Johanna Kaiser

Johanna Kaiser


Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
Goethestraße 3-5
04109 Leipzig

 Johanna Kaiser

Johanna Kaiser

Research Fellow

Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie
Städtisches Kaufhaus, Aufgang E
Neumarkt 9, Room Z 020, Aufgang E, ZG
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35997

Professional career

  • since 11/2021
    Research associate, PhD student | Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology | Leipzig University


  • since 12/2023
    Training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist in behavioral therapy | Institute for Behavioral Therapy (IVT)
  • 10/2019 - 09/2021
    M.Sc. in Psychology | Leipzig University
  • 08/2015 - 07/2019
    B. Sc. in Psychology | University of Mannheim
  • seminar "interventions in the clinical child and adolescent psychology"

  • seminar "study of mental disorders and psychotherapeutic interventions in children and adolescents"