Professional career
- since 04/2018
University of Leipzig: Full Professor of Romance linguistics with focus on Spanish and Portuguese - 04/2014 - 03/2018
JGU Mainz: Assistant Professor ('Juniorprofessor') of Romance linguistics with focus on Ibero-Romance - 04/2010 - 03/2014
LMU Munich: Lecturer for French, Spanish and Portuguese lingustics at the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (assistant to Prof. Dr. Wulf Oesterreicher & Prof. Dr. Andreas Dufter) - 11/2001 - 10/2005
Siemens Kapitalanlagegesellschaft, Munich: assistant for foreign languages for Spanish and Portuguese at the Department of Fonds Management; [since April 2005] UBS Real Estate Kapitalanlagegesellschaft, Munich (after take-over of the Siemens Real Estate Department by the UBS Fund Finance, Client Service & Asset Management Office)
- 10/2001 - 09/2006
LMU, München/Universidade Nova, Lisbon: Studies of Romance Philology and German linguistics
- language change and grammaticalization
- language contact and language change
- temporal semantics
- modality
- standardisation and variational linguistics
- contrastive and comparative linguistics
Contrastive grammar Spanish-Portuguese-German
Seminar in Master and LA Hispanic Studies / Lusitanian Studies, University of Leipzig, summer semester 2025
Language acquisition using selected examples from the Romance languages
Interdisciplinary Master Seminar Romania, University of Leipzig, summer term 2025
Temporality, modality and aspectuality in the Romance languages
Lecture in the Bachelor French / Italian / Hispanic / Lusitanian Studies, University of Leipzig, summer term 2025
Introduction to Romance Linguistics for Hispanic and Lusitanian Studies
Lecture in the Bachelor Hispanic Studies / Lusitanian Studies, University of Leipzig, winter term 2024/25
Advertising communication contrastive
Seminar in Bachelor for Hispanic Studies and for Lusitanian Studies, University of Leipzig, winter term 2024/25
Language and migration
Seminar in Master and Teacher Training Programme for Hispanic Studies and in Master Lusitanian Studies, University of Leipzig, winter term 2024/25
Interfaces in grammar
Lecture in the Bachelor Hispanic Studies / Lusitanian Studies, University of Leipzig, summer term 2024
El español en contacto
Seminar in Hispanic Studies Teacher Training Programme, University of Leipzig, summer term 2024
Grammaticalisation and language change via concrete examples
Exercise in Master Hispanic Studies, University of Leipzig, summer term 2024
Introduction to Romance Linguistics for Hispanic and Lusitanian Studies
Lecture in the Bachelor Hispanic Studies / Lusitanian Studies, University of Leipzig, winter term 2023/24
Seminar in Master and Teacher Training Programme for Hispanic Studies, University of Leipzig, winter term 2023/24
French in North America
Seminar in Master and Teacher Training Programme for French Studies , University of Leipzig, winter term 2023/24
Multilingualism, Language Contact and Variation in Countries of Romance Languages
Typology of Romance Languages
Spanish Dialectology
Introduction to Romance Linguistics for Spanish and Portuguese
Linguistic peculiarities of selected varieties of Latin American Spanish
Romance-based creole languages
Portuguese in contact and linguistic variation
Spanish in Latin America
Research sabbatical
Introduction to Romance Linguistics for Spanish and Portuguese
Francophonie: French outside France and French-based creole languages
Phases of Spanish language history
Spanish in Contact
Issues of Spanish and Portuguese morphosyntax
Spanish dialectology
Tense, mode and aspect in Romance languages
Introduction to Romance Linguistics for Spanish and Portuguese
Caribbean Spanish
German and Romance in contact: Alsacian French and Southern Tirolese Italian
The language of advertising
Issues of Spanish and Portuguese morphosyntax
Spoken Spanish
Language policy in the French-speaking world
Issues of contrastive grammar: Spanish and German
Introduction to Romance Linguistics for Spanish and Portuguese
Spanish in contact
Central American varieties of Spanish
Spanish as a pluricentric language
L1, L2 and foreign language acquisition
Linguistic change and grammaticalization
The language of advertising in the Spanish-speaking world
Introduction to syntax
Introduction to Romance Linguistics for Spanish and Portuguese
Latin American Spanish: Selected morphosyntactic, semantic, and phonic issues
Sociolinguistics of Spanish
Selected issues in the history of Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Galician
Contrastive grammar of Spanish, Portuguese and German
Varieties of Spanish in Latin America
Spanish and Portuguese in contact: Lexical borrowing and linguistic interference
Diatopic and diastratic varieties of European Portuguese
Research fields
Contact for media inquiries