Find out about the highest awards Leipzig University has bestowed on worthy individuals, whose academic and social work has had a lasting influence on the University: honorary citizens, honorary senators and holders of the Leipzig University Medal.
Honorary citizens
The status of honorary citizen of Leipzig University can be conferred on individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to serving the interests of our university. It is awarded based on a resolution by the University Senate (Section 34 of the Basic Regulations of Leipzig University).
Honorary senators
By resolution of the Senate, our university can confer the status of honorary senator on individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to our university (Section 34 of the Basic Regulations of Leipzig University).
- Prof. Dr. sc. med. Martin Herbst
formerly Leipzig University, heart surgeon
deceased on 21 December 2005 - Prof. Dr. sc. phil. Werner Holzmüller
formerly Leipzig University, physicist
deceased on 26 February 2011 - Peter Krakow
former Chairman of the Board of Sparkasse Leipzig
Chairman of the Board of the Association of Sponsors and Friends of Leipzig University - Prof. Dr. paed. Konrad Krause
formerly Leipzig University, chemist
deceased on 1 November 2022 - Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Otto Liebenberg
formerly Leipzig University, agricultural scientist
deceased on 3 September 1993 - Prof. Dr. sc. phil. Dr. rer. nat. h. c. Artur Lösche
formerly Leipzig University, physicist
deceased on 12 February 1995 - Prof. Dr. sc. phil. Dr. h. c. Walter Markov
formerly Leipzig University, historian
deceased on 3 July 1993 - Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Armin Meisel
formerly Leipzig University, chemist
deceased on 16 April 2022 - Prof. Dr. sc. med. Dr. h. c. Fritz Meißner
formerly Leipzig University, paediatric surgeon
deceased on 16 January 2004 - Dr. rer. oec. Karl-Heinz Müller
Mayor of the City of Leipzig from 1970 until 1986
deceased on 28 July 1987 - Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hermann Neels
formerly Leipzig University, mineralogist and chemist
deceased on 5 November 2002 - Prof. Dr. sc. med. Wilhelm Oelßner
formerly Leipzig University, radiologist
deceased on 2 January 2018 - Christoph Oswald
Board of Directors at Wüstenrot Holding AG Ludwigsburg - Prof. Dr. sc. jur. Erhard Pätzold
formerly Leipzig University, employment solicitor
deceased on 8 May 1994 - Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Klaus Saur
publisher, formerly of K. G. Saur Verlag, Munich - Uwe Spaniol
former general representative of Dresdner Bank AG for Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia - Horst Springer
Sponsor of Saxon University and State History
deceased on 5 April 2002 - Prof. Dr. sc. phil. h. c. Max Steinmetz
formerly Leipzig University, historian
deceased on 11 September 1990 - Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Dr. rer. nat. h. c. Günther Sterba
formerly Leipzig University, biologist
deceased on 16 June 2021 - Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Herbert Uebermuth
formerly Leipzig University, physician
deceased on 1 January 1986 - OMR Prof. Dr. sc. med. Dr. med. vet. h. c. Dr. med. h. c. Georg Wildführ
formerly Leipzig University, physician
deceased on 4 August 1984