in another possible European non-EU state (see “Funding – Funding by destination country” further down this page).
  • Your traineeship lasts at least 2 calendar months and a maximum of 12 funding months (360 days).
  • You work full-time during your internship (full-time is understood according to the typical working hours in the country of the receiving organisation).

Traineeships at EU institutions and institutions that conduct EU programmes are ineligible for Erasmus+ funding. There are alternative funding programmes for traineeships at these institutions – for example, the DAAD’s short-term scholarships.
Traineeships that only involve general services to clients, order processing, data entry or only office work are also ineligible for funding.

You will receive Erasmus+ status for the entire duration of the internship if the funding is approved. Our university has a limited total budget for Erasmus+ funding. Therefore, you will receive fixed monthly funding rates depending on the destination country and duration of your stay.

  • Funding according to destination country

Country groupFunding
Country group 1:
Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland (Exception: via the Swiss-European Mobility Programme/ SEMP. Erasmus+ status, i.e. Zero Grant, is possible for all degree programmes.), United Kingdom (Exception: only for compulsory internships that must be completed in an English-speaking country. Erasmus+ status, i.e. Zero Grant, is possible for all degree programmes.)
Country group 2:
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Vatican City State

Country group 3:

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey

  • Funding according to duration

Funding for internships ending before 31 July 2024

Duration of stayPossible number of months of funding
2 to 3.5 calendar months2
more than 3.5 to 4.5 calendar months3
more than 4.5 to 5.5 calendar months4
more than 5.5 to 12 calendar months5


Funding for internships ending after 1 August 2024

A full month consists of 30 funding days. Your stay can therefore begin and end in the middle of a month

Duration of stayPossible number of months of funding
2 to less than 3 calendar months2
3 to less than 4 calendar months3
4 to less than 5 calendar months4
5 to 12 calendar months5

30 funding days always count as a full month and therefore equal one monthly funding rate, regardless of the calendar month. Your stay can therefore also begin and end in the middle of a calendar month.

Students receiving Erasmus+ financial support can apply for the following top-up amounts.

This requires a Declaration of Honour regarding the reason for the top-up amount. This declaration is submitted with your signed registration for the study stay abroad. You must provide evidence of the reasons you need the top-up and keep this evidence for 6 years after the end of your stay and present it to the International Centre. Top-up amounts cannot be applied for retroactively.

No top-up amounts are available for Erasmus+ exchanges with just the Erasmus+ status, such as “zero grant”.

You can find information about your funding via the document “special conditions” (see download section on the right) and the Erasmus+ Grant Agreement. This contains the detailed funding conditions and the Grant Notification on the total amount of financial support, including any top-up amounts.

Green travel top-up amount

If you use low-emission forms of transport (bus and/or train) for more than 50 percent of your round trip, you are eligible for a one-time top-up amount of €50. If the “green” journey takes longer than one day each for arrival or departure, you can also apply for financial support for a maximum of 4 additional travel days (calculated according to your monthly funding rate). You must provide the following evidence:

  • Tickets or invoices clearly showing your name, the date and the means of transport and that you travelled on each day and reached your final destination. Overnight stays and stopovers are possible.

If your trip is interrupted for a longer period (‘city tour’, days without travel), you can apply for the one-time top-up, but no additional travel day rates. You must provide the following evidence:

  • Ticket or invoices with your name and date showing the use of a low-emission means of transport for the round trip.

Top-up amount for those with fewer opportunities in long-term or short-term mobility

This top-up amount is aimed at those with fewer opportunities in long-term or short-term mobility so that they can participate in a study stay abroad. If approved, you will receive financial support of €250 per month if one of the following reasons applies:

  • Disability or chronic health problems
    You have a degree of disability of 20 or more or a chronic illness (see the list provided by the Robert-Koch-Institute), which means that you will have additional financial costs to cover abroad. You must provide the following evidence:

    • Disability: disability card or notice from the state social welfare office
    • Chronic health problems: medical certificate confirming that additional financial costs will be incurred abroad because of chronic health problems

    Alternatively, an application for real cost compensation can be submitted to the NA DAAD (document only available in German).

