Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik

Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik

Institute Head

Institute of Analytical Chemistry
Hauptgebäude Chemie
Johannisallee 29
04103 Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik

Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik

Deputy Director

Zentrum für Magnetische Resonanz (MRZ)
Technikum Analytikum
Linnéstraße 3, Room 263
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36112
Fax: +49 341 97 - 36115

Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik

Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik


Analytische Chemie - Molekülspektroskopie
Technikum Analytikum
Linnéstraße 3, Room 263
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36112
Fax: +49 341 97 - 36115


Jörg Matysik studied Chemistry at the Univ. Essen where he obtained his Chemie-Diplom (1992) in the group of Prof. B. Schrader. For his PhD (1995), he studied photoreceptors with Raman spectroscopy at the MPI Strahlenchemie in Mülheim in the group of Prof. P. Hildebrandt. As JSPS and Humboldt fellow he worked with Raman spectroscopy on heme proteins in Prof. T. Kitagawa’s group at the Institute for Molecular Sciences in Okazaki. From 1997 to 2012, he has been at the Univ. Leiden. Initially he joined the solid-state NMR group of Prof. H. de Groot, and became later assistant professor. Since 2013, he is full professor of analytical chemistry at the University of Leipzig.

Matysik is recipient of the Jonge Chemici (2001) & Vidi awards (2003). He is member of the International Spin-Chemistry Committee and Ascociate editor of 'Applied Magnetic Resonance'. He was chair of COST action TD1103 and is chair of the Fachgruppe Magnetic Resonance of the German Chemical Society since 2021.

Professional career

  • 06/2012 - 07/2015
    Chair of the COST Network TD1103 “Hyperpolarization” (2012-2015).
  • 06/2015 - 07/2018
    Director of the Magnetic Resonance Center Leipzig (MRZ).
  • since 01/2021
    Speaker of the board of the Committee for magnetic resonance of the German Chemical Society (GDCh).
  • since 01/2013
    Full professor at the Institut für Analytische Chemie at the Universität Leipzig, chair for Molecular spectroscopy and head of the Aufbau-Studium “Analytik & Spektroskopie”
  • 08/2000 - 12/2012
    Assistant professor (universitair docent) and principal investigator at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (permanent faculty position)
  • 07/1997 - 07/2000
    Postdoctoral scientist in the group of Prof. Dr. Huub de Groot (Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands):MAS NMR on membrane proteins, photo-CIDNP on photosynthetic reaction centres
  • 07/1995 - 06/1997
    Postdoctoral scientist in the group of Prof. Dr. Teizo Kitagawa (Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan):Raman spectroscopy on heme proteins
  • 03/1986 - 08/1987
    Social work in the old age home Beth Achwa, Tel Aviv-Yad Eliahu, Israel, as volunteer of Aktion Sühnezeichen/Friedensdienste, Berlin


  • 08/1992 - 06/1995
    Ph.D. work at the Max-Planck-Institut für Strahlenchemie, Mülheim an der RuhrJune 1995: Dr. rer. nat., Universität-Gesamthochschule Essen “FT-NIR Raman spectroscopic investigations of the phytochrome chromophore and of tetrapyrrole model compounds”Supervisors: Prof. Dr. P. Hildebrandt and Prof. Dr. B. Schrader
  • 10/1987 - 07/1992
    Study of Chemistry at the Universität-Gesamthochschule EssenJuly 1992: Diplom-Chemiker, Universität GH EssenSupervisors: PD Dr. P. Hildebrandt and Prof. Dr. B. Schrader Sept. 1990 – Feb. 1991: Exchange semester at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaAug. 1989: Vordiplom (highest grade “sehr gut”)
  • 02/1985 - 01/1986
    Fachoberschule (Maschinenbau),Berufliche Schulen der Stadt Essen, Schule West
  • 09/1981 - 01/1985
    Vocational training as Chemielaborant (Steinkohlenbergbau)in the Bergbau-Forschung GmbH, Essen-Kray (highest grade “sehr gut”)

Panel Memberships

  • 06/2012 - 07/2015
    Chair of the COST Network TD1103 “Hyperpolarization” (2012-2015).

The Matysik group aims for understanding the spin- and photochemistry of photosynthetic systems, photoreceptors and materials by development and application of optical NMR methods. 

We aim to combine the three fields of Magnetic resonance, Photo- & spin-chemistry and Spintronics. We expect that this synthesis will increase the efficiency of all fields. Working hypothesis is that the production, the transport and the use of non-Boltzmann spin-order (i.e., hyperpolarization) will be the key for the success.

To this end, we study the solid-state photo-CIDNP effect (as presently the only group in the world) in photosynthetic and flavo-systems, the application of solid-state photo-CIDNP and hyperpolarized Xenon gas, the action of photoreceptors, and the chemical reactivity of organic polymers.

  • Ding, Y.; Kiryutin, A. S.; Zhao, Z.; Xu, Q.-Z.; Zhao, K.-H.; Bannister, S.; Kurle-Tucholski, P.; Kottke, T.; Sagdeev, R. Z.; Ivanov, K. L.; Yurkovskaya, A. V.; Matysik, J.
    Tailored flavoproteins acting as light-driven spin machines pump nuclear hyperpolarization
    Scientific Reports 10, 18658 (2020). 2020. pp. 18658–18658.
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  • Wei, R.; Song, C.; Gräsing, D.; Schneider, T.; Bielytskyi, P.; Böttcher, D.; Matysik, J.; Bornscheuer, U.; Zimmermann, W.
    Conformational fitting of a flexible oligomeric substrate does not explain the enzymatic PET degradation
    Nature Communications. 2019. 10 (1). p. 5581.
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  • Janssen, G. J.; Bielytskyi, P.; Artiukhin, D. G.; Neugebauer, J.; de Groot, H. J. M.; Matysik, J.; Alia, A.
    Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization NMR on photosystem II: donor cofactor observed in entire plant
    Scientific reports. 2018.
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  • Gräsing, D.; Bielytskyi, P.; Cespedes-Camacho, I. F.; Alia-Matysik, A.; Marquardsen, T.; Engelke, F.; Matysik, J.
    Field-cycling NMR with high-resolution detection under magic-angle spinning: determination of field-window for nuclear hyperpolarization in a photosynthetic reaction center
    Scientific Reports. 2017.
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  • Berry, J. P.; Roy, U.; Jaja-Chimedza, A.; Sanchez, K.; Matysik, J.; Alia, A.
    High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Intact Zebrafish Embryos Detects Metabolic Changes Following Exposure to Teratogenic Polymethoxyalkenes from Algae
    Zebrafish. 2016. 13 (5). pp. 456–465.
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more publications

Matysik teaches in the BSc chemistry program "Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy" in the module "Analytics 2".

In the various MSc programs, modules dedicated to NMR are running.

In addition, Matysik is active in the organization of summer schools "Theory of NMR".

  • Summer school "Theory on NMR"

    Matysik is organizing a cycle of summer schools dedicated to "theory of NMR".

  • Aufbau-Studium "Analytik & Spektroskopie"

    Matysik is the organizer of the postgraduate program for professionals for further education (Aufbau-Studium) in the field of analytics & spectroscopy.

  • Molecular Spectroscopy

    In the BSc Chemistry program he reads the lecture "Molecular Spectroscopy" in the module "Analytics2". 

  • NMR

    In the MSc-Chemistry program, Matysik has several lectures on NMR.