We support you in the acquisition of your third-party funds with individual consulting and information offers on various funding organisations. We are at your side from the initial idea to the completion of your project!

Our offer of support in the field of national funding includes the application, implementation and management of individual and joint projects, especially from

We advise you in detail throughout the planning and applying stage of your third-party funded research project and also help you with the financial processing of the project.

For joint projects, we also prepare the official documents for the university committees and the university management during the proposal phase, draft cooperation agreements and regulations and support the preparation of reviews. Once the project has been approved, our Financial Management of External Funding team will support you.

Applicants of the Faculty of Medicine please contact Ms Antje Schnell who is responsible for:

  • information about research funding
  • support for and processing of applications to and contracts with public sponsors (BMBF, DFG, EU etc.)
  • research report of the Faculty of Medicine
  • statistics


Research Funding of DFG Projects

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is the self-governing organisation for science and research in Germany and the largest funding institution nationwide. It is responsible for awarding the funding provided by the federal government and the states to the most outstanding scientists and the most promising research projects. We are at your side from the initial idea to the completion of your DFG project.

For DFG joint proposals, Leipzig University has two research promotion funds to provide start-up financing – the Leipzig Seed Fund and the Leipzig Review Fund:

  • The Seed Fund provides flexible financing for the preparation of full proposals.
  • The Leipzig Review Fund can be used to finance external reviews of the project outline or the project proposal prior to its submission.

Information and guidelines on our research promotion funds can be found on the intranet of Leipzig University.

You have a specific idea for a research project, but you don't know which DFG programme matches your idea? We would be happy to advise you!

We will gladly answer your questions about all DFG funding programmes and help you with the proposal process.

Dr. Sindy Schug

Dr. Sindy Schug

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 415
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35077
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

Dr. Barbara Weiner

Dr. Barbara Weiner

Research Service Officer

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35071
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

 Dr Barbara Weiner will advise you on coordinated joint projects such as:


We will support you in every step of the proposal preparation, including:

  • advice with regards to formal aspects and quality assurance of the application
  • budget planning (e.g. funding for staff, travel expenses, direct project costs)
  • obtaining legally binding signatures from the university management (e.g. for coordinated joint projects or the Emmy Noether Programme) and communication with the university management

For joint projects we have compiled a guide of our workflows. You will find all forms and guidelines for the various programmes on the DFG website.

If an agreement is required for a cooperation, we will draw it up with you based on the DFG's model agreements. Your contact person is Veronika Tönnies, legal expert for contractual and industrial property protection.

Please submit your DFG proposal online via the elan Portal. Once you have submitted your proposal, please fill out the notification form for third-party funds and send it to us .

As soon as we receive your grant notice, the Financial Management of External Funding team will support your DFG project, which includes:

  • setting-up project accounts and assigning project numbers
  • entering the budget details into the accounting system and updating the info
  • Requests for Disbursement of Funds and passing these on to the Human Resources Department
  • checking the eligibility and financing of staff hiring (third-party funded employees and assistants)
  • checking the eligibility of purchase orders and related incoming invoices
  • supporting the preparation of interim and final reports
  • preparing and accompanying on-site reviews


Philin Hagemann is your contact person for

  • the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy
  • the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Collaborative Research Centres and Research Training Groups of all faculties


 Anja Radon

Anja Radon

Goethestraße 6, Room 405
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35089
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

Anja Radon is your contact person for

  • the Faculty of Theology
  • the Faculty of Law
  • the Faculty of History, Arts and Oriental Studies
  • the Faculty of Philology
  • the Faculty of Education
  • the Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
  • the Faculty of Economics and Management Science
  • the Faculty of Sport Science
  • the Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences


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Sylke Tröger

External Funding

Goethestraße 6, Room 427
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35083
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

Sylke Tröger is your contact person for

  • the Faculty of Life Sciences
  • the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • all other research and central institutions


The DFG regards the project as concluded once you have submitted the final progress report and the final financial status report. Our colleagues of the Financial Management of External Funding team will assist you in preparing the final financial status report. Please check the grant notice for the deadlines. For individual research grants both reports should be submitted in general twelve months after expiry of the funding period.

Funding from Federal and State Ministries

Federal ministries, especially the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), support joint projects, as well as junior research groups and scientific cooperation. Funding programmes are usually offered for specific topics. The Saxon state ministries also support research in Saxony. We advise you on all national funding bodies and search for the most suitable one for you.

You have a specific idea for a research project, but you don't know which programme is suitable? We would be happy to advise you and help you find the right funding agency.