  • Study stay abroad with own child(ren)
    Your own child(ren) will be accompanying you on your study stay abroad. Double funding for a child is excluded if both parents take part in the study stay abroad. If there are two or more children, each parent can receive a top-up amount. You must provide the following evidence:

    • Birth certificate and travel documents for child/children’s round trip
    • If applicable, confirmation of being registered at a child care or educational institution
    • If applicable, confirmation of joint accommodation abroad through a tenancy agreement

    Alternatively, an application for real cost compensation can be submitted to the NA DAAD (document only available in German).

  • Employment of students
    A student’s previous employment of at least six continuous months must be terminated or paused due to their study stay abroad. The end of employment must be no earlier than 3 months before the start of the internship. Monthly net earnings must be between €450 and €850. In the case of several sources of income, the average per month applies. Exclusions: professional self-employment or a grant received during the study stay abroad (not Bafög support) or a traineeship allowance of €300 or more per month. You must provide the following evidence:
    • Pay slips or tax return
  • First generation in the family to access higher education
    Parents or caregivers do not hold a degree in Germany that is considered academic (a list can be found from the Higher Education Compass and the German Accreditation Council). Qualifications obtained abroad are considered non-academic in the country concerned. If the qualification was gained in a country that has changed to another form of government, the date of the qualification is used for the evaluation.
    If you want caregivers other than your parents to be taken into consideration, they should have had a continuous relationship with you for several years up to the start of your academic education. If only one parent or caregiver is available or familiar with you, then only this one person will be considered for the verification.
    Exceptions are study stays abroad during which you receive a grant (not Bafög support) or a traineeship allowance of €300 or more per month.
    You must provide the following evidence:
    • Declaration of Honour from the parent(s) or caregiver(s), which states their highest level of qualifications

The deadline for applying for Erasmus+ funding is three months before you plan to start your traineeship. To do so, you need take the following steps:

  1. Log onto the online registration with your university login.
  2. Complete the online registration form thoroughly, especially if you are applying for special funding. Your details are the basis of your funding.
  3. Upload any certificate(s) of enrolment for the complete relevant traineeship period directly or submit them later by email, if necessary.
  4. Fill out the traineeship agreement digitally. Sign it and have the person responsible for your subject and the traineeship organisation sign it as well. Please upload the complete and signed traineeship agreement as a PDF document directly or submit it later by email, if necessary.
  5. Submit your registration. 
  6. You will then receive a summary of your registration as a PDF document. Print it, check your details and sign it as confirmation.
  7. Please submit the printed and signed document to the International Centre.
  8. Your submitted registration will be checked at the International Centre. You will then receive an email with a password-protected link to online storage. There you will receive your Erasmus+ Grant Agreement, including the Grant Notification regarding your provisional Erasmus+ financial support.
  9. Please read the Erasmus+ funding conditions carefully before signing the agreement. You agree to these conditions by signing the Grant Agreement. Please hand in the signed original of the Erasmus+ Grant Agreement to the International Centre before the start of the internship.

Please submit your documents to the International Centre:

  • by mail to: International Centre, Goethestraße 3 – 5, 04109 Leipzig
  • by drop-off: Deadline letterbox, Goethestraße 6, 04109 Leipzig

You are not currently obliged to take an online language test via the Online Language Support (OLS) programme. However, we recommend doing so. Find out more at EU Academy.

If you are a native speaker or the required language is not offered by the OLS system, you are not required to participate. The OLS test is not a valid language certificate.

Please have your traineeship organisation confirm the start of your traineeship. This should be done informally by email (including name, exact start date, details of physical/virtual mobility) within four weeks of the official start of the traineeship.

 If you would like to shorten or extend your traineeship, please inform the International Centre immediately via email (no later than 30 days before the initially agreed end).

  • If your traineeship is shortened, you may have to pay back part of your Erasmus+ financial support. If your stay is shorter than the minimum duration of two months, you will have to pay back the full amount received
  • You may be able to extend your stay if you still have funding months in your Erasmus+ monthly quota and the end of your traineeship is before 31 July 2024

You must notify us of any extension of the traineeship of less than one month by e--mail. Extensions of more than one month must be applied for with an amendment agreement to the original traineeship agreement. Depending on the change, further documents may have to be submitted or amended if necessary. You will be informed about this separately.

