Professional career
- 10/2006 - 03/2008
Student assistent NLP Group, Department for Computer Science, University of Leipzig - 01/2008 - 09/2008
Intern Max-Planck-Institut for Mathematics in the Science, Leipzig - 09/2009 - 06/2013
PhD Study at University of Leipzig Doctor rerum naturalium (magna cum laude), bioinformatics Title of the PhD Thessi: "The Dynamic Epigenome – Analysis of the Distribution ofHistoneModifications" - 06/2013 - 12/2014
PostDoc Computational EvoDevo Group and Bioinformatics Group, Institute for Computer Science, and IZBI, University of Leipzig, Center for Complexity and Collective Computation, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, University of Wisconsin - 01/2015 - 12/2015
PostDoc Bioinformatics Group, Institute for Computer Science, University of Leipzig - 01/2016 - 08/2016
PostDoc Bioinformatics Group, Institute for Computer Science, University of Leipzig - 08/2016 - 12/2020
PostDoc NLP Group, Insitute for Computer Science, University of Leipzig - since 05/2020
PostDoc Insitut für Angewandte Informatik e.V., Leipzig - since 01/2021
LfbA Insitute for Computer Science, University of Leipzig
- 10/2004 - 08/2009
Study Computer Science at University Leipzig (Diplom Computer Science, main focus: bioinformatics)
Panel Memberships
- since 05/2021
Member of faculty council of the Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science
- Müller, L.; Goldhahn, D.; Heyer, G.The Null Result PortalIn: Garoufallou, E.; Fallucchi, F.; William De Luca, E. (Eds.)Metadata and semantic research : 13th International Conference, MTSR 2019, Rome, Italy, October 28-31, 2019 : revised selected papers (2019). Cham: Springer. 2019. pp. 398–403.
- Schröder, C.; Bürgl, K.; Annanias, Y.; Niekler, A.; Müller, L.; Wiegreffe, D.; Bender, C.; Mengs, C.; Scheuermann, G.; Heyer, G.Supporting Land Reuse of Former Open Pit Mining Sites using Text Classification and Active Learning2021. pp. 4141–4152.
- Müller, L.; Gerighausen, D.; Farman, M.; Zeckzer, D.Sierra platinum : a fast and robust peak-caller for replicated ChIP-seq experiments with visual quality-control and -steeringBmc Bioinformatics. 2016.
- Hausdorf, A.; Müller, L.; Scheuermann, G.; Niekler, A.; Wiegreffe, D.Chatbot Explorer: Towards an understanding of knowledge bases of chatbot systemsIn: Skala, V. (Ed.)WSCG 2022: full papers proceedings: 30. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. UNION Agency. 2022. pp. 76–85.
Practical Course "RNA and protein structure"
07/2010 Teaching assistant
06/2012, 06/2016 - 07/2016 Lead and organisation of the practical cource
Practical Course "Sequence analysis and geomics"
01/2011 Teaching assistant
01/2016 Lead and organisation of the practical cource
Exercise "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen I"
WS 2010/2011, WS 2013/2014, WS 2017/2018 exercise instructor
Programming Course “Programming for Evolutionary Biology course”
03/2012, 03/2013-04/2013 Teaching assistant
Exercise "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen II"
SS 2014, SS 2015 exercise instructor
SS 2021 consultation-hours for teacher trainees
Lecture “Graphen and Netzwerke in der Biologie
WS 2014 Lecturer
Programming Course “Programming for Evolutionary Biology course goes to the Americas”
11/2014-12/2014 Teaching assistant
Lecture "Phylogenetics"
ES 2015/2016 Lecturer
Practical Course "R-Kurs"
11/2015 - 12/2015 Lead and organization of the practical course
Lecture "Methods for RNAs and proteins"
SS 2016 Lecturer
Exercise "RNA and protein structure"
SS 2016 exercise instructor and organization
Seminar "Anwendungen der Lingusitischen Informatik"
SS 2017, SS2019, SS 2020 Supervisor
Exercise "Text Mining"
WS 2019/2020 exercise instructor and organization
SS 2021 Recapitulation of the lecture "Grundlagen der technischen Informatik I" for teacher trainees
Seminarmodul "Informatik und Gesellschaft"
SS 2021 Lead and Organization
Exercise "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 1"
WS 2022/2023 exercise instructor for 2 exercise groups and speaker at the special lectrure
Exercise "Modellierung und Programmierung 1"
WS 2022/2023 exercise instructor
Seminarmodul "Informatik und Gesellschaft"
WS 2022/2023 Design, lead and organization of 2 seminar groups