The majority of the federal government’s research funding is awarded through calls for proposals by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Please subscribe to our to receive information about current calls for proposals of the BMBF and other federal ministries.

The BMBF particularly supports the development of new ideas and technologies focussing on bringing together industry - small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - and science. Research funding often depends on the degree of innovation and the opportunities for exploitation, i.e. on practical solutions for current problems.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) aims at strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises and promoting new technologies to maintain the competitiveness of the German economy. Knowledge and technology transfer is being promoted through collaborations between industry and universities/research institutions. An important programme is the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (called ZIM), which offers small and medium-sized enterprises and cooperating research institutions a funding programme that is open to all sectors and fields of technology. An application can be submitted at any time.

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) provides funding for projects focusing on sustainability, food safety and the promotion of a healthy diet.

Every year, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) calls for proposals for subject-specific projects which serve as scientific basis for political decisions in the field of environmental policy.

Often, the procedure for BMBF calls for proposals is divided into two stages. First, a draft proposal must be submitted. If it is evaluated positively, the full proposal can be submitted via the federal government's funding portal – easy-online.

On behalf of the Federal Ministries, project management agencies (so-called Projektträger) are responsible for monitoring and carrying out the projects. The main tasks of the project management agencies are to provide technical and administrative advice to the applicants, to prepare decisions on funding and to monitor the projects and their success.

The SAB (Sächsische Aufbaubank) promotes cooperation between Saxon research institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises. The funding programmes are open to all sectors and applications can be submitted at any time.

Dr Sindy Schug, Dr. Anika Höppner, Lisette Heinze, Fanny Jentzsch and Ines Christoph will gladly advise you on all questions concerning the programmes of the federal ministries and the Free State of Saxony.

Dr. Sindy Schug

Dr. Sindy Schug

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 415
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35077
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

 Fanny Jentzsch

Fanny Jentzsch

Research Funding

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 423
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35005
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

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Dr. Anika Höppner

Research Service Officer

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 425
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35042
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

 Ines Christoph

Ines Christoph


Haus E
Liebigstraße 27
04103 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 15999

We will support you in every step of the proposal preparation, including:

  • advice with regards to formal aspects and quality assurance of the application
  • budget planning (e.g. funding for staff, travel expenses, direct project costs)
  • obtaining legally binding signatures from the university management

Budget planning is an important and complex part of the proposal. Please note that, usually, with the rough calculation that you provide in the draft proposal to the BMBF, the maximum sum for your research project is being determined. You should therefore carefully plan your budget. Calculate the individual items as concretely as possible and provide an explanation. Please send us your calculation: We will be happy to review and optimise it.

Funding proposals to federal and state ministries usually require the signature of the university management. Therefore, please contact , and Ines Christoph in good time before submitting your proposal.

If you need a contract for a cooperation with a partner or for a project with a business partner/company, we will help you prepare it using the corresponding sample contracts. Your contact persons in this matter are Dr. Sindy Schug and Veronika Tönnies, legal expert for contractual and industrial property protection.

Please submit your proposal via the online portal. Once you have submitted your proposal, please fill out the notification form for third-party funds and send it to us via email.

For joint projects we have compiled a guide of our workflows (for one-stage and two-stage procedures).

Dr. Sindy Schug

Dr. Sindy Schug

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 415
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35077
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

 Fanny Jentzsch

Fanny Jentzsch

Research Funding

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 423
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35005
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

Default Avatar

Dr. Anika Höppner

Research Service Officer

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 425
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35042
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

 Ines Christoph

Ines Christoph


Liebigstraße 27
04103 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 15999

As soon as we receive your grant notice, the Financial Management of External Funding team will support your third-party funded project, including:

  • assigning project numbers
  • setting-up project accounts
  • entering the budget details into the accounting system and updating the info
  • Requests for Disbursement of Funds and passing these on to the responsible department
  • checking the eligibility and financing of staff hiring (third-party funded employees and assistants)
  • checking the eligibility of purchase orders and related incoming invoices
  • checking outgoing invoices
  • supporting the preparation of interim reports
  • preparing and accompanying on-site reviews

Anke Pötzsch is your contact person with regards to grants from the federal ministries for the following faculties and institutions:

  • the Faculty of Theology
  • the Faculty of Law
  • the Faculty of History, Arts and Oriental Studies
  • the Faculty of Sport Science
  • the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy
  • the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • the central institutions (URZ, UB and iDiv)
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Anke Pötzsch

Goethestraße 6, Room 428
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35082
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

Kerstin Hirsch is your contact person with regards to grants from the federal ministries for the following faculties and institutions:

  • the Faculty of Philology
  • the Faculty of Education
  • the Faculty of Economics and Management Science
  • the Faculty of Life Sciences
  • the Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences
  • interfaculty research institutions


 Kerstin Hirsch

Kerstin Hirsch

Goethestraße 6, Room 404
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35085
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009


Christiane Wellner is your contact person for funding from ministries of other federal states and for contract research projects.