You can use this Erasmus+ option for a full traineeship stay in a time frame of 12 months directly after completing your degree (the date of issue of your diploma applies) and only if you have not yet used up all of your Erasmus+ mobility quota. The deadline for the application documents is 3 months before the start of the internship.

If your traineeship is more than three months away and you do not yet have an traineeship agreement, you must declare your intention to do an internship before you are removed from the student register. Otherwise the option of Erasmus+ funding for the graduate internship is ruled out. 

We need the following from you before you complete your studies:

We need the following from you after you complete your studies:

  • The certificate showing that you have been removed from the student register
  • Certificate of successful completion of your studies (e. g. copy of certificate)

A traineeship abroad at organisations in the United Kingdom is still possible with Erasmus+ funding. It is possible to be awarded Erasmus+ status, i. e. zero grant, in all degree programmes. However, a limited budget is available to our university. Which is why only compulsory traineeships that have to be completed in English-speaking countries can be financially supported. In addition to the independent organisation of the traineeship, further requirements for the United Kingdom must be taken into account.

Further information on the DAAD website (in German)

The following documents are required to complete your Erasmus+ traineeship:

  • Traineeship certificate
    Have the traineeship certificate filled out by your organisation and submit the confirmation to the International Centre by email no later than four weeks after your traineeship has ended. The document may be issued on the last day of the traineeship at the earliest
  • Erasmus+ participation report (EU Survey)
    At the end of your stay, you will receive a link by email from the EU Corporate Notification System (check your spam folder if necessary). Please complete the questionnaire as soon as you receive the email

PROMOS Internships Worldwide

The PROMOS scholarship is a scholarship program funded by the DAAD to support stays abroad outside the Erasmus+ funding region that cannot be funded through other scholarship programs. The program funds internships abroad with a minimum duration of eight weeks for a maximum of 4 months of the planned stay. PROMOS also funds internships if you have already completely exhausted your Erasmus+ allowance.

The PROMOS scholarship is awarded on a merit basis according to the availability of funds.

For students with foreign citizenship, funding for stays abroad in the respective home countries is excluded.

The programme can also be used to support periods of study, dissertations and study trips.

You are eligible to apply for a PROMOS-Scholarship when are fully enrolled and are pursuing your degree at our university:

  • Bachelor's degree: from the 3rd semester,
  • Master's degree: from 1st semester, at least already one semester of attendance at the University of Leipzig when studying in an international Master's programme.
  • Doctoral candidates are not eligible for funding under this programme.

Your planned internship

  • will take place outside the Erasmus+ eligible region,
  • has a minimum duration of eight weeks full-time
  • is remunerated with a maximum of 500 EUR and
  • is not eligible for funding through other DAAD programs (see “Alternative Scholarships for Internships abroad”).

PROMOS finances internships abroad of with a minimum duration of eight weeks for a maximum of four months. The respective grant rates depend on the country of destination. The scholarship comprises a monthly grant and a one-off travel allowance.

PROMOS scholarships are tied to calendar years, which means that in the case of stays abroad spanning several years, funding is only possible until 28 February of the following year.

Students with a degree of disability (“GdB”) of at least 50 or a chronic illness can apply for special funding from the DAAD together with the International Centre. The special funding can be paid in addition to the regular grant rates. Please contact the PROMOS project coordinator by email early on for further information and to apply.

There are two annual application periods for PROMOS scholarships:

  • For stays commencing between January and June:
    1 November–1 December of the previous year
  • For stays commencing between July and December:
    1 May–1 June

PROMOS scholarship applications submitted outside the application deadlines will not be accepted.

Online Application

Please submit your application online only. Register with your university login via the online portal. Enter your information in the online application and upload the following documents:

  • CV in tabular form
  • Certificate(s) of enrolment

Please upload your enrolment certificate(s) from Leipzig University for the entire period of your stay abroad. If you do not yet have the enrolment certificate for the following semester, first submit your enrolment certificate for the current semester. You must then submit the next certificate as soon as you have it (without being asked). You do not need to provide your master data sheet or your BAföG certificate.

  • Overview of grades

An overview of grades can be obtained from your AlmaWeb account or by contacting your subject’s examination office. You can only use the overview of grades from AlmaWeb if all your previous achievements have been recorded in full in the portal. If you are a first-semester master’s student, please also submit your bachelor’s certificate together with an overview of grades. If you are already enrolled in a higher semester on a master’s programme, we will require your current overview of grades in addition to your bachelor’s certificate with overview of grades.

