Leipzig University offers a wide range of support measures for students with disabilities and health conditions. It also provides information on compensation for disadvantages due to disability or chronic diseases, access arrangements and on organising degree programmes.

News, events and regular dates

  • The Commissioner:
    • Every Thursday, 10.30am–12pm, Leibnizladen in the central campus courtyard
      Open office with the Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses team. You can send questions in advance by e-mail.
  • Other regular dates:
    • Every Thursday, 5.30pm–7pm at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, HTWK (Geutebrück Building)
      geist:reicht self-help group for students with mental health issues.
      read more


From autumn 2023, the Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses will publish a newsletter twice a year. Send us an email with the subject “Registration NL” and we will be happy to add you to the mailing list!

  • The email address you provide will only be used to send the newsletter. Disclosure to third parties is excluded. You can object to the use of your email address at any time. The collection of data is voluntary, the legal basis is Art. 6(1) Sentence 1(a) GDPR. All further information resulting from the information obligations of Leipzig University can be found in the University’s privacy policy.
  • You can revoke the subscription to the newsletter by sending us an email with the subject “Unsubscribe NL”.


What is the work area of the commissioner?

The task of the Senate Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses is to support the students concerned in exercising their right to study on equal terms at the university. According to paragraph 56 (8) of the Saxon HSG, this applies:

  • Advice to the university
  • Ensuring that the needs of students, applicants and doctoral candidates with disabilities or chronic illnesses are taken into account, in particular in the organisation of study conditions, student counselling and in questions of compensation for disadvantages and accessibility.
  • He or she makes proposals and may comment on all matters affecting the performance of his or her duties.

The office works in the following areas:

  • Supporting the implementation of the Inclusion Action Plan at the Leipzig University
  • Supporting the establishment of accessible degree programmes
  • Representing the interests of students with disabilities and health conditions
  • Organising and delivering internal training, e.g. on access arrangements
  • Publicity (e.g. for specific university action days)
  • Conducting networking meetings for stakeholders on the topic of accessible studies
  • Providing professional advice to university institutions, e.g. on hardship applications/ compensations for disadvantages/ access arrangements for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
  • Assisting prospective students and current students with disabilities whith problems during their studies and in exams

The information portal for prospective students, students and employees provides information on the recognition of hardship cases and the granting of disadvantage compensation at the University of Leipzig due to disability, chronic illness, pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding or family responsibilities.

Our university does not electronically record data on students’ health impairments. Therefore, we do not know how many students at our university have health issues. The system does not record whether you were admitted to your programme via the hardship case quota or whether you have requested access arrangements for your degree programme or examinations. Any access arrangements you have received are not indicated on your degree certificate or your transcript of records.

Advice is strictly confidential. There is a duty of confidentiality. This can only be removed with your explicit consent through a release of confidentiality for certain institutions.

Many degree programmes have fixed requirements regarding the course of studies. Students with disabilities and chronic illnesses need more leeway to organise their degree programme according to their individual needs.

A special study plan should be discussed with the relevant examination office and recorded in writing. It is important to check that the teaching content is consistent and complementary, and can be covered in the planned order. If there are repeated delays in studying due to the disability or chronic illness, this should be discussed as soon as possible. The special study plan can then be adjusted. A further advantage of the special study plan compared to regular part-time study is the possibility of continued BAföG funding.

Programm t.e.a.m. ability

Das Programm bietet eine aktive Begleitung für ein erfolgreiches Studium und den anstehenden Übergang in den Beruf. Nutzen Sie Workshops, die sich an Ihrem Bedarf orientieren, bauen Sie wichtige Netzwerke auf und gestalten Sie gemeinsam mit anderen Studentinnen und Mentor:innen Ihren weiteren (Studien-)Weg. Ziel von t.e.a.m. ability ist es, die Teilnehmerinnen aktiv auf ihrem universitären Weg zu begleiten und die Übergangsphase in das Berufsleben, vom Wissenschafts- bis zum Wirtschaftsbetrieb, erfolgreich zu gestalten.

For important reasons, you can apply to take an official break from studying. In your application, you must give the reason for the leave of absence and provide evidence, if necessary. Leave semesters do not count towards the standard period of study. These semesters are thus regarded as enrolled semesters (Hochschulsemester) and not semesters of study (Fachsemester). During the leave semester, the university should allow the student to earn study and examination credits. However, the university is not obliged to do so. Therefore, you must discuss possible credits with your examination office in advance.

PLEASE NOTE: If you receive unemployment benefit (ALG II) during the leave semester, you are not allowed to earn any credits and must stop your study activities completely.

Please also note that you are not entitled to BAföG funding during the leave semester.

