Career Service

It makes sense to start thinking about career opportunities while you’re still at university. You have many options: do you want to start working or continue studying? What about a doctorate? But where can you make the right contacts? Our university’s Career Service offers guidance and support.

Shape the future –
Start your career in

Creative industries or the technology of tomorrow, innovative business ideas and sustainable management – the Leipzig region offers are huge variety of career options. Representatives of different companies explain why it is worthwhile to start a career here. See for yourself!

Eine Studentin nutzt die Servicezeiten des Career Service und lässt sich beraten.


For students and businesses, we are the first port of call for all questions relating to professional orientation and starting a career. We can advise you on topics ranging from preparing application documents and job searches to contractual affairs.

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Pinnwand mit bunten Zetteln auf den Berufswünsche und Anforderungen notiert sind
Symbolbild: Drei Studierende arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Laptop.
Career Service workshops and courses
Foto: ein Mann arbeitet an einer Maschine
Eine Frau hält einen Flyer des Career Service in den Händen. Der Fokus ist auf den Flyer gelegt.

Starting a career in Saxony

We are involved in various projects that pool advisory services on the subject of career entry in Saxony and help to build bridges between higher education and regional companies.

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The world of work is always evolving. Published three times each year, our newsletter is packed with interesting features on the subject of new careers and provides the latest job market news.

Email newsletter

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July 2022 edition

Theme: Onboarding


April 2022 edition

Theme: Working in the public sector

PDF 839 KB

January 2022 edition

Theme: Diversity management

PDF 614 KB

October 2021 edition

Theme: Skills


July 2021 edition

Theme: Changing values in the world of work

PDF 857 KB

April 2021 edition

Theme: Emotions at work and high sensitivity

PDF 748 KB

October 2020 edition

Theme: Student finance

PDF 934 KB

June 2020 edition

Theme: Crisis management


Career Service team

enlarge the image: Das Team des Career Service steht auf einer Treppe im Studierenden Service Zentrum
Das Team des Career Service (v.l.n.r.): Susanne Benko, Birke Böselt, Christin Hiebner, Claudia Schoder, Dr. Anna Flocke (Leiterin Zentrale Studienberatung und Career Service), Foto: Christian Hüller
Dr Anna Kristin Flocke

Dr Anna Kristin Flocke

Section Head

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 1.16
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32005

 Susanne Benko

Susanne Benko

Career Service for Internationals

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 1.15
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30038
Fax: +49 341 97 - 39301

 Birke Böselt

Birke Böselt

Careers Adviser

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 1.15
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30032

 Christin Hiebner

Christin Hiebner

Career Service

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 1.17
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30030
Fax: +49 341 97 - 39301

 Claudia Schoder

Claudia Schoder

Careers Adviser

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 1.18
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30031
Fax: +49 341 97 - 39301

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