 Christiane Wellner

Christiane Wellner

Goethestraße 6, Room 429
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35086
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

The team for third-party funding handles the booking of your invoices and of incoming funds. Your contacts for federal and state funded projects are:

  • BMBF projects
  • projects of the SAB (Sächsische Aufbaubank)

At the end of your project, you will have to submit a progress report and a final financial status report to the funding body. Please check the grant notice for the deadlines. Your contacts in the Financial Management of External Funding team will help you to prepare the final financial status report.

Funding from Foundations

Foundations promote science and research through many different funding instruments, such as project funding, printing and travel costs, science prizes, scholarships or guest professorships. Their funding offers are variable and flexible and complement the funding opportunities offered by the usual third-party funding sources. Some foundations can be approached by researchers with outstanding project ideas, while other foundations announce specific funding programmes with deadlines.

Do you have a concrete idea for a research project, but you don't know which foundation would be the best choice? We will be happy to advise you and help you find the right foundation and programme.

Please subscribe to our to receive information about current calls for proposals of selected foundations. Detailed information on the foundation's purpose, its main topics and funding instruments and the eligibility for application can be found on the respective website of the foundation. The Association of German Foundations also provides information on many foundations.

The Stifterverband, a joint initiative of companies and foundations, not only promotes university projects and awards prizes but it also provides a list of over 650 foundations.

Name of the foundation


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

for postdoctoral researchers, junior research group leaders, experienced researchers, internationally recognized cutting-edge researchers: promotion of academic cooperation, mobility and awards, e.g. Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, Alexander von Humboldt Professorship, alumni network

Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation

for postdoctoral researchers, students and doctoral candidates in the following fields: science and university development, education, health, sport, culture

Daimler und Benz Foundation

scholarships for postdoctoral researchers and junior scientists in the field of technical equipment, interdisciplinary research projects of social relevance

The German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)

environment: project funding, PhD scholarships, fellowships for foreign university graduates

Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V. (German Cancer Aid)

call for applications for project funding; various research fields, support of young scientists, endowed professorships, clinical research and trials

Jutta & Georg Bruns Foundation for Innovative Veterinary Medicine

research assignments, scholarships and awards for innovative veterinary medicine

Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation

project-based, support of young scientists, particularly Clinician Scientists, special projects and Prize for Medical Research

Fritz Thyssen Foundation

project funding, research stipends, conferences, travel and printing subsidies in the following areas: “History, Language and Culture”, the interdisciplinary field “Image–Sound–Language”, “State, Economy and Society”, the interdisciplinary field “International Relations“, “Medicine and Natural Sciences”

Gerda Henkel Foundation

research projects and scholarships, special programmes with call for proposals, PhD scholarships in the field of historical humanities

Hans Böckler Foundation

research projects in the field of labour

Jacobs Foundation

fellowships, support of young scientists and awards in the field of child and youth development

Klaus Tschira Foundation

awards, research projects on request in the fields of natural sciences, mathematics and informatics

Stiftung Mercator

fellowship projects in the fields of Europe, integration, climate change, cultural education

Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung of the Free State of Saxony

promotion in the fields of cultural projects, museums, preservation of monuments, visual arts, music, literature or performing arts

Robert Bosch Foundation

project funding and open calls in various areas of support

Roland Ernst Foundation

projects, scholarships and research award related to the healthcare system

Volkswagen Foundation

promotion of innovative, often high-risk and interdisciplinary projects through calls in specific areas of research to support young scientists, research projects, strategic cooperation projects or conferences


Dr Barbara Weiner, Dr Anika Höppner and Dr Sindy Schug will advise you on all questions concerning the proposal process for foundations.

Dr. Barbara Weiner

Dr. Barbara Weiner

Research Service Officer

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 416
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35071
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

Dr. Sindy Schug

Dr. Sindy Schug

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35077
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

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Dr. Anika Höppner

Research Service Officer

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 425
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35042
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

We will gladly support you in each step of the proposal process:

  • advice with regards to formal aspects and quality assurance of your application
  • budget planning for staff funding and other costs
  • obtaining legally binding signatures, communication with the university management

If a legally binding signature from the university management is necessary, please contact Dr Anika Höppner or in good time before submitting your application.