  • Describe the project

Please specify why you have chosen to complete an internship abroad and explain your choice of host institution. Describe the content and scope of the work (one to two pages).

  • Language certificate for the working language/national language

You can receive a language certificate from one of the teachers at the Language Center after taking one of their language certification tests. The Language Center holds these tests regularly. Your school-leaving certificate does not count as proof of language proficiency.

  • If you speak the language in question or are studying in that language, please contact a language teacher at your institute.
  • If the working language at your receiving institution is German and no further foreign language skills are required, please submit the language certificate for English.
  • If you can prove that you passed one of the standard tests within the last two years, you can use this instead of the language certificate.
  • Native speakers do not require proof of knowledge of the native language.

Before your stay, you can attend a preparatory language course at our Language Center or take advantage of the language courses offered during your studies:

  • Proof of contact with the receiving institution/internship contract

You will need a letter from the receiving institution indicating the location, the nature and scope of your work, the duration of your internship, remuneration, and the contact details of the receiving institution.


After checking that your application is complete, we will send you a personal confirmation message.

Review of Your Application and Nomination

Your complete application will be reviewed by two subject-specific appraisers. The following selection criteria and assessment weightings are taken into account:

  • Subject-specific qualification and personal suitability (50%)
  • Relevance of the planned stay in relation studies completed so far (30%)
  • Language skills necessary to carry out the stay (20%)

Applicants will be notified by email of whether they have been nominated for a PROMOS scholarship approximately six weeks after the application deadline.

Alternative Scholarships for Internships Abroad

Besides Erasmus+ and PROMOS, there are numerous alternative scholarships for internships abroad that you can apply for. Take a look!

    Global volunteering projects
  • ASA
    for working and studying in Africa, Latin America, Asia and South Eastern Europe
  • DAAD
    Carlo Schmid Programme: Internships in international organisations
    Programmes for short-term scholarships and travel expense grants
  • DFJW (Franco-German Youth Office)
    Scholarships for study-related internships in France
  • DPJW (German-Polish Youth Office)
    Scholarships for internships in Poland
  • German Academic Scholarship Foundation
    Scholarships for internships in China

Finding the Right Internship

enlarge the image: Internship portals are a great way to find a placement abroad. Photo: Unsplash
Internship portals are a great way to find a placement abroad. Photo: Unsplash

Finding the right internship takes a good deal of initiative. Very few programmes offer both scholarships and internships. To help you look in the right place, we’ve put together an overview of subject-specific programmes and internship portals. Good luck with your search!

Traineeship in uncertain times

Have you planned a stay abroad but certain circumstances (e. g. situation in the destination country) have left you uncertain as to whether you want to or are able to do so? Then please note the following information.

Please always follow the provisions and instructions of your host institution regarding entry, e. g. quarantine regulations or security precautions.

Please stick to cost-neutral planning for your study stay abroad for as long as possible.
We recommend:

  • taking out travel cancellation insurance and health insurance during your stay. Please seek advice on this from your health insurance provider;
  • regularly keeping on top of all information on the host institution’s websites and to subscribing to any newsletters offered there;
  • stay in contact with the contact persons at the host institution and, if applicable, your Erasmus+ departmental coordinator at our university.

Please inform your Erasmus+ departmental coordinator, your contact person at the host institution and the International Centre immediately by email.

Dissertations, Language Courses, Subject-Specific Courses and More

Apart from studying or doing an internship in a foreign country, language courses, subject-specific courses and study trips can be a great opportunity to gain experience abroad. A language course can, for example, help you prepare well for an internship. You can also write your dissertation abroad or carry out research for it. A PROMOS scholarship can be used to fund some of these stays abroad.

Depending on the topic of your dissertation, it may be important for you to carry out research abroad. This could give you access to research fields that are not accessible here in Leipzig. You may also need material from foreign institutions that is of particular relevance to your work.

What financial support will I receive?

Fund your final thesis abroad with PROMOS or as part of an Erasmus+ internship.

PROMOS awards short-term scholarships for dissertations abroad with a minimum duration of eight weeks. The respective grant rates depend on the country of destination. The scholarship comprises a monthly grant and a one-off travel allowance.

