In selected cases, it is possible to honour outstanding retired professors with a “senior professorship” if they continue to be active in research and teaching, using their wealth of experience for the benefit of Leipzig University.

enlarge the image:
Bestowal of “senior professor” status in the Paulinum during the Dies academicus 2018. Photo: Swen Reichhold

Leipzig University normally awards two senior professorships per year, one each to

  • A former professor of Leipzig University and
  • A professor who did not work at Leipzig University prior to retiring.

Candidates must meet at least two of the following requirements:

  • Outstanding research activity that: significantly complements or expands the academic spectrum of the respective faculty; preferably contributes to Leipzig University’s research profile; or includes an important role in a collaborative research project, such as within the framework of a Research Training Group or a Graduate School or project management in a Collaborative Research Centre
  • Above-average third-party funding which requires the involved of the respective person for a long period
  • Responsibility for teaching and examination obligations to a not insignificant extent (at least two teaching hours per week).

Current senior professorships

  • Professor Thomas Becker
    (Ulm University, Faculty of Medicine)
    Appointed from 1 May 2022
    Learn more
  • Professor Andreas Diekmann
    (ETH Zurich, Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy)
    Appointed from 1 July 2021 (second term)
    Learn more
  • Professor Wolfhard Janke
    (Leipzig University, Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences)
    Appointed from 1 April 2022
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  • Professor Friedrich Kremer
    (Leipzig University, Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences)
    Appointed from 1 October 2018
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  • Professor Martin Lohse 
    (University of Würzburg, Faculty of Medicine)
    Appointed from 1 December 2022
  • Professor Stephan Luckhaus
    (Leipzig University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science)
    Appointed from 1 October 2019
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  • Professor Martin Schlegel
    (Leipzig University, Faculty of Life Sciences)
    Appointed from 1 October 2021 (second term)
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  • Professor Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer
    (Leipzig University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy)
    Appointed from 1 October 2018
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  • Professor Christian Wilhelm
    (Leipzig University, Faculty of Life Sciences)
    Appointed from 1 April 2022 (second term)
    Learn more

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