Do you need to request access arrangements for examinations that are not organised by the Leipzig University? You must apply for these at the state examination office. This includes examinations at federal state level for the following programmes:

Teacher Training | Law | Medicine | Dentistry | Veterinary Medicine | Pharmacy

These applications must be submitted to the relevant non-university examination office in good time. Processing the applications usually takes longer than at the university. You may also need time to be able to object.

Assistance dogs are specially trained dogs that help people with disabilities, chronic illnesses or mental illnesses carry out tasks in their day-to-day lives. Their training takes around two years. Afterwards, the dogs can accompany their owners 24 hours a day. Assistance dogs are legally considered to be “auxiliary aids” and are therefore permitted to enter all public buildings. Since 1 July 2021, this has been legally enshrined and regulated in greater detail in the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, section 12e People With Disabilities Accompanied By Assistance Dogs. Access with an assistance dog may only be denied if this would represent a disproportionate or unreasonable burden.

An extensive list of questions on the regulations relating to assistance dogs in the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities is available on the website of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Career Service

The Career Service is the central point of contact when it comes to the topics of career entry and career orientation at our university. The Career Service offers various events (workshops, excursions, lectures), individual counseling opportunities, and access to a job portal.

Ensuring the equal participation of all students in examinations and degree programmes
is [...] a key objective of the Leipzig University.

from the guidance: Compensation of Disadvantage/ Access arrangements


Many study and examination regulations structure the course of study very strictly. You may not be able to meet deadlines or form requirements due to a health condition. To compensate for these disadvantages, you are entitled to request individual access arrangements that are designed to enable you to participate in your degree programme on equal terms with other students.

Access and admission to degree programmes

The Student Advisory Service provides advice on many issues, including general questions on applying, admission requirements, aptitude tests and the admission procedure. The Student Office advises on all administrative and organisational matters relating to admission, including making a hardship application or applying for access arrangements and the required evidence.

Examinations and study conditions

The Faculty Study Offices are the contact points for students and teachers with questions about the organisation of degree programmes. The offices advise on a range of topics, including on access arrangements and on requesting these for programmes or examinations.

Disputes and solutions

General and individual advice and support on applying for access arrangements is provided by the relevant Study Office, the Student Office or the Student Advisory Service. The Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses helps students with the provision of access arrangements only in the event of a dispute.

enlarge the image: Der Hintergrund des Bildes ist weiß. Auf dem Bild steht Nutze dein Recht und eine Faust kommt von unten in das Bild hineingestreckt. Statt dem „E“ in „Recht“ als Buchstabe wird es mit einem „E“ aus dem Deutschen Fingeralphabet ersetzt (Bild einer Hand statt dem Buchstaben selbst). Das "E" aus dem Deutschen Fingeralphabetsieht folgendermaßen aus: Die Handfläche der rechten Hand (für Rechtshänder_innen) zeigt nach vorne. Der Daumen ist zur Handfläche hin waagerecht abgeknickt. Die restlichen vier Finger sind nach vorne zur Handfläche geknickt und liegen auf dem Daumen auf.
Image: Jan Tschatschula

Diverse and often invisible
Eleven per cent of students have a disability or health condition that impacts their studies. This equates to 3,245 students at the Leipzig University. Sixty-two per cent of these students are affected by a mental health condition. Thirteen per cent have a physical disability. The disability or health condition that impacts studies is immediately apparent only for 1.9 per cent of the students. Source: Internal special evaluation of the best2 survey


The right to study on an equal basis for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses is derived from the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

“All persons shall be equal before the law. [...] No person shall be disadvantaged because of disability.” (Article 3 of the Basic Law)

“The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.” (Article 20 of the Basic Law)

Germany agreed to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2009. Under Article 24 of the Convention, States Parties are obliged to ensure inclusive education and the right to lifelong learning for all, including persons with disabilities. This also applies to higher education. 

The Framework Act for Higher Education provides the basis for higher education legislation in Germany. Paragraph 2, section 4 states that higher education institutions are responsible for ensuring that students with disabilities are not disadvantaged. Paragraph 16, sentence 4 states that examination regulations must take into account the interests of students with disabilities.

The Saxon Freedom of Higher Education Act sets out the rights and obligations of higher education institutions at federal state level. Paragraph 5, section 2, no. 12 states that higher education institutions are responsible for ensuring that students with disabilities and chronic illnesses are not disadvantaged and can pursue their studies without outside help, if possible. According to this paragraph, the interests of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses must also be taken into account in the examination regulations.


Studying and inclusion

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Doctorates in special circumstances

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t.e.a.m. ability

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