Students with a degree of disability (“GdB”) of at least 50 or a chronic illness can apply for special funding from the DAAD together with the International Centre. The special funding can be paid in addition to the regular grant rates. Please contact the PROMOS project coordinator by email early on for further information and to apply.

For more details, please refer to our information on studying abroad and the PROMOS application information.

How do I apply for a PROMOS scholarship?

There are two application deadlines for PROMOS scholarships each year:

  • for periods abroad commencing between January and June:
    1 November–1 December of the previous year
  • for periods abroad commencing between July and December:
    1 May–1 June

Please note that we are unable to accept applications for PROMOS scholarships submitted outside the application periods. 

Applying online

To apply, please register via the online portal using your university login. Please only apply via the online portal.
Please enter your information in the online application and upload the following documents:

  • CV in tabular form
  • Certificate(s) of enrolment
    Please upload your enrolment certificate(s) from Leipzig University for the entire period of your stay abroad. If you do not yet have the enrolment certificate for the following semester, first submit your enrolment certificate for the current semester. You must then submit the next certificate as soon as you have it (without being asked). You do not need to provide your master data sheet or your BAföG certificate.
  • Overview of grades
    Please request this from your examination office. You can also submit a printout of the overview of your grades from AlmaWeb, provided it lists all of the credits you have earned so far. If you are already enrolled on a master’s programme, please also upload a copy of your bachelor’s certificate including a Transcript of Records.
  • Describe the project
    Please explain why the success of your final thesis depends on your going abroad and include a project schedule for your time abroad (e. g. in a table).
  • Language certificate for the language of instruction/national language
    You can receive a language certificate from one of the teachers at the Language Center after taking one of their language certification tests.
    • If you speak the language in question or are studying in that language, please contact a language teacher at your institute.
    • If the language of instruction is German and no further foreign language skills are required, please submit the language certificate for English.
    • If you can prove that you passed one of the standard tests within the last two years, you can use this instead of the language certificate.
    • Native speakers do not require proof of knowledge of the native language.

Taking a language course abroad is the perfect opportunity to significantly improve your language skills! Besides our language courses, it is possible to take courses at private language institutes or universities abroad.

Find Language Courses Abroad

The DAAD website provides a good introduction to this topic. There you can search for language courses at universities around the world.

Before your stay, you can attend a preparatory language course at our Language Center or take advantage of the language courses offered during your studies:

Examples of specialist courses are summer schools or workshops at a foreign host university. They usually last several days or a few weeks and deal with special projects or topics. These activities are often supplemented by local cultural programmes.

Find Specialist Courses and Summer Schools Abroad

Please contact us for information on current opportunities. In addition, many departments have noticeboards advertising such programmes.

  • The DAAD’s Go East programme organises summer and winter schools in East-Central, South Eastern and Eastern Europe.
  • Are you interested in going to Switzerland? Students of physics, computer science and engineering can apply to the CERN Summer Student Programme.

This funding is not available for congress or lecture tours. For these, please check the DAAD website.

You can undertake a study trip abroad together with your fellow students. The whole trip must be accompanied by a professor. The study trip will focus on subject-related learning and give you an insight into the local culture. Study trips focus on getting to know students and other academics.

Financial support

Under PROMOS, a flat-rate allowance is available to support study trips by groups of at least five students and/or doctoral researchers accompanied by a professor.

Please note this information and our checklist for study trips abroad.

Applying for PROMOS funding

Applications for PROMOS grants for study trips can only be submitted by professors of our university. Please send all application documents as specified in the checklist as a single PDF file to Christine Seidemann.

enlarge the image: Auf dem Bild sieht man im Hintergrund einen jungen Mann, der in seiner Hand ein Smartphone hält. Das Smartphone zeigt er in die Kamera. Auf dem Smartphone ist ein Logo mit dem Schriftzug "entdecker" zu sehen.
The “entdecker” app is available in the Google Play Store and the App Store. Image: Leipzig University

The International Centre’s German-language app “entdecker – Abenteuer Ausland” supports students from Leipzig University before, during and even after their time abroad. Whether you head to another country to study, for an internship, or for a subject-related or language course, the “entdecker” app is your mobile companion for your adventures abroad. More information is available on the German entdecker website. You are welcome to download the app and start planning your time abroad.

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