Leipzig University awards scholarships to support doctoral projects in accordance with the Saxon freedom of higher education act (Sächsisches Hochschulfreiheitsgesetz, SächsHSFG) and the regulations for the Saxon scholarship programme (Sächsische Landesstipendienverordnung, SächsLStipVO).

enlarge the image: Ein Stempel mit dem Wort Förderung
Photo: Colourbox

Doctoral Funding

The Free State of Saxony awards funding for doctoral projects carried out in a structured doctoral programme:

  • Maximum funding period: three years (but can be continued for up to one year in justified cases)
  • Funding amount: Scholarship holders receive a basic monthly scholarship of €1350 and, if applicable, a monthly family allowance of €100 per child.
  • Material resources: Separate grants can be awarded for additional material resources that go beyond normal academic studies and are necessary for the doctorate, as well as for travel and stays abroad. These should not exceed a total of €1500 during the standard funding period.
  • Eligibility: Prospective doctoral researchers of all subject areas at Leipzig University holding an above-average degree in the relevant academic discipline are eligible to apply.
  • Selection process: The Graduate Commission decides on the applications, taking into account a statement obtained from the faculties.
  • Decision criteria: Qualifications of the applicant, quality of the doctoral project and adherence to the standard period of study
  • Reasons for exclusion from the scholarship programme: The doctoral project is being financed by public funds in another way. If you receive the scholarship, you are permitted to pursue paid secondary employment up to an average of 5 hours per week.

Application Details

Information on the next deadline (presumably for the winter semester 2025) can be found here in due time.

All documents can be sent in full electronically as a PDF document by e-mail to stipendien[at]uni-leipzig.de (please note that it is not possible to guarantee confidentiality and rule out unauthorised access by third parties when communicating by unencrypted email).

The award of the scholarship is linked to admission to the university's Structured Doctoral Programme. Both applications will be assessed at the same time.

The procedure is set out in the study regulations for the structured doctoral programmes offered by the faculties. These stipulate, for example, that doctoral researchers regularly teach courses offered by the faculty. By taking on teaching duties, you have the opportunity to pass on the knowledge you have acquired.

To apply for the fellowship, please submit the following documents:

  • Application for admission to a structured doctoral programme at Leipzig University
  • Application for a state scholarship for the first time (please also submit this application by post to the Studentenwerk as described on page 3 of the application form)
  • CV (in tabular form) including a report on academic education to date
  • An expert opinion from your supervising professor
  • Description of the doctoral project (max. 10 pages)
  • Time and work schedule for the entire required doctoral period
  • University degree certificates  
    Obligatory: degree certificate qualifying the candidate for doctoral studies (if you do not already have this, you must at least provide a provisional, assessable certificate by the closing date for applications)
  • Applicants may enclose references.
  • If necessary, application for separate grants in the event that a scholarship is awarded (can also be submitted during the funding period).
  • If a state postgraduate scholarship is granted, a certificate of enrolment must also be submitted as proof of admission to a structured doctoral programme at Leipzig University.

To apply for the continuation of the scholarship, submit the documents listed below no later than 26 February (for continuation of the scholarship from 1 April) or 30 July (for continuation of the scholarship from 1 October) of the application year.
Submit the documents via email or post on an enclosed CD (to: Universität Leipzig, Dezernat 2/SG Akademische Angelegenheiten, Goethestraße 3–5, 04109 Leipzig). Please note that it is not possible to guarantee confidentiality and rule out unauthorised access by third parties when communicating by unencrypted email.

Application documents:

  • Application for the continuation of a state scholarship (please also submit this application by post to the Studentenwerk as described on pages 3 and 4 of the application form)
  • Statement from your supervisor
  • Interim report on the status of the doctoral project with schedule and a brief explanation of why you are applying for a continuation (length: 3 to 4 pages)
  • Current enrolment certificate

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