If a contract is required for co-operations with several partners or for projects with business partners and companies, we will help you prepare it using the corresponding sample contracts. Your contact persons in this matter is Veronika Tönnies, legal expert for contractual and industrial property protection.

Your contact person for the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship is . In case of interest regarding this topic, please contact us in good time.

When submitting your proposal, please fill out the notification form for third-party funds and send it to us .

As soon as we receive your grant notice, the Financial Management of External Funding team will support your third-party funded project, including:

  • setting-up project accounts and assigning project numbers
  • entering the budget details into the accounting system and updating the info
  • Requests for Disbursement of Funds and passing these on to the Human Resources Department
  • checking the eligibility and financing of staff hiring (third-party funded employees and assistants), drawing up scholarship contracts
  • checking the eligibility of purchase orders and related incoming invoices
  • supporting the preparation of interim and final reports
  • preparing and accompanying on-site reviews

is your contact person for foundation grants.

You may also contact the Service Team for Foundation Funding of the Research and Transfer Department.

Your contact person for the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship is .

At the end of your project, you will have to submit a progress report and a final financial status report to the funding body. Please check the grant notice for regulations and deadlines. Your contacts in the Financial Management of External Funding team will help you to prepare the final financial status report.

Scientific Prizes

The awarding of scientific prizes to scientists is an important indicator of excellent science and research. A variety of institutions award a large number of prizes: ranging from prizes for scientific theses and research innovations to subject-related prizes and the ones for individual projects.

In our newsletter we will inform you about current calls for selected prizes. Detailed information on the focus and purpose, nomination procedure and necessary documents can be found on the respective websites. You can search for prizes in your field of study by using the Academics Database for scientific awards.

Your contact persons for questions regarding research awards and nominations is . Applications for ERC grants are handled by in the EU office. The Research Service supports the university with the nomination of award candidates. Applications and candidates for the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship are coordinated by and the university management. Please contact us in good time if you are interested!

Award winners at our university

Prize money that is administered by the university is managed by our Financial Management of External Funding team. For DFG awards, please contact the respective person for your faculty. The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship is managed by Angelika Dunkel. We will support you with:

  • setting-up project accounts and assigning project numbers
  • entering the budget details into the accounting system and updating the info
  • Requests for Disbursement of Funds and passing these on to the Human Resources Department
  • checking the eligibility and financing of staff hiring (third-party funded employees and assistants)
  • checking the eligibility of purchase orders and related incoming invoices
  • supporting the preparation of interim and final reports
  • preparing and accompanying on-site reviews


 Angelika Dunkel

Angelika Dunkel

Section Head

Goethestraße 6, Room 406
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35081
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

DAAD Funding Programmes

Each year, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds well over 100,000 German and international students and scientists around the world. Promoting mobility and international cooperation are the main goals of the DAAD.

All programmes related to international mobility in studies and teaching as well as scholarships for students, (junior) researchers and lecturers are managed by the International Centre.

Every year, the DAAD announces the programme Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) which promotes academic positions abroad for postdoctoral researchers. Gerhard Fuchs will be happy to advise you on this topic.

We also offer support for all applications related to DAAD research programmes, for example, announced junior research groups.


We will gladly support you in each step of the proposal process for the PRIME Programme of the DAAD and for research programmes:

  • advice with regards to formal aspects of your application
  • budget planning for staff funding and other costs
  • quality assurance of your application
  • obtaining legally binding signatures and communication with the university management

Your contact person is Gerhard Fuchs.

When submitting your proposal, please fill out the notification form for third-party funds and send it to us .


 Gerhard Fuchs

Gerhard Fuchs

EU Liaison Officer

Forschungsförderung und Antragsberatung
Goethestraße 6, Room 518
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35012
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

As soon as we receive your grant notice, the Financial Management of External Funding team will support your third-party funded project, including:

  • setting-up project accounts
  • entering the budget details into the accounting system and updating the info
  • Requests for Disbursement of Funds and passing to responsible department
  • checking the eligibility and financing of staff hiring (third-party funded employees and assistants)
  • checking the eligibility of purchase orders and related incoming invoices
  • supporting the preparation of interim and final reports
  • preparing and accompanying on-site reviews

Annemarie Wetzel is your contact person for DAAD funding, except for projects that are administered by the International Centre.


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Annemarie Wetzel

Goethestraße 6, Room 426
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35088
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

Invoices are being handled by the Department of Finances.

At the end of your project, you will have to submit a progress report and a final financial status report to the funding body. Please check the grant notice for regulations and deadlines. Your contacts in the Financial Management of External Funding team will help you to prepare the final financial status report.

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