The ongoing military assault by Russian troops on Ukraine since 24 February 2022, which is in violation of international law, has severely affected academic life at Leipzig University. Students and staff members are bewildered and shocked. “We support all those who are working for an end to this war. Dialogue with the civil society remains important, including and especially with the academic community. I believe that it would be wrong to completely break off such relationships. We must keep all channels of communication open. Therefore, we pay great respect to the Russian academics who have opposed Putin in an open letter,” said Professor Beate Schücking, Rector of Leipzig University. The University has now launched a fundraising campaign to help Ukraine.
In the past few days, Leipzig University has received much information about activities undertaken by our students, lecturers and researchers. We have set up a dedicated website so that they can find out more and share information about support initiatives. In addition, there is a special calendar with events related to the topic. Staff members and students can go here to post activities intended to support the people in Ukraine or to find out where and when events are planned.
Together with the University Society and the association Hilfe für ausländische Studierende, we have launched a fundraising campaign. For this, a relief fund called Ukrainehilfe Universität Leipzig has been set up. We ask for your support in the form of a donation:
- Universitätsgesellschaft – Freunde und Förderer der Universität Leipzig e. V.
IBAN: DE98 8608 0000 0118 7867 00
BIC: DRESDEFF860 (Commerzbank AG Leipzig)
Payment reference: Ukrainehilfe Leipzig University
The University management sent out emails to students and staff on Thursday (3 March 2022) informing them of the University’s initiatives to support Ukraine. Together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Leipzig University is also making efforts to offer Ukrainians currently studying at the University the opportunity to extend their time here. There are currently 95 Ukrainian, 225 Russian and 41 Belarusian students enrolled at Leipzig University. Further responses and information on this topic can be found in this notice.
* The University Society is recognised by the Leipzig Tax Office as a non-profit association. Donations are tax-deductible. If you would like to receive a donation receipt, just send us an email: One hundred per cent of donations to the relief fund will go directly to help. The University Society Board decides on the allocation of funds in cooperation with the Rectorate of Leipzig University. Thank you very much for your help. If you have any further questions or suggestions on ways to provide additional support, please also send an email to this email address. We